4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 122: Ethnic group in the sun

"Hey--" With a burst of screams that didn't know whether it was sorrowful, the spider's huge abdomen was smashed down by the creatures that rushed out of the ground. A lot of internal organs mixed with blood spewed from everywhere. This insect also flew to the sky and then landed on the ground...

All the unbreakable shackles that were being beaten up and down suddenly stopped. They looked at the monster that rushed out from the ground and had a length of ten meters. The monster’s body was streamlined and the whole body was threaded. The structure looks very good at drilling the ground.

At this time, Lie's ‘heads’ climbed down from the insects and jumped on the back of the monster. Then they pointed to the tunnel dug out by the monster and shouted: “Go in!”

Lie was embarrassed, they were somewhat confused, but they should still listen to the command of the leader, and then they immediately reacted, and immediately they pushed hard to push the madness around them and quickly ran to the passage.

This sneak attack is doing a good job...

In the many nights and nights when the spy was the 'leader', Leviathan didn't do anything. Lin transformed it into a structure that could be drilled. In fact, Leviathan's streamlined body was originally suitable for drilling. So it can easily protrude from the ground and hit the abdomen behind the insects.

Lin directed the quick retreat of the squadron, and let Leviathan's sideways open a few muzzles, using small bombs to stop the rushing rush.

After watching Susumumi and all the lieutenants almost enter the tunnel, Lin let the spies jump in, and then let Leviathan behind the temple, the channel will be completely bet. Crazy, we can't get inside.

After entering. Lin found that they are all staying in the channel. Lin immediately shouted: "Go forward!"

Under the command of the leader, Lie quickly swept down the tunnel, and the tunnel dubbed by Leviathan was rather tortuous, but there was no danger at all, and soon the passage to the lower half was reached. This is down. And filled with water, they are originally sea creatures. The water had no effect on them. After passing through the passage, it reached the earliest lake that Lin came in.

Lynn let the first tie them swim out of the lake, climb out of the tunnel when they came in... Lin can feel the warmth outside...

Finally... came out!

Through the hole in the ground, when you see the light of the sun, almost all the shackles are stabbed and unable to open their eyes. The strong brilliance makes them quite difficult to adapt to the habit of underground life...

But after a while, every one of the lieutenants cheered! They cheered the leader, and they finally got rid of the madness and got rid of the terrible underground monster. Although there are many monsters on the ground, it doesn't matter! This warmth of comfort. It is these creatures who yearn for it!

This feeling is really interesting... Is this saving a race?

Lie is a relatively special race, because suddenly lost the control of the brain, they do not know what to do if the individual has an independent personality, so it will produce so many 'crazy', exactly, they are like Like living alone, they will fight each other when they are together, but even so, they come together because of the relationship of 'worship'.

They can be regarded as the ‘hope’ of this group, but can they survive in the future? It still depends on them.

The current spies are no longer spies. They can be said to be their chiefs, but Lynn does not want to be with them all the time. At some point, Lin will leave them...

However, Susumi showed the best performance during this trip. It has been very quiet and very obedient. It has been observing various situations on the road. Lynn also told it about the things of the people. I don’t know it. What do you think of yourself?

Looking at the surrounding crystal jungle, Lin found that she could feel the cold feeling before. Where did this feeling come from? However, it seems that Li Yi is not affected.

No matter how much, just leave quickly. There may be more secrets here. Maybe you should let the big troops come over and dig up the entire area.

The first tie is a large number of stand-ups and walks outside the jungle. Lie needs a humid environment. Lin feels that they should stay near the river or the lake. The beach is better, but it is not far from the sea. Know how far it is...

Speaking of the underground cave is very humid, there will be so many creatures inside, Lin only explored a part, it is estimated that it is a rather large underground network system, the ground certainly hides more secrets.

When it comes to underground, Lin is also digging underground cave systems, but outside the rift, has successfully formed a large and complex network, Lin has begun to establish a base underground, feeling the need to grab some underground creatures to live there.

