"We have defeated them, they have failed, we live by their bodies."

"So how did you overcome them?"

"Drill in... drill inside to control them!"

Lynn and bloody... exchanged.

Because after studying for a while, Lin also found their language, which is quite like a phoenix, and it is quite consistent with the name Lin gave them.

That is to squeeze out some of your 'blood' from the surface of the skin, and the surrounding kind can quickly detect the blood, so they communicate through the blood.

This kind of blood is also the liquid used to carry the internal organs in their bodies, and they can be sucked back after extrusion...so they can constantly communicate in this way.

Therefore, after some research and observation, Lin also slowly understood the different meanings of their expression in blood.

When they were first caught by Lynn's pompoms, they felt dead, but they found that the pompons didn't attack them, but they chose to communicate with them. They immediately decided to communicate with Lin.

Lin also learned some simple history from them.

They told Lin that there used to be a group of creatures that made a lot of machinery to serve themselves, and then made these machines more and more intelligent, and finally these creatures were destroyed by machinery.

This seems to be a very common situation, but in the end this group of creatures used a special method to create a group of new creatures.

That is blood.

Bloody defeated the intelligent machinery of the perishing creatures and transformed them into their own vehicles and lived to this day... this is what Lin sees now.

The surrounding buildings should be the original living organisms mentioned in the bloody.

This group of creatures should be a group of creatures of about three meters, and the shape may resemble an octopus.

The reason for guessing is mainly because Lin has not found any bodies at present.

And the supplies in the building are also relatively large, like electrical appliances, and those little supplies are almost none.

Bloody also does not know the morphology of these creatures at all, and they indicate that there is no record of any such creatures.

So whether this group of creatures is extinct or not is not very good to say, it feels like it has left.

Although **** seems to be very powerful, they actually live a very simple scavenging life.

The **** day is to move around to find things that can be used as food or vehicle repair materials, and then continue to live.

If they can't find it, they will never leave the vehicle. There will be no communication between the blood of different vehicles.

This group of creatures has lived in this way for a long time.

Blood stasis breeds in the vehicle, but if their vehicle consumes energy, the entire group of blood in the vehicle will die.

So they are in a state of slow demise.

After understanding their general history, Lynn examined all the **** state of mind.

Ershi said that the collection of faith here does not immediately resurrect, but in a special state of ‘diffusion’.

In this state, the creatures here will be affected and begin to unite.

As long as it is a slightly affected creature, it can be detected by some methods.

Although there is almost no performance in the early stages of the impact, it can still be detected by tools.

On Linde's 'flaws', there is such a detection tool.

These units can contact the creatures to see if they are affected by the unity.

It seems that the blood here is not affected.

Therefore, Lin continued to explore on the entire bridge.

Lin is now paying attention to an underground environment.

This place like an underground street has a lot of gravel on the ground except for the shops and residences that resemble the virtual underground street.

These stones... are called by Lin as the 'stone of Midgarth'.

This is also the name of Lin Cai.

As the name suggests, these gravel have a relationship with Midgart.

Midgarth... It's a very complex mixture of pipes.

The material composition of the whole body includes normal void material and solidified void material. Most of the material Lin has seen in some places of the void, and the solidified matter has seen many after the beginning of exploring the solidified void.

However, Midgart also has a kind of 'substance' that Lin has seen anywhere without two voids.

There are some 'exclusive' substances on it, but Lynn is here to see it.

That's it... the gravel.

Although looking like a stone, it is actually a wonderful object that mixes normal voided matter with solidified matter.

They appear here, is it related to Midgart?

It is still said that this kind of thing...is not unique to Midgart, but Lin is now only seen outside the pipeline.

And Lin thought of another possibility, that is... another Midgart.

The piece that Lin knows is still floating in the original position, and nothing special happens at present.

Lin had thought about it before and might encounter other pipelines.

After all, I have only encountered one adult... but as a species, it should have more than one adult.

In any case, these pieces should prove to be something special here, at least here and in contact with the solidified void.

So, Lin continues to explore this place...

Most of the buildings on the surface are empty, and only a few things and blood are active.

But the underground is interesting.

The arms explored underground can find more... small living appliances.

Some buildings in Linlin can discover the various small things used in the original living life, including small weapons or something.

From these life tools, Lin can judge these creatures... It is similar to Lin’s guess.

However, there is still no body, but Lin sees a lot of fungi-like organisms in large-scale underground proliferation.

The deeper these ‘fungi’ are, the more the underground streets are divided into many layers. The depth that Lin currently explores is the tenth.

Here is about three hundred meters from the surface of the giant bridge, where the streets have been completely covered by fungi-like creatures.

Lynn also tested these ‘fungi’ and apparently they were not affected by the unity.

However, when Lin detected the fungus, she also found some reactions about the collection of beliefs in the tenth floor.

The creatures affected by it are in this position.

Only Lin found that its position is constantly changing.

It seems that it is constantly being transmitted, and it has never stopped.

Every time Lin wants to get close to it, it will immediately switch to the next place.

So, Lin intends to let the arms directly ... spread to any position it may transmit.

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