4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2784: the study

The aggregate... is the king.

Although it doesn't feel very reliable, it actually handles a variety of things, like the kingdom's various things it handles very well.

Perhaps it is because all members of the entire royal family... are the sake of the assembly itself.

It handles all kinds of transactions more powerfully than all kings of all generations.

This even made the entire kingdom grow stronger.

However, its intent is not to make the kingdom strong.

A collection of things that have never been done, and now I decided to do something special, that is...

Study the distortion.

Aggregates have always wanted to use twisted 'power' to do something.

It was originally experimented primarily with the bodies of the members of the royal family that it controlled, because all members of the royal family were filled with thin lines.

These thin lines have no thinking ability, they are part of the aggregate, so the aggregate can control them... and use the same method, that is, the micro-arms in the thin line to read the nuclear information and transform the surrounding things.

At the earliest time it was to grab some of the criminals in the bones to experiment with them and see how different nuclear information can affect them.

Originally, there was no special idea about the collective, just simply trying to see what it would be like.

But when you get it, it gets more and more interesting.

Perhaps it is because it finds that this nuclear information seems to have endless possibilities, it may be able to transform things into any form.

As long as you study the secrets inside, it seems that you can have everything.

So it began to study more carefully... Initially it was mainly using bone tests, and later began experimenting with other things.

But because of its 'identity', it did not disclose such an experiment. The bones, like the Ershi people, think that experimenting with the same kind is a very cruel thing.

So the collective has never been able to extend its distortion test until...

It encountered a solidification void.

Solidification of the void is an unexpected event. At some point, the solidified void collides with the normal void, and in many places a solidified gap is created.

At the same time, some solidified organisms and coagulating substances also appear from these gaps.

They caused some damage to the local bones, but they were quickly defeated by the bones, and then the coagulation gap did not last long and disappeared.

Those coagulated matter and solidified organisms were taken up by the king, the aggregate.

The first thing it did was to try to use the nuclear information to transform the coagulated matter.

It also found that it could be transformed, but it did not understand what the coagulant was. After the transformation, it still did not understand what these substances were.

But the creatures are a bit different.

Some of the coagulated organisms were harmless, so they were caught alive, and most of these creatures were destroyed after being transformed.

But there is a solidified creature that does not die, and after being modified, it can communicate with the aggregate.

To be precise, it is to send out some information that it can understand.

The aggregate learned from this solidified creature that the solidified void is located, so it has a great interest in solidifying the void.

This interest is mainly based on distortion.

Because it has no way to expand the larger distortion test, it wants a test field.

Solidification void is a very suitable test site.

Because it knows from the solidified organisms, the condensed nature of the solidified void, and also knows that there are many ways... to get rid of or return to the solidified state.

It became more and more interesting at the latest, so I tried to learn more from this creature.

Everything about solidifying the void... In fact, this creature knows a lot.

But it at least knows the difference between normal void and solidified void, and it also tells the aggregate a thing.

That is, this place will sooner or later be destroyed by the collision of solidified voids and normal voids. There are still many places in this place, and the two voids will be united and become new voids.

The aggregate didn't care so much, it just had an idea at the time.

It intends to turn the entire kingdom into a emptiness.

Thus all the bones of the entire kingdom are in solidification, and it is free to pick them for experimentation.

Thus, after the collective produced this idea, it began to actively study the solidification void.

Its intelligence is much higher than the average bone, and this place is close to the solidified void, and it quickly discovers the way to enter the solidified void.

Initially it only created unstable gaps, but it slowly created a more stable gap and made a larger device.

During this time it has begun to use solidification to preserve some of the experimental bodies.

However, its biggest goal is to transfer the entire kingdom.

So it came up with a battleship plan.

Create a huge warship and transfer the entire kingdom... Of course, it also came up with a reason to say that there is a disaster or something.

Of course, the reason is not very important.

Because of the warship plan it proposed at the time, and the various details and techniques in the battleship, almost all the bones were shocked.

So they all fully support the King's plan. They think that this warship can be made to be a target of awe.

However, this plan was not successfully implemented.

Originally because the resources that the warships were consuming were too large, the overall progress was very slow.

But the main reason is that it gave up the plan itself.

Because the assembly got some new nuclear information.

Because of the long-term exposure to the clotting void, it often produces some biological or coagulating substances from there for research.

And at some point, it got some...cell biology.

These cell organisms may be solidified in the clotting emptiness. I don't know how long it is, maybe it is just right or what happened to this position... and then the aggregates are made out of the solidified void.

After discovering these cellular organisms, the aggregates immediately read their nuclear information and then performed a modification test.

It found that the nuclear information of these cellular organisms can be used to transform...itself.

In fact, it also used itself, that is, the body of some royal members to conduct a distortion test.

However, it was not possible to retrofit it with its own fine-wire nuclear information, and it can be said that there will be almost no change.

But these newly discovered bionuclear information can completely transform it into another... state.

In fact, there is not much change in appearance.

But it has a lot of new abilities inside... for example, the ability to perceive solidified voids.

In fact, its various spatial capabilities are slowly owned from this time.

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