4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2741: Dissipated world


The light in the void is flashing, and a reef full of barnacles appears in front of Lynn's mirror of the bus.

Here is some space in the void.

That is, the location where the 'flute-like miracle sanctions' originally existed.

Because of the departure of the phoenix and the destruction of miraculous sanctions, it has become a place that is very suitable for Lin as a 'base'.

After the miracle sanctions were ruined, the thin line no longer ignored the pieces of miraculous sanctions, and Lynn collected the pieces.

Especially the miracle that is one kilometer in diameter.

To be precise, it is a country with many creatures built into it.

Now Lin has thrown it and other pieces of miraculous sanctions into the space where the flute sanctions were.

Because the transmission energy of the mirror of the bus is not enough to transmit, so Lin prepared another... bus service to transmit.

At present, Lin has integrated these pieces with the original things in this space and created a... water tank.

The water tank has a length, width and height of about ten kilometers. The outer shell is made of pieces that have been sanctioned by various miracles.

The interior is filled with water from the thin-line world, and there are also some creatures from the thin-line world.

At the same time, Lin is still putting more creatures and increasing the water tank, but Lin feels that it may not save much.

The world of thin lines is about to be destroyed.

A huge black disc is now somewhere in the thin line world.

All the sea water, and everything in the sea, is pouring into the disc quickly.

Nothing can be avoided.

So Lynn decided to save some of the creatures inside, including those that were transformed by thin lines, and some native species.

Some interesting information can be obtained from them... Lin can find something about them that calms the world.

At the same time, these creatures themselves are also interesting, so Lynn decided to let them survive.

Although there is not much to survive, even if Lynn tries to save them, there is no way to create too big a place.

Because this water tank is not an ordinary water tank, Lin has put some bus organs and various devices inside to stabilize the environment.

Every time the water tank is enlarged, it is necessary to readjust the environment. There is no way for Lin to create a water tank that contains all the creatures before the world is destroyed.

However, Lynn does not want to save the creature directly by directly attacking the dead battleship.

Because Lin wants to see what happens after the thin line of the world is destroyed... Does that calm world really matter?

So Lin is currently saving a small part, so that they may develop again in the future.

The death warships should know Lin’s actions, but they did not pay attention to them.

The dark disc is constantly being pressed against the center of the ocean, and Lin finds it continues to expand in addition to constantly absorbing everything around it.

Lin continued to make more micro-arms and let them be sucked into the dark disc.

There are a lot of thin lines in addition to the original things in the sea.

Some of these thin lines are dead, but some have survived.

I can know this because Lin has purposely made many micro-arms stick to these thin lines.

When the thin line is drawn into the disc, Lynn's mini-arms will follow them... to somewhere.

A part of the thin line is transmitted to a place where it can survive.

This place...should be inside Mead.

But here is not a solidified environment, it is an environment similar to normal void.

But it is not as cold as the ordinary void... In fact, the state of the environment here is very much like the thin line world.

Just no water.

All the thin lines that have survived are floating in this place... They all seem to be in doubt and panic.

Now if they are here for too long, they will... die, and there is no other way to die.

But Lynn feels that there should be something like the captain class to take care of them.

However, Lin found that the thin line did not just come to this place, but some thin lines went to a farther place.

That is the location of the 'calm world'.

But these thin lines are not inside the calm world, but in the void around it.

Most of the thin lines that live in the sea cannot be directly exposed to the void, so they die immediately.

Although there are also kinds of thin lines that can be used in the void, these are almost none of them in the sea.

But Lin's mini-arms survived and could carefully observe the world that Lynn called the 'quiet world'.

It looks... really calm.

It is a vast ocean similar to the thin-line world, but Lynn is now seeing such information.

But the environment around this calm world... doesn't look too calm.

You can see everywhere... wreckage.

It seems that there are some large aircraft, and there are things like space stations, which are densely populated around the world.

There are also some wrecks like creatures, which reminds Lin of... the ruins of the Nether Empire.

Obviously this world is actually a very dangerous place.

But since there are so many wrecks and ruins, Lin feels that she can make something bigger to look at it carefully.

Although I don’t know if this calm world has already ‘distorted’ all the places around it.

In short, it doesn't matter if you try it.

Lin thought about starting to let the micro-arms spread out to the surrounding ruins and trying to find materials to construct new arms.

Although Lin can also move the mirror of the bus to observe here, it is still far away from the thin line world.

The use of the bus mirror itself requires a few pompons to stay up late.

And Lin didn't want to let the mirror of the bus come here, so I made it directly here.

But when Lin's miniature arms floated to the nearest floating wreck, Lin saw some... creatures are here too.

Here is the wreckage of an aircraft, the style is quite like a virtual one.

The original length should be one hundred meters, but it broke open from the middle, and the other half did not know where to go.

There are still half of the float here... You can see from the section that some creatures are moving in the ship.

It is...white star.

And there are a lot of them, and they look like the ones that Lynn saw in the way of returning home. Simply speaking, it is the type of Ershi.

There are dozens of white stars here, all of them floating in the ship, I don’t know what to do...

However, Lynn thinks that they should all be the same as the ones I saw before.

That is, the thin line... ‘made’.

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