4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2821: Doomsday

"Vironica students, this is the doomsday phenomenon? What should we do? Solve these problems gorgeously as usual? Or..."

Here is... on the surface.

Since Ershi's day and night are mainly controlled by weather-controlled devices, and the 'space wall' of the travel space is white and glowing, the whole place is always bright.

But now, this place is completely in the dark.

Lynn Veronica, Ershino, and... Bilu is walking on a spacious and dim street.

'beep--! ’

Suddenly, a large truck rushed towards the side.

"Be careful!" Biro yelled to push Lin's Veronica to the side while blocking the vehicle.

But... Nobibi stood in front of the vehicle one step earlier.

'boom--! The car suddenly slammed to the side at the moment it was about to hit the Nobel, then rushed into the sidewalk and crashed under a wall.

When it smashed the wall of the building, the car began to smoke, and the rising fire caused it to splash into pieces and dust in more than ten seconds.

"Can you still use some abilities now?" Lynn Veronica asked ‘hair’ to stop the fragments from the explosion and asked No.

"This body can guide the power," said Novo. "But there is no way to use it completely. You must find more parts."

Said, Novo continued to walk forward.

"What is going on here? Veronica, why are you talking about things I can't understand? Why are your relationships so good?" Bielu asked as he followed.

"This world has been fixed." Lynn simply... explained it to it.

This is what happened not long ago.

The troops that had been dispatched by Ershi destroyed the core of the distorted manager and occupied the only bridge.

The only bridge is currently no threat, but the manager’s attack on Ershi has already been done.

Now is the time when the attack is revealed... A lot of special transmission energy has appeared in the travel space not long ago.

This kind of transmission energy spreads rapidly on Ershi, although Ershi quickly disposes of them, and this energy has already maddened some of the people.

Ershimin did not believe in the energy because of the influence of energy, they just fell into a state of mental abnormality.

The vehicle that had just crashed was driven by an unusually angry Ershimin.

At the same time, it is not only the transfer of energy that affects Ershi, but also... a very strange solidification phenomenon.

Large-scale solidification began to spread throughout the travel space... This solidification completely closed the travel space.

That is, there is no way to get out of the travel space now, and there is no way to come in from outside.

Then, the solidification began to spread rapidly throughout the Ershi, almost solidifying the entire travel space.

This also includes Ershi itself... and it has almost been solidified.

This solidification is usually different from the usual solidification, and there is no way to get rid of solidification with a general anti-coagulating substance.

Lin originally built a lot of solidified arms on Ershi, but now even these units are all solidified.

This highly effective solidification seems to have something to do with the special energy that was previously diffused.

Now, there is only the Veronica, Novo, and...

The main reason why these three individuals have not been coagulated is because...shh does not 'dispel' the energy in them.

When the special energy first came in, Ershi quickly cleared all the special energy.

However, Veronica and Novo have not cleared the energy of the body.

Mainly Lin proposed to try to study these energies, because Lynn has been testing the control of this special energy.

But what I didn't expect was that... things that were affected by energy were nothing to do.

So now in the travel space, only these three creatures can move.

Of course it is not entirely true.


When Lin thought about it, there was another car in front of it that recovered its 'vigor'. It suddenly slammed into it, but at the moment it was about to hit it seemed to be blocked by an air wall, and the whole car stopped instantly. In front of Lin.

And the front of the car was completely flattened as if it had hit something.

This is what Ershi did, and it is exactly what Novo does.

The control of Ershi can now use a small part of the 'power', which is the capacity of the bus.

It can use some gravitational force to stop the crashed vehicle or something else, because Ershi's promise is not the body of ordinary Ershi people.

It was made from a pure bus biostructure, and Ershi said that it can be used to make it return to normal.

But you must let Novo touch other structures, that is, those bus organs that are underground.

This does not seem to be an easy task.

Because here I will encounter some obstacles...

Like a vehicle that suddenly crashed into it, there are a lot of things that suddenly unsolidify and then attack.

Because the people in these vehicles are in a state of neurological disorder.


At this time, something was restored on the road ahead, this time a group of ordinary Ershi people.

The moment when the group of people returned was ... they fought each other, and they did not notice this.

"Hey, what are you doing crazy!"

After the words of Bilu, the group of people of Ershi looked at this side... and then rushed over together.

"What? Do you want to beat me?"

Bilu greeted him directly without any retreat. It punched the nearest Ershi people with a punch, and the next few were easily overturned on the ground.

Bilu is now...has been much stronger than before.

In the past, when various solidified organisms appeared on Ershi, Bilu joined the ‘special forces’ that dealt with the solidified creatures organized by the college.

Bilu has been hunting solidified creatures in this team and has become stronger and stronger through continuous fighting.

At the same time, it has also undergone many new...intensive transformations.

In fact, the spirit of Lulu is not as dysfunctional as other Ershi people... It is also the reason for these transformations.

"We have to go there."

Connaught completely ignored the battle between Lu and Ershi, but ran quickly in one direction.

What it does now is not to touch a bus organ, it is difficult to go underground.

What it has to do now is to stop some dangerous things.

For example, a squadron of a nearby military base, that is a recent dangerous thing.

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