After walking for nearly 10,000 seconds in the crystal jungle, the leader has been able to see the edge of the jungle, and Leviathan has been left in the drilled place, it needs to be removed from the body to use the shell to fly.

Lin has always wanted to find a hard and light material, but small creatures can, but have not found any material suitable for large creatures. It is almost impossible for a giant unit like Behemoth to cover a hardened shell.

After walking out of the crystal jungle, there is a grassland. The creatures here are also rich. Now there is a large group of creatures called 'water dragon beasts' who eat grass on the grass, and they look at everything in amazement. It's a bit strange. They should have come from this direction at first. Have you seen the environment here, or are they from other places?

The first tie slammed into the depths of the grassland, and the water dragon beasts were rushed away by the shackles. The number of such small creatures is quite large and should be a good prey.

The first tie was set up and we ran across the grassland quickly, and soon reached the destination: a river.

The river is about ten meters wide and the water flow is relatively slow. I don't know where to go. Li can rebuild their 'red village' here.

In this place, there is no need to collect the crystallization of light, and there is no need to be plagued by madness. Of course, there are some other dangers here...

When I thought about it, there was a loud roar in the distance of the grassland, which sounded like a carnivorous creature.

It seems that they have to hurry to build villages.

“This is where life is!” The leader stood by the river and pointed to the river and said, “Build a new village here!”

"Hey!" Lie said that they immediately acted, but after looking around, they stopped.

Speaking of it, there is no crystal that they are good at using it. If so, you should let them use clay to make a house.

The problem of food is better solved. These cockroaches don't have to eat caterpillar-decomposed foods like those who are crazy. They can eat some ground food directly.

In this way, in the next few days and nights, Lin taught them to build houses with mud and stones, and use stones to make weapons such as spears.

At the same time, Lin also found that there are many problems with these habits, for example, they will not choose the leader, and they are completely unclear when they should spawn.

They also don't know where to look for prey. They don't just have to eat meat, they have to eat plants and so on to get enough nutrients.

Their biggest problem is that they have no choice of the leader. If Lin leaves, they may lose their leader.

Lin originally thought that she could leave quickly and just observe them, but now it seems to have to stay for a while.

In the following period, Lin taught this group of leaders who are similar to the dragons. They must choose a strong and experienced character as the leader, and then challenge the leader every time to ensure the leader. They are the strongest ones.

It’s not easy for Lie to learn these things. Lin and them stayed for dozens of staying up late to let them fully learn. After they learned, Lin let a lieutenant who qualified as a leader replace the spy’s leader. The location, then left them.

When Lin left, the group was engraved with the worship of the leader. At the center of the village, a statue was carved for the leader. It is said that they were originally a divisional species, but the action mode has completely changed to a dragon. It.

Next, let them explore and develop on their own, what they will develop, and Lin will look at it, but will not interfere with them.

Leviathan also flew back to the base during this time, and Lin made a new pompom and continued to explore with Susumi...

Lin will raise Susumi into adulthood and then let it live by herself. At that time, Susumi can choose to go back to the Emerald Dragon community or continue to travel.

At the same time, Lin also dispatched some excavation troops to search for underground space about crystallized woodland to see if there are more secrets about the Yate group inside...

Lin’s exploration is still going on... So far, two gnomes and three dragons have been recorded, and these six intellectually higher 'individual creatures' have been set up, but there is indeed no strong such as Inca The species of the species, the Atlantis may have been very powerful, but they can now be said to have become creatures like dragons.

In the absence of war, Lin also lived relatively leisurely. The underground base was rapidly expanding and spreading. Although there was progress in the speed of jetting, it was slow, mainly because Lin’s concern was not here.

At the same time, Lin also found that this continent is even larger than the northern continent. There are millions of creatures and more distinctive areas. Lin feels that it may take a long time to explore.

Everything is slowly progressing, and time is slowly moving... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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