4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2762: New ideas

The ‘God’ is unconscious when it is initially integrated with the twisting device.

This has a bit of an insect-like '蛹' process.

It slowly disintegrates its body and then refactors to turn itself into a new creature.

However, throughout the process... almost halfway through, it restored its ‘consciousness’.

‘God’ suddenly woke up and found himself in the dark.

Although it has regained consciousness, because the integration process has not been completed, it may just complete the part of the 'brain' to make it aware. It has no senses and does not know the surrounding situation.

At the same time, its character... has also changed a lot.

Originally, although its character is different from what it used to be as a bone, it is still a kind of ‘personality, selfishness’.

It wants to be a distorted spokesperson, not to share it with other creatures, but it also wants to control a large number of distorted creatures and direct them.

So it has never wanted to distort the same kind, it fears that the bones of the same kind will have the same ability.

But now, its ideas have changed, and there is no such selfish feeling.

It believes that everything should be distorted and acted according to the prescribed ... route, no matter what creature.

It immediately decided to distort the bones of the same kind, instead of killing them.

Then use them to spread the distortion and extend the distortion to all creatures and things in the void.

Everything has to be acted upon in accordance with the rules set.

It has no such selfish ideas in the past, but has become a more purely distorted scatterer, although it seems that this does not make much difference.

But at least it believes that bone civilizations should not be destroyed, but that they should be distorted. The purpose of living now is to make more distortions.

After a while, ‘God’ found that he had some sensory abilities.

This perception allows it to directly feel...the location of the abandoned creatures.

As long as it is an abandoned creature that worships it, it can feel it, because the abandoned creatures almost worship it, so it can be said to be able to feel all the abandoned creatures.

At the same time, it can also feel the thoughts of these creatures, but only those few leaders can be felt.

This seems to be because several leaders often carry the relationship of data balls.

So it quickly noticed that a leader was caught.

It can also pass on its own ideas to these leaders, and it immediately tells the leader to let it tell the bones of God.

It is now going to let the bones know what happened and want to let the bones investigate the source of the distortion.

Of course, the source refers not to the twisting device. After all, it is still afraid that the bone will destroy it when it finds the twisting device.

It mainly wants the bones to investigate the data **** it left behind.

The data ball itself is also a kind of... small twisting device, they can also cause some distortion effects.

God wants to cause 'infection' on the bones through the data ball, and slowly distorts them.

Indeed, as God thought, although the leader suddenly said that various things made the bones feel very strange, but they still began to investigate in this direction ... and found the data ball.

In the description of the leader, the data **** are the things that God has left for them, and the source of their 'evolutionary power'.

The bones also found in the study that the data **** are indeed a very unusual thing, so they also began to investigate in this regard.

As for the war, it is still going on, but it is hard to end from the almost end of the original.

Because God began to order abandoned creatures to slow down the attack and give them a chance to rest on the bones.

Because of this, it is the idea of ​​biology that differs from God.

Although God himself has no intention of destroying the entire bone civilization, it is distorting them.

But some of the abandoned creatures... do not agree.

They originally worshipped God extremely, and when they were teaching them, they described the bones as extremely... evil opponents.

In short, all the abandoned creatures aim to kill the bones.

Now, God suddenly let them slow down the attack, just delaying the war... which makes them feel very strange.

Abandoned creatures did not give up worship of God, but they felt that this order was not made by God.

After all, God does not directly command them, but command the chiefs, and then let these leaders command the creatures.

Some creatures have questioned this very contrasting command... They feel that the leader may have betrayed God.

They feel that these leaders may have their own ideas after directing habits and do not want to act according to God's will.

Originally abandoned creatures did not doubt this concept, because there has never been a suspicion of the same kind in their populations, and all they know is to obey God's commands to do anything.

But suddenly there are a lot of abandoned creatures that have doubts about this idea... this is mainly caused by bones.

Many elite teams of bones have found many hatcheries in the abandoned field. The hatchery itself is very large and it is very difficult to destroy.

But they found that ... the abandoned creatures in the hatchery are all 'catalyzed' by something like 'drugs'.

They don't grow fast, and they don't have knowledge of themselves during the growth process.

Therefore, when abandoned organisms hatch, they will be rapidly grown with some special 'drugs', and there will be corresponding devices in the growth... devices will inject knowledge into them.

These creatures are born with great worship to God, but without knowledge they will not act.

The earliest hatcheries were built very secretly, not as conspicuous as they are now... so the bones have not been found.

And now they decided to use some methods... to modify these devices that inject knowledge.

Originally they wanted to blow up these devices, but the bones felt that they would soon make new ones. It’s better to find a way... adjust the knowledge inside. If you can produce some abnormal individuals, then you should Can cause some damage to abandoned creatures.

But think about it in such a way that it doesn't seem to be very big, but it should be useful than blowing it up.

Then they tried to modify it.

When the elite team secretly sneaked into the hatchery, they... found the data ball in a room in the hatchery.

They also received orders at the time, saying that they found the ball to be brought back.

So they also decided to bring back the ball... but when a player touched the ball, the ball exploded.

Because the data ball exploded, the elite team was quickly discovered and killed.

It was only after that... The new generations produced by the hatchery all had the ‘suspicion’ emotion.

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