4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2777: Large creature

It turned out to be...

It seems that this is only a small part of that creature.

Not long ago, Lin grabbed a creature from a small space... much like a giant bone.

The method of grabbing it is also relatively simple, in fact, it is the gravitational control of Ershi.

Lin, the pompom that broke into the space, also has some bus organs. It can match Ershi and guide Ershi's gravity here, thus dragging the inside target out.

Even if the target has some strange protective ability, it does not seem to have any resistance to gravity.

When she was dragged outside the normal void, Lin found that the protective ability of the big bone disappeared, and then... Lin could wrap the fluff and carefully test it.

Lynn found that this huge bone itself is not directly related to those small bones.

It is another... but Lynn is also a familiar creature.

It is a 'fine line creature'.

This huge bone has a lot of thin lines inside, and a lot of thin wires are screwed together to form the core part of the bone.

Around the thin lines that are screwed together are a lot of soft, muscle-like structures.

These muscles are mainly to make this huge bone move, but Lin found that the main thing to build it is a large number of ... micro-units.

Their main role is to adjust the entire body by reading the nuclear information in the thin line.

The main thing about this huge bone is that it doesn't have... thinking.

Although there are a lot of thin lines inside, these thin lines have no nerve structure, and there is one whole huge bone...

Lin can be called the organ of the 'transmitter'. The main function is to send the information of the whole body while receiving other information.

In other words, it is not a creature itself, it can be regarded as a kind of unit in a creature.

Or it is part of a creature.

In short, the small space has their main brain, and this is not the main part of Lin.

But this part is still a bit useful, because Lynn can detect its organ that receives the signal.

This organ is the structure of cell biology, so Lynn can easily find some information from it.

This includes some... thinking.

This kind of thinking was transmitted when the brain commanded this huge bone, and it still remains in the receiving organs.

Some of the recent ideas have been forcibly opened for its space, as well as being surprised by Lin's pompom invasion.

Some of the earlier ideas are about abandoned creatures.

The earliest idea that Lynn could detect in this receiving organ was... it decided to return the abandoned creature to its normal void.

It used to seem to have captured a lot of abandoned creatures with solidification, and now it decided to put a part back.

The place where it was placed was originally the location of the tumbling person who found a lot of buildings in Lin.

When it was ready to do so, it was just that Lynn discovered the tumbling person and decided to take it to deal with the break point.

Immediately after the roller was sent away, it began tracking the whereabouts of the roller.

So, it quickly discovered that the tumbling person was near the break point.

This creature seems to have a strong space detection capability. It immediately noticed the nearby travel space and found that Ershi, inside, controlled the space to the tumbling.

Interestingly, at the moment it found Ersh it produced extreme ... anger.

In other words, it knows Ershi.

So it immediately produced the idea of ​​attacking Ershi.

The first step of the plan was the previous one... When Ershi repaired the space device it decided to use the device to carry out the invasion.

It is intended to release a large number of aggressive... abandoned creatures as a first strike.

That is, the abandoned creatures whose minds are still in a state of war.

This obviously has no effect, because the group of creatures are still floating around in the travel space.

They didn't go to the surface to attack the people of Ershi, and of course they didn't have any idea about the tumbling person in Ershi.

This creature is mainly intended to cause some impact when a large number of abandoned creatures appear, but they are completely ignored by Ershi.

So it is ready to adopt the second plan.

The second plan is more powerful, which is to blow up all the mobile devices in the travel space at once, and then launch a full invasion of the space.

In this invasion, it will directly destroy Ershi.

It was only when it was preparing for the second plan... Ershi first attacked and cooperated with Lin to pull out part of his body, that is, this huge bone, making its plan slightly delayed.

It is not clear next, after all, it will no longer send a signal to this bone.

Next, it should continue to attack Ershi, after all, it is very angry with Ershi.

And this should be a very powerful creature, so I feel that I have the possibility to kill Ershi.

Although it is said that according to its thinking, Lin Lin feels that its intelligence may not be so high.

Then Lin asked Ershi if he knew what it was.

Ershi said that the giant bone that light grabbed from Lin seems... there is no way to judge what it is.

But there are many possibilities, because Ershi thinks that the creatures that want to kill it should be quite a lot.

Just can't confirm which one is.

But Ersh felt it necessary to confirm, after all, is a creature that wants to kill it.

So, Ersh decided... to start a space mobile device.

Since the other party thinks that it can be invaded through the space mobile device, then deliberately launch a let it invade.

The device that Ershi started was also located in the air.

It is floating somewhere in the travel space, not on the surface of Ershi.

The shape of the device itself is quite like a castle... only 30 meters in size.

And its original role is to attract space creatures.

It can send information to the surrounding space to attract the attention of space creatures. Originally, Ershi wanted to use the device to grab some space creatures on the road.

It is also good to attract the creature that wants to attack it.

Lin also transferred some of the ... pompoms to the side of the device.

In addition to this, there is a group of Inca insects, which are more than 100 meters long.

The Inca swarm is also very interested in this matter, it wants to see what this creature is dare to attack here.

So after everything was ready, Ersh launched a space-like device like a castle.

'boom! ! ! ’

Almost at the moment of startup, the space device exploded into a pile of pieces.

At the same time, a large group of ... abandoned creatures appeared in the pieces.

This group of abandoned creatures seems to be more aggressive than before, and the moment they appear, they circle toward Lin and the insects.

At the same time, Lin also found that a considerable part of it flew directly to the surface.

It seems that it is intended to attack the Ershi people on the ground... or directly attack Ershi.

Obviously their thinking is very different from the previous ones.

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