4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2769: Last living thing

Abandoned field, and the kingdom of bones...

They are now covered by a doomsday scene, and the phenomenon of 'mixing' from solidifying voids continues to occur everywhere.


Even in such an environment, there is a group of abandoned creatures struggling to survive.

They have been avoiding the catastrophic disasters everywhere, and constantly saving the remaining resources and living a difficult life in the destruction.

The main reason they can persist is because they believe that their gods are not dead, and sooner or later they will come to save them.

Sooner or later, it will make everything here... stable.

After a period of time, suddenly there was an abandoned creature leader who said that it... felt the call of God.


When I heard about this news, all the abandoned creatures were very excited, and they thought they could get rid of their current life.

The leader tells them that the call of God is from the whirlpool and must enter the vortex to see God.

Whirlpools are a very common catastrophe. They are usually about a hundred meters in diameter. When they appear, they produce a huge amount of gravity and devour a lot of material around them.

For this statement, many abandoned creatures have a skeptical mood, but this leader has no doubt that they are ignorant, because it is the first to rush into the whirlpool.

Did it see God in the end... No one knows.

Then, a lot of abandoned creatures followed it into the whirlpool. After the leader, there were more and more creatures entering the vortex, and most of the abandoned biological population disappeared into the vortex.

In the end, there are only a handful of unbelievers, but the longer the hard life in a disaster lasts, the more they feel...

Maybe they didn't make any sense to stay so dead, so they finally entered the whirlpool.

So, the abandoned creatures... are so extinct.

But maybe they are not really extinct, maybe the abandoned creatures that entered the vortex have entered the condensed void and survived.

But in any case, after that, no more abandoned creatures appeared on the abandoned fields where they used to live.

However, abandoned fields and bone kingdoms are not without creatures.

In fact, there is the last batch of bones... survived.

They are not the bones that were hidden in the battleship, but a group of bones that have acquired primordial diseases.

Many of the bones were originally infected with the original disease to deal with the abandoned creatures, and of course the abandoned creatures also noticed this.

When abandoned creatures know, they will deliberately avoid areas with primordial bones, and they don't like to kill primordial bones because they feel so boring.

They like to kill normal bones, so after they discover that the bones in a certain area are infected with the original disease... they don't want to attack there.

This also led to a number of primordial bones survived this war.

Then... was involved in this disaster.

The primordial bones live almost entirely on the 'instinct', and they are constantly searching for food and avoiding disasters.

And their senses are much more sensitive than normal bones, so they can better avoid various disasters and survive the disaster.

These bones have not been infected by the original disease.

At some point, these bones begin to slowly get rid of the original disease and return to normal bones.

I don't know why, but I may have touched something to make them normal again.

Generally speaking, if all the bones are all primitive, then their offspring are all primitive and should not be normal, but the original bones that live in the disaster have become normal.

After normal, they quickly thought... they should escape this terrible disaster environment.

When they are normalized, they are only a small amount left.

After all, living in a disaster environment, their number has been decreasing...

The remaining small batch of bones decided to leave here immediately... but they couldn't find any suitable aircraft at the time.

To be precise, there is no aircraft that still keeps intact and can take them away.

And there are disasters everywhere, they can't travel through the airports of all kingdoms to investigate whether there are aircraft to open.

In desperation... they found a special building that miraculously remained intact.

This building is a building that can be said to be a 'biological weapons breeding ground.'

The war with abandoned creatures has led to the development of bones and many weapons, and of course biological weapons.

The thorny group is a kind of emptiness creature discovered by the bone civilization. This creature has a similar diet and bones, and generally lives in the void for a long time.

The bones once captured them and used them as war creatures.

The bones have produced some 'catalysts' that can ripen a thorny group of cubs in a short time to reach the state of the year.

The bones also found that the equipment in this cultivation site was not damaged, and there were also stored cubs inside.

So... they immediately started the device and cooked a lot of pups in a short time.

They adjust everything to the fastest speed.

This allows the thorns group to grow to more than a dozen pompons in the day and night, which of course consumes all the energy in the field.

Of course, they don't care so much, but during this period there was no disaster around the cultivation field.

When the thorns grow up, if they don't impose any restrictions, they will float to the sky.

The remaining small batch of bones left the catastrophic kingdom with a thorny group.

Going forward to the sky...

They also prepared some 'sleeping bins' for themselves. These things like freezing devices can keep them in the long-term... a state that consumes almost no energy, and can make sleep when it detects nearby edible substances. Wake up.

As a result, these bones ride on the thorns in a dormant state, drifting toward the void.

They didn't wake up until resources appeared.

And began to reshape their ... civilization.

What Lin knows is a bit different, that is, these bones have always wanted to reshape their civilization.

Special time is the time to live in the void.

Until some time...

This group of bones had the opportunity to return to their own civilized country, and they canceled this idea.

Instead, I want to gain the power of ‘God’ to evolve myself.

What Lin knows is a bit different, that is, these bones have always wanted to reshape their civilization.

Special time is the time to live in the void.

Until some time...

This group of bones had the opportunity to return to their own civilized country, and they canceled this idea.

Instead, I want to gain the power of ‘God’ to evolve myself.

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