4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2737: Transformation thinking

Void Tunnel... This area has been collapsed for quite some time.

There are many creatures trying to fix it, and some have already had this idea at the time of the collapse.

It is said that some creatures are earlier than this.

They foresee collapse before the collapse and implemented corresponding measures.

The ‘the kind of tunnel’ was born.

It is said to have the ability to focus on plastic void tunnels and to directly manufacture a variety of tunneling creatures.

It stores a large amount of information on tunnel organisms and can restore some of the ecology of the virtual tunnel at any time.

Because the void tunnel is too large, it has no way to record all the creatures... but at least a lot of biological data is recorded.

At the same time, it has a more interesting ability to let the creatures close to it think about it.

The kind of tunnel itself does not have the ability to think, but it affects many creatures close to it, such as thin lines.

The creatures that are close to it will slowly learn about the specific conditions of the tunnel through contact with the tunnel.

Then these creatures will become the kind of tunnel... thinking.

They can control part of the manufacturing system inside the tunnel, but these creatures usually don't hurt the tunnel.

Because the creature that becomes the thinking of the tunnel will think about the tunnel, that is... will try to help it accomplish its purpose.

But these creatures will continue to maintain their original thinking.

For example, the thin line will use the ability of the tunnel to help the thin line world do all kinds of things.

If they are acquired by some individual creatures, they may use the kind of tunnel to dominate their race.

In short, the kind of tunnel does not completely control the creatures that are close to it, but rather a kind of ... similar cooperation.

This feeling... very gentle, this is very rare, usually this kind of thing should be directly controlled by the creature.

However, this is also the 'lifestyle' of the tunnel.

In fact, before the contact with the thin line, the tunnel was exposed to many other species and “cooperated” with various species.

In the past, many species that cooperated with the tunnels were killed by other species, but ... they did not destroy the tunnel, but used it as a trophy for their own use.

The kind of tunnel... so it has been 'lived' until now, until now it is found by thin lines and controlled by thin lines.

The death battleship is currently shifting this state.

Before... A large number of small ships disintegrated the ray to disintegrate the outer skin of the tunnel, and then hang it on the wound.

Their behavior is actually a transfer of thinking.

Because now the tunnel is made of thin lines for thinking... And the practice of the dead warship is to transfer the mind to these small ships, thus controlling the entire tunnel.

As for the thin lines, they will be lifted in the process.

The current situation... is also the thin line around telling Lin.

To be precise, they did not say to Lin, but they kept throwing dust... Protesting the death warships to do so.

And those small ships occasionally respond to them with the rays of communication, and Lin knows about these situations from their communication.

I also learned that... there are other reasons why those small ships do this.

That is, there has been no progress in the ‘remodeling of the void tunnel’ of the tunnel.

The death warship believes that this is definitely a species that includes fine lines that do not properly control the tunnel.

Or what is wrong with the kind of tunnels, they can fix the mistakes made by the tunnel... and let it start to reshape.

In the ray used for communication, the warship clearly stated that the thin line does not have the ability to control the kind of tunnel...

Therefore, the thin line is not qualified to continue to control the kind of tunnel, so the dead warship will be forced to take control here.

But they also said that they will continue to fulfill their promise, that is, to send the thin line world to a safe place.

It is said that the death battleships...or those captains seem to be very good on the thin line, and Lin is still not clear about the exact reasons.

At the same time, the death battleship also discussed some other things.

For example, there is a world of 'smoothness' that is now attacking the thin line.

The warship said that the world is afraid.

They are afraid of the birth of miracle creatures, so they stop.

But their ability to block is limited. They squeeze from far away to continually erode the world, but the process is very slow, and they can definitely move the thin-line world to a safe place before that.

It is said that when the thin line gathers the power of miraculous sanctions, it almost completes the steps of miracle biological recovery.

So they immediately came out to stop it.

But the warships did not say at all what they came from.

After explaining all of this, the thin line seems to have become less like a protest.

But they are still very dissatisfied with the behavior of the dead warships... However, they have no good idea.

If they want to survive the erosion, they must rely on the help of the death warship.

After the explanation is completed, these small ships continue their ‘thinking shift’.

Although there seems to be no change in appearance, it is known that the control of the entire tunnel is slowly being peeled off from the dust that is continuously spilled from these thin lines.

It seems that this feeling is very uncomfortable for thin lines, so they are still constantly complaining about the dust.

But their protests certainly have no effect.

But Lynn can take advantage of this opportunity to test these small ships that are shifting their minds.

Now Lin has let a large number of micro-arms float on these small ships and look for places to get in.

But these small ships obviously don't have the gap to get in. But Lynn doesn't have to get in.

If you can't get in, Lynn can use these mini-arms to make a 'positioning'.

Then, through the mirror of the bus, a lot of transmitted energy is collected at this position, so that the place is carefully detected by transmitting the perception.

With mini-arms to locate, Lin found that the perceived things are much more clear than when they were not. This kind of perception can accurately ... perceive the area around the arms, even cell-sized objects can be found.

Because it is not affected by obstacles, Lin can also detect various structures in the battleship.

This kind of small ship is very similar to what Lin has seen before, but there are some differences.

That is, they have prepared a kind of...the seemingly interesting creature to use as a kind of tunnel.

This creature is not a coagulating creature, but a creature that seems to be a void tunnel.

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