4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2749: Space for travel

"So, because the void becomes more and more dangerous, our world will take us to a new safe place."

"Because there is no meaning in mind, please let the people continue to live the life of the past."


"These creatures... are too easy to reach the limit, but this time it's a little different, so I decided to take them there."

In a vast space, Ershi and Lin are making the final adjustments.

Adjustments to the device for moving the space.

The device looks like an island from the outside. It is more than three hundred meters in diameter and is located at the 'bottom' of this space.

As for the whole space, it is a place that is bigger than Birsh. If you fly out of Ershi, you can move about 10,000 kilometers to touch the edge of the space. This space is made after many adjustments by Lin and Ershi... of.

In addition, there are some... adjustment devices, plus Ershi's own, can keep the surface environment normal.

Ershi people can adapt to normal.

The Inca group is almost separated...the total number of billions.

Some of them are in the desert and some jungles of Ershi, and some are to be hovering next to Ershi... they themselves use a large space-like space station in a worm-shaped space station.

However, in addition to the Inca group, some of the space stations of the Ershi people are floating around Ershi.

Well, it seems that it is now possible to start the journey.

In fact, Lin also wants to let the world of pompoms travel, but the world of pompoms can still stay here first. Let’s see how this space movement effect will be.

Because the space mobile device is still not sure what effect it will play, Lin has generally tested it.

It can change the 'position' of the space, but this change is somewhat different from the usual movement.

To be precise, let the space continue... to connect further afield and modify its entrance coordinates in the normal void.

As for whether the space itself has a ‘movement’ in the usual sense, it is hard to say.

All the space moves like this, but the actual feeling is similar to the real movement. After all, when a space... is connected to a certain position, it can be detected with some related organs or devices at that position. The space...closes or leaves.

This is a very wonderful feeling.

The final adjustment.

Adjustments to the device for moving the space.

The device looks like an island from the outside. It is more than three hundred meters in diameter and is located at the 'bottom' of this space.

As for the whole space, it is a place that is bigger than Birsh. If you fly out of Ershi, you can move about 10,000 kilometers to touch the edge of the space. This space is made after many adjustments by Lin and Ershi... of.

In addition, there are some... adjustment devices, plus Ershi's own, can keep the surface environment normal.

Ershi people can adapt to normal.

The Inca group is almost separated...the total number of billions.

Some of them are in the desert and some jungles of Ershi, and some are to be hovering next to Ershi... they themselves use a large space-like space station in a worm-shaped space station.

However, in addition to the Inca group, some of the space stations of the Ershi people are floating around Ershi.

Well, it seems that it is now possible to start the journey.

In fact, Lin also wants to let the world of pompoms travel, but the world of pompoms can still stay here first. Let’s see how this space movement effect will be.

Because the space mobile device is still not sure what effect it will play, Lin has generally tested it.

It can change the 'position' of the space, but this change is somewhat different from the usual movement.

To be precise, let the space continue... to connect further afield and modify its entrance coordinates in the normal void.

As for whether the space itself has a ‘movement’ in the usual sense, it is hard to say.

All the space moves like this, but the actual feeling is similar to the real move, after all, when a space... is connected to a position, at that position

To be precise, let the space continue... to connect further afield and modify its entrance coordinates in the normal void.

As for whether the space itself has a ‘movement’ in the usual sense, it is hard to say.

All the space moves like this, but the actual feeling is similar to the real movement. After all, when a space... is connected to a certain position, it can be detected with some related organs or devices at that position. The space...closes or leaves.

The final adjustment.

Adjustments to the device for moving the space.

The device looks like an island from the outside. It is more than three hundred meters in diameter and is located at the 'bottom' of this space.

As for the whole space, it is a place that is bigger than Birsh. If you fly out of Ershi, you can move about 10,000 kilometers to touch the edge of the space. This space is made after many adjustments by Lin and Ershi... of.

In addition, there are some... adjustment devices, plus Ershi's own, can keep the surface environment normal.

Ershi people can adapt to normal.

The Inca group is almost separated...the total number of billions.

Some of them are in the desert and some jungles of Ershi, and some are to be hovering next to Ershi... they themselves use a large space-like space station in a worm-shaped space station.

However, in addition to the Inca group, some of the space stations of the Ershi people are floating around Ershi.

Well, it seems that it is now possible to start the journey.

In fact, Lin also wants to let the world of pompoms travel, but the world of pompoms can still stay here first. Let’s see how this space movement effect will be.

Because the space mobile device is still not sure what effect it will play, Lin has generally tested it.

It can change the 'position' of the space, but this change is somewhat different from the usual movement.

To be precise, let the space continue... to connect further afield and modify its entrance coordinates in the normal void.

As for whether the space itself has a ‘movement’ in the usual sense, it is hard to say.

All the space moves like this, but the actual feeling is similar to the real movement. After all, when a space... is connected to a certain position, it can be detected with some related organs or devices at that position. The space...closes or leaves.

This is a very wonderful feeling.

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