4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2743: Desert under the sea

This world... is really calm. .

Lynn rushed into this calm ocean with a semi-destroyed aircraft not long ago...and found a wonderful thing.

Not only did it suffer any obstruction on the way to flight, even if it arrived in the world...

Did not feel any distortion effect.

Therefore, Lin let the mini-arms spread out in the water and conduct a careful investigation here.

This water area can be said to be very...clean, contains very few impurities, and of course there are no creatures.

Therefore, Lynn decided to rebuild the aircraft. Before Lin did not add the underwater movement function to the aircraft, because it may be destroyed in the process of approaching.

However, since it has not been destroyed, you can use this aircraft to explore it everywhere.

At the same time, Lin also intends to send more ... materials to modify the aircraft.

Lin made some relatively large arms in the ruins of the void, they are some one-meter-sized ... ant-shaped mechanical arms.

The role of these units is to transform the ruins of the appropriate ruins and then launch them to the surface.

Now that Lin has modified some of the pieces, it is actually adding them to the thrusters.

When Lin started the thrusters of these pieces, a large number of pieces fell to the sea of ​​the world like a meteorite rain.

This did not receive any master brain, and these fragments quickly fell into the ocean of a calm world.

Then the pieces began to move in the sea, and they all moved in the direction of the aircraft.

There were also some mechanical arms coming from the debris. After they reached the position where the aircraft was located, they began to assemble.

The new assembled aircraft is already a ship that is 100 meters long and looks like a sailboat.

Lin is deliberately making this style to explore here.

Lin uses some micro-arms as the control core of the ship, and most of the other parts are all mechanical structures.

The ship moved quickly toward the depths of the sea floor, while moving Lin was also detecting the surrounding environment.

There really isn't any creature here, or there aren't any creatures that can be easily observed, and there aren't any... wonderful effects around.

Nothing like the power of the control is here, this ocean feels very normal.

Even after Lin sailed a depth of almost 10,000 meters.

Compared with the world of thin lines, it is like a desert in the water. Lin thinks maybe they may have retreated here.

When the death warships attack the thin line world, perhaps they are not just retreating in the thin-line world.

Even gave up this peaceful world... fled to somewhere else.

This is indeed possible, after all, the death warships will likely follow this place.

But are they really necessary... afraid of a dead warship?

When Lin thought about it, the ship sailed to the seabed.

It is indeed like a desert, it looks like an endless... Baishahai.

But there are some special things here. Every 100 meters or so, there is a floating ball of light that emits light.

These light spheres are all 10 meters in diameter, and their brilliance illuminates the original dark sea floor.

So, Lin immediately let the ship sail to a light ball, and then opened the gate from the bottom of the ship.

Ten one-meter-long ant-type arms were swam in the middle of the gate to the vicinity of the light ball, and it began to be carefully investigated.

This light ball...

It's actually a thing like a light bulb, and its technical level is similar to that of a virtual person.

There is a pipe at the bottom of the ball, and the pipe extends all the way to the gravel below. There is a big bottom under the pipe... It can be said that it is a 'battery box' that supplies energy to the ball.

It seems that this is not a special creature, just a mechanical device.

But what's more interesting is that it still has special creatures.

It is... white star.

After examining multiple light balls, Lin found that they all had a white star inside.

This white star is in a place similar to the ‘life compartment’ and is completely isolated from the outside world.

Although Lin's mini-arms still found the direction to drill in.

At the same time, Lynn also found that the internal structure of these white stars is slowly changing.

Their body structure is mainly adapted to the virtual environment, including the skin that can resist all kinds of dangerous things in the void, and the internal cell structure is also designed according to the void activity.

The same is true of the white stars in the ball. And started a careful investigation of it.

This light ball...

It's actually a thing like a light bulb, and its technical level is similar to that of a virtual person.

There is a pipe at the bottom of the ball, and the pipe extends all the way to the gravel below. There is a big bottom under the pipe... It can be said that it is a 'battery box' that supplies energy to the ball.

It seems that this is not a special creature, just a mechanical device.

But what's more interesting is that it still has special creatures.

It is... white star.

After examining multiple light balls, Lin found that they all had a white star inside.

This white star is in a place similar to the ‘life compartment’ and is completely isolated from the outside world.

Although Lin's mini-arms still found the direction to drill in.

At the same time, Lynn also found that the internal structure of these white stars is slowly changing.

Their body structure is mainly adapted to the virtual environment, including the skin that can resist all kinds of dangerous things in the void, and the internal cell structure is also designed according to the void activity.

The same is true of the white stars in the ball. And started a careful investigation of it.

This light ball...

It's actually a thing like a light bulb, and its technical level is similar to that of a virtual person.

There is a pipe at the bottom of the ball, and the pipe extends all the way to the gravel below. There is a big bottom under the pipe... It can be said that it is a 'battery box' that supplies energy to the ball.

It seems that this is not a special creature, just a mechanical device.

But what's more interesting is that it still has special creatures.

It is... white star.

After examining multiple light balls, Lin found that they all had a white star inside.

This white star is in a place similar to the ‘life compartment’ and is completely isolated from the outside world.

Although Lin's mini-arms still found the direction to drill in.

At the same time, Lynn also found that the internal structure of these white stars is slowly changing.

Their body structure is mainly adapted to the virtual environment, including the skin that can resist all kinds of dangerous things in the void, and the internal cell structure is also designed according to the void activity.

The same is true of the white stars in the ball.

But what's more interesting is that it still has special

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