4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2807: abnormal

"If you want to live here... you have to adapt to this truth that is random."

It is said that this place... has come a lot of creatures.

The only bridge floating in the void has become a very lively residential area.

The reason seems to be because of the situation where it was originally born.

That is, there are countless debris that are transmitted to the only bridge.

They are not just transmitted to the vicinity of the bridge, but are combined directly with the bridge...

This also made the bridge bigger and bigger, but it slowly lost the shape of the bridge and became like the beginning of debris.

But still call it the only bridge.

There are many creatures that come with a lot of debris.

They are almost all survivors of the war, because many buses have a variety of creatures.

There are even a lot of creatures on the bus that go to war... although their role is relatively small.

There are also a lot of buses that seem to have some 'care' feelings about their creatures.

When they were destroyed, these creatures were sent out and some went to the only bridge.

Then they are here... start to face a random life.

This place is currently in a very unstable state, and the transmitted energy continues to 'flutter' here, not only is there a lot of things being transferred in, but anything here can also be transmitted.

And this kind of transfer energy... often cuts objects.

That is, it will send the upper body of a creature away, leaving the lower body.

However, this situation is relatively rare, and it is more common to destroy everything from the various creatures made of biology.

After the creatures often made the building, the building was transported away.

This makes it difficult for them to accomplish something... There are also many creatures who want to escape from here, but like buildings, it is difficult to make anything about the aircraft.

So the creatures who came here were forced to adapt to this extreme environment and lived hard.

Because they have no way to make bigger buildings, these creatures lived a life of...

The wind here is the storm that transmits energy.

It’s hard to live in this place, let alone develop something.

Only one kind of creature is alive here...not bad.

That was the minced meat of the original group of divisional species, which constantly moved on the ground, engulfing other pieces of meat and creatures.

Many of the creatures that are transmitted are edible for this group of minced meat. When the creatures are more and more, these pieces of meat are aimed at the coming creatures, not just the same kind.

They continue to grow by consuming them constantly.

But the bigger you grow, the higher the chance of being cut and cut, so no piece of minced meat can grow too big.

They generally go through the process of growing up and being shredded and re-growth.

It's just that they won't die after being chopped, so it's the best of all creatures.

They have also been given many names by other creatures, such as what is abnormal, dead endless meat, transmission of biological growth, and so on.

These pieces of meat are also like the original synthetic creatures. They have no thoughts and only know how to devour them.

They also don't multiply, but the number is getting more and more, because sending them to cut them is equivalent to letting them split.

This group of meat is a symbol of terror for all creatures forced to live in this place, but there are also a few creatures... that can catch these pieces of meat, but because they can't make any big weapons, they can only catch small Meat pieces.

The meat can be said to be the most suitable creature for this environment.

This phenomenon continues until... the only bridge has drifted to a farther position.

The only bridge is actually moving in the void.

As it moves, it is also getting farther and farther away from the battlefield.

The random crazy transmissions on the only bridge should be affected by the battlefield location 'space storm'.

In short, the further the distance, the less the various transmission phenomena on it.

When the random transmission phenomenon slowly decreases, the advantage of the meat block disappears.

The meat is almost entirely dependent on random transmission to suppress other creatures.

When there is no transmission effect, other creatures can slowly build large buildings to defend against them, or assemble large weapons, vehicles and so on.

The meat can't fight the creatures that started assembling the tools, and their threats are getting smaller and smaller.

And when these creatures noticed that the meat pieces were no longer a threat, they immediately established territories everywhere on the bridge that had changed back to the pile of debris.

Because there are so many species here, they immediately use other species as their opponents and start to fight.

But because they are just beginning to make weapons, no one immediately gains an advantage.

Only the meat... has become completely inferior.

Without transmitting them, they can't even breed, and other creatures continue to chase the meat because of the fear of these pieces.

Just when this group of meat was almost extinct, there was such a group of creatures... Suddenly noticed the value of the meat.

Because meat can break down a lot of things they can't eat, in fact, meat can not only eat creatures.

So they immediately took a portion of the meat in captivity as a livestock.

They found that the meat was indeed a very convenient livestock, and as long as it was fed to it, it continued to grow and then was cut and eaten.

Moreover, it does not need to be raised on a large scale. As long as a small number is raised, it can be continuously fed and allowed to grow and harvest a large amount of meat.

As a result, the raising of meat pieces as livestock has become popular.

Although some creatures worry that if the transmitted energy changes again, then raising this kind of thing will definitely suffer.

But because the animals are so convenient, they are all in the development stage, so they all started to raise the meat.

This also caused the meat to not be extinct.

Then for a long time, the meat pieces lived under the breeding of these biological civilizations as livestock.

And these creatures have begun... long-lasting battles and wars.

During this period, they also appeared... unified faith.

There was no unified belief in the period when the energy was transmitted abnormally, but now that it has stabilized, the collective consciousness has once again affected this group of creatures.

But even if it is affected by unity, this group of creatures is still in constant war.

At this time... the meat pieces as livestock have also begun to receive similar effects.

The meat pieces themselves are creatures without thinking ability, but they have developed thinking during the long-term feeding process.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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