4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2760: Abandoned creature

Already... too late. .

The bones discovered that the group of 'isolated creatures' that had been communicating with them was actually the evolution of the abandoned field creatures... and immediately prepared to destroy the group of creatures.

But ‘God’ has already taken action one step earlier.

After all, ‘God’ used to be a bone, and it has long been expected that its peers will have this reaction.

There were just a lot of creatures scattered in the kingdom of bones, and it immediately let these creatures attack the city of bones.

Every creature has the ability to blew itself, which has caused a lot of casualties to the bones, but this is only the first step.

Next, it is a comprehensive war.

Faced with the joint attacks of all bone kingdoms, this group of creatures does not seem to have a chance to win, but in fact they have a great chance of winning.

‘God’ thinks so, because bone civilization lacks destructive weapons.

They do not have any weapons to kill the creatures in the abandoned field on a large scale.

Even if all the kingdoms emptied the ammunition depot and fired all the weapons to the abandoned field... there would be a lot of places that were not taken care of.

The abandoned field is such a huge place. Since the earliest bones have been discarded here, the abandoned field has witnessed the prosperity and weakness of many kingdoms. It is much larger than any bone kingdom.

Of course, the resources contained in it are also the same, and a large amount of waste can be reused.

Then a war of attrition began.

Although all kingdoms immediately decided to jointly destroy this group of creatures, they did not make the best efforts at first, but only sent a part of the troops to deal with the target.

After all, they are also competitors, and they don't want to be seen by other kingdoms.

Therefore, when they throw a group of soldiers and a batch of missiles into the abandoned field, they can effectively kill the abandoned field creatures.

In fact, during the battle, well-trained bone soldiers can easily kill abandoned farm creatures.

But the amount of discarded creatures... is endless, they can be easily propagated, and the bodies of the same kind, the bones of the bones, can be used for food.

Moreover, they are constantly inventing new weapons, such as some 'toxic gases' against bones, which were successively manufactured during the war.

The original abandoned creatures used the vast area of ​​the abandoned field to circumvent the bone soldiers and slowly eroded the troops with weapons such as poison gas. Even if the troops established a stronghold in the abandoned field, they would be constantly harassed. Destroyed.

These 'toxic gases' are actually some corrosive substances that can easily corrode the outer shell of the bone.

Using a variety of 'despicable' tactics, it is difficult for the bones to advance into the depths of the abandoned field.

As for their bombing with long-range missiles, it feels that it has no effect at all, because after the bombing, the troops will come here to still have a lot of creatures.

In fact, they were not fried to the creatures, but the number of creatures that were killed was quickly added back.

Even if there is no supplement to ‘God’, it will immediately transfer more creatures from other places, making this bombing seem meaningless.

The casualties of the bones have also become larger and larger, and all kingdoms are slowly beginning to realize that they cannot be reserved.

Otherwise the entire civilization will be destroyed.

But when they found themselves trying to destroy the abandoned field creatures, they started... panic.

And ‘God’ is very proud at this time. It’s so simple to destroy a civilization... It’s so thought.

If the bones noticed the location of the ‘God’ at that time, destroying it with all efforts would end the war.

However, the bones do not know that there is such a 'God' commanding them here.

If this continues, the bone civilization will slowly be destroyed.

However, something special happened at this time.

‘God’ has continued to perfect its twisting device during the war, and it has assembled a device similar to the previous one.

But it found that this device... can continue to improve.

It can assemble the device into a new height that is even stronger than before, and it has found a little.

That is its evolution... the last.

The ‘God’ has been continually evolving, and it has many new abilities, including some wonderful abilities.

But it found that its ultimate goal of evolution was to turn itself into a twisting device.

That is to say, its body structure will merge with the current twisting device to make itself into the device itself.

This way it can completely use all the twisting capabilities of the device, and it can really start to distort things outside the creature.

It's the highest with this evolution, and that's it... It feels very excited after discovering this.

It immediately began the process of integrating your body and device.

In fact, it doesn't need to do anything, just need to put your body and device together... and the whole process will be done automatically.

Its body will discard the outer casing and then drill a hole in the surface of the device.

Then its body will slowly merge with the structure inside.

This is completely...automatically running, as long as its body evolves to some extent and then twists together with the twisting device to trigger this behavior.

Of course, in the process of integration, its consciousness is completely comatose.

Therefore, in order to prevent the situation before the fusion, it used the aircraft to send itself and the device out of the abandoned field, and drifted into the distant void to avoid what happened.

At the same time, it also manufactures many small twisting devices.

That is, the 'data ball'.

It gave these data **** to the abandoned creatures that are still fighting, and selected some creatures to be the leader.

It tells the leader to use a data ball to distort them whenever a group of newborns are born.

The specific approach is to let the data ball explode in a place where a large number of newborns gather.

This allows their new generation to continue to be distorted to evolve stronger capabilities.

Because the reproduction of abandoned farm creatures is similar to... egg creatures.

They put the eggs in the 'hatchery' episode, and every time a large number of newborns hatch, they explode one of these data **** in the hatchery.

But in fact, the data ball did not allow these creatures to continue to evolve, in fact, the evolution of these creatures has long since ceased.

But they also have enough strength and intelligence to fight the bones.

Some, just let ‘God’ continue to let them maintain the worship of ‘God’ after they leave.

Because it is afraid that after leaving for a long time, this group of creatures will forget it.

It is useless to record the existence of ‘God’. It uses the power of distortion to continue to engrave itself into the consciousness of these creatures.

It did not say why the data ball was used for one-time use, but it said that the data **** had been calculated at the time and could be used at the end of the war.

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