4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2771: Reinventing civilization?

"It would be like this..."

Here is the place in the void that used to be an abandoned field.

Although this place seems to be a void on the surface...

But actually there are a lot of special things hidden.

For example, Lin is now encountering this... God's avatar.

‘God’ released a lot of avatars before it was destroyed, such as the one that Lynn saw before in the diamond pile.

There is also this... a avatar that appears in front.

It looks interesting, its shape is like a large group of bones, that is, a pile of more than ten meters in diameter.

This pile of bones floats in the void of the abandoned field, and the moment God sees it, it also floats in the direction of God.

Then these two began to communicate... Lynn can learn all the content of their communication in the dream of White Star.

From the bones here, ‘God’ knows that it is actually not a ‘God’ but a avatar.

It was very uncomfortable to know the news... but because of curiosity, it kept talking to the bones... and asked a lot of information.

The bone pile itself is also the body of God, but it is a bit special.

That is, after it was launched, it did not touch any nutrients... just drifting in the void.

It seems to be somewhere in the ruins of the abandoned farm.

Since it has not been exposed to nutrients, it has not grown, but is in a dormant state that can be called a 'seed'.

At the same time, it is also wonderfully not destroyed by various disasters, so it has been alive until the end of the disaster.

Then it woke up because of the bones.

Those bones that left with the thorns and then returned to investigate here... In fact, the avatars of God are not only attached to the nutrients that do not move to grow.

It grows on living bones, like parasitic.

This group of bones was exposed to a part of the ‘seed’ state somewhere in the abandoned field. This avatar is actually very small, and the seed state is only a few centimeters in size.

The bones may have been taken away after discovering it and thinking that it is special or something else.

As a result, it parasitizes on a certain bone and slowly erodes the internal structure of the bone from its interior and controls its brain.

After this, this avatar does not have the ‘God’ thinking.

It is similar to other avatars. There is no ‘God’ memory and thinking until it is fully grown.

However, it has a special memory, that is... the memory of the bone that is parasitized by it.

But it didn't feel that it was this bone. It knew that the bone itself had been eaten by it. It was a monster that replaced it...the monster.

So, it continues to do so.

Because it knows that it wants to get food to grow, it then attacks other bones.

But it is not casually attacked, but a member of the bones disguised as a bone, mixed into the bone group.

So it also witnessed how the bones were destroyed...the whole place.

The number of bones that lived in the thorns was not much, but they began to proliferate quickly after they came back.

Because they also found a lot of resources in the ruins, they intend to use these resources to quickly rebuild their kingdom.

So the bones were chosen to rebuild the civilization at the position where the original warship was destroyed.

The reason for choosing that location is because I feel that there is a commemorative value here, and that this location is particularly empty.

Unlike other places where there are too many debris floating around, there is no debris here.

Of course, it would be better to choose them in the void outside.

At that time, the avatars were mixed into the bones of this group of reconstructed civilizations. It found that although they could eat ordinary food, they were the growth of materials like diamonds.

But it still wants to eat other bones.

Because it finds that it eats other bones to get their memories, it is very interested in it.

So it often sneak attacks when other bones are placed, kill them and eat them.

Initially it was not discovered, because the entire ruin was too much to hide, and at that time the bones had to rebuild civilization and must collect resources everywhere, so the possibility of placing orders was too high.

And even if it is not a single order, a small team of bones can be resolved.

Later, the bones had to be noticed because of the frequent disappearances, but they were mainly suspected of having abandoned creatures that were still alive in the ruins.

There is no doubt about the body.

Even though the bones have become more alert, it is difficult to deal with.

During that period, the bones also built some buildings in the ruins, slowly forming a small city.

But the disaster has happened again.

The main reason is that this group of bones is very interested in...the battleships of the past.

They don't actually know that the disaster is caused by the warships. They just know that the warship should eventually be destroyed by abandoned creatures.

After all, when it was built, it was besieged by abandoned creatures and there was no chance to take off.

They have always felt that this is a great pity, and they also feel that this warship is the greatest creation.

If it can be fully activated, it will definitely destroy the abandoned creatures.

So some bones have been researching and wanting to make warships.

Of course they don't have the ability to make such a huge warship now, but it seems...

They have succeeded in creating something... related to warships, but they don’t know what it is.

In short, it believes that the study of this group of bones led to the recurrence of the disaster.

It is also possible that they have affected the construction of the building where the battleship was destroyed...

At that time, the same disaster as before was happening again, and all kinds of dramatic changes appeared in the ruins, destroying everything around.

And this group of bones also fled everywhere in panic.

The avatar took the opportunity to attack the bones that escaped. It successfully captured a lot of bones and grew into...

Now this is like a pile of bones piled together.

Of course, many bones managed to escape, and they flew back on the aircraft...the location of the original thorny group.

The thorns have been floating on the edge of the ruins, and now they have taken the thorns again...

And once again escaped to the depths of the void.

The avatars that have grown into bones have not escaped with them.

It continued to stay in the abandoned field and witnessed... the disappearance of this place.

At the same time it also witnessed something else.

For example, those bones still want to come back.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: mobile phone address:

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