4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2826: Special energy

The original bus creature... It is said that it is a group of creatures that use special transmission energy to move in the void.

However, if you want to say it, it should be said that it is ‘all transmitting energy’.

They mix all the transmitted energy together.

This makes them very unstable and can deviate from position.

But if you want to escape the danger, then the deviation does not matter, as long as you leave the original location far away.

But if you want to go to a specific place, then this kind of transmission will be very troublesome to use.

So, when does the bus start to abandon most of the energy and specialize in using an energy?

Perhaps it is when they start to purposefully and begin to explore this void in a planned way.


"Veronica classmates!!!"

Veronica, was cut.

While piercing Veronica's skin, this rat-like creature stretched out two bodies like a blade... and made countless traces on Veronica.

At the same time, Veronica's neck was completely cut and rolled to the ground.

It seems that this body's protective ability does not stop the attack of this bus creature.

"You...go to death!" Bilu made a roar, and it slammed into the shell of the 'rat woman'.

After a violent crash, Bili flew out of the air... and its blade also showed a gap.

This bus creature is obviously much stronger than the one encountered above, but...

‘Hey! It was still kicked out by Veronica's punch, and after hitting the ceiling, it fell back to the ground.

This creature did not continue to attack, but jumped out a long distance.

Then, Veronica's body hugged his head and returned to his neck.

"Vironica classmates...you...all right? Right, what am I talking about! Of course it's okay! This kind of minor injury is impossible to beat Veronica!" One of his own shoes was taken off and poked on it.

‘Hey! ’

Bilu’s shoes are like missiles, flying toward the rat.

'boom! ! ! At the moment of hitting the target, the shoes burst into a dazzling fire, but the rat was no longer in the original position, but appeared on the floor ten meters away.

To be precise, only half of the body is on the floor, and the other half has no idea where to go.

The rest of the half is constantly struggling on the ground, it should be that the senses are on the other half, so the rest of this part is alive, but there is no way to do anything.

"This is... the experimental body."

At this moment, a voice sounded, and Lin turned around and saw that Ershi...no appeared in the hallway. It crossed the bodies that were slashed by Delu and slowly walked over.

"Oh, are you here?" said Bilu, "You are a headshot in this world, and it’s too shameful!"

"..." Nothing said nothing, but went to the half of the body and said, "Is it all started? And... it has been perfected."

Nuo explained that this creature like a rat is actually an experimental body that it made.

In fact, after Ershi knew that there was a ‘original bus’, it had been doing research in this area.

It mainly seeks to find out if there is a 'raw' part by detecting your body structure.

This is similar to cell biology. Many cell organisms... including Ershimin, have some primitive structures that have been used for a long time. Although they have been degraded, they remain in the body.

Of course, nuclear information records everything.

Bus creatures will also retain some very old structures.

Through investigations and calculations, Ershi used some of his own structures to restore its imaginary ‘original bus’.

This rat-like creature is one of the samples it makes.

Although it has a relatively complete structure in the body, such as a small transport organ, it does not transmit.

It does not collect the ability to transfer energy, but it does have the ability to store a small amount of energy.

But even if it is full, it can only be delivered three times.

...and it has not been delivered to three times.

Ersh is now a little surprised, mainly this test article... it was delivered.

However, it is not the normal transfer energy, but the special energy.

Now the special transmission energy is still in the entire travel space, but there is no normal transmission energy.

Ersh believes that for some reason it is forced to input special energy in the body, so that it can be transmitted.

But it also caused this result, using this energy transfer... The first stabilization was accidental.

The second time it was disintegrated directly, as it is now.

Ershi also said that the experimental body it produced is not perfect.

Because the delivery of the original bus does not cause itself to disintegrate, it will only be unstable.

The experimental body made by Ershi could not fully simulate the body structure of the original bus, so even the disintegration occurred during the transmission.

If you find the upper body of it, you know what the experimental body is thinking, whether it is controlled by calm or the like.

But even if you don't have to find it, Lin feels that it is very likely to be controlled.

There is another problem... This experimental body is not located here in the battleship, but in a very distant place or in a deep underground.

It will appear here, it means that it should be transmitted.

However, the travel space cannot currently be transmitted... at least not with normal energy transmission.

If you use special energy...the distance that is transmitted so close will be wrong, and it will not be transmitted as far.

Ershi said that the transmission error is not random. The farther the distance is, the higher the probability of error. If the experiment is forced to transmit one kilometer away, it will leave a pile of fragments.

"In short, go to the control room now."

After understanding the general situation, Lin three continued to return to the control room.

Since Novo has woken up, Lin does not need to collect bus nerves, it can directly control the battleship.

In the center of the control room, Novo began to connect with the battleship, and then...

"Does this warship have a 'belief'?" said No.

"I found it before." Lin said: "Can you control it?"

"Yes, it can't resist the commander, and it's not just that." Nono said: "I can detect all of its memories, and it can be found here... there is a creature that is directing it to act."


‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the whole battleship shook a little, and there seemed to be a huge force... hitting it here.

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