"Bus creatures are no different from us."

"Their thinking is permeated in those small spaces."

"When these thoughts and bodies merge, the current... creatures appear."


‘Hey! ’

A strong blow made Lin's Veronica fly out and hit the rock behind him.

This time it seems to have caused... more interesting effects.

Lin slowly repaired the damaged part while looking at the creature in front of her.

This creature looks like a spiny dragon creature or only three limbs. It does not intend to grow back, or has no ability...

However, it just ate a part of the bus organ not long ago, making it once again full of special energy.

This time, it uses different abilities than before. The energy surrounding it is to 'cut open' the surrounding material, and this time it is... flying.

It doesn't feel as threatening as it used to be. It will release a lot of black **** from time to time. Any objects that come into contact with these **** will fly in a certain direction at a very fast speed.

This speed is generally about one hundred meters in one second, depending on the weight of the object.

It's usually easy to break a variety of objects, and Lin feels very interesting... Lin thinks it should use different energies.

Although the energy other than the special energy transmitted by the bus is called special energy, there are actually many kinds of energy. The 'cutting' used before is one, and now it is another.

What's more special is that...Lin found that it created an environment that can be said to be a 'coagulation field'.

As long as Lin releases some micro-arms, these micro-arms will be solidified soon.

This solidification range is in the entire pothole, so Lin can't attack it with the micro-arms for the time being.

However, this solidification field seems to be specifically for Lin and Bilu, and Lin found that other creatures here are fine.

Another point is that... every time it releases a small ball, it can feel its ‘talk’.

"It will soon change back to its original shape, its mind has been disconnected from its body, you can't save it..."

This creature has been saying a lot, although it is rather vague, but Lin has generally understood what it is saying.

Mainly... it is the same creature in the biological and bus industries that represent the 'faith aggregate'.

Because the thinking of bus creatures also exists in small spaces like aggregates...that is, transmitting energy.

It is because of this kind of thinking and the physical contact of the original bus, which has produced the current bus creature.

If a bus creature has only a body and no thinking... then it has a way to get the bus back to the 'original'.

To put it simply, this spiny dragon can make Ershi change back to the original bus.

It has been saying these things all the time.

"What are you doing! Go to hell!"

Bilu then slammed the blade in his hand, and the sword was flew out before touching the target's body.

"You can't do anything!" The spiny dragon made a roar and flew directly to Bilu, and immediately jumped toward the back.

The empty spiny dragon slammed the ground, and countless stones suddenly flew out with its action, hitting the body.


Bilu made a scream and fell heavily on the ground. It can be seen that it is full of large and small stones, and a sharp stone in the abdomen directly penetrates the body.

‘Hey! ’

The spiny dragon once again rushed to the heavily injured, and Lin quickly slammed on the side of his body.

This moment formed a powerful impact, and Lynn's Veronica was under this force... I felt a strong pain in the whole body.

This feeling has been tried before, and there is a lot of power to pull the body to different places, and finally it is torn apart.

In the end, Lynn Veronica also turned into a pile of stumps and fell to the ground, but the head is still intact.

"Block... no."

The spiny dragon noticed that Veronica's head was crawling on the ground, and it immediately rushed over and tried to break the head.

But... its action stopped.

‘Hey! ’

This is the sound that sounded from the sky. If you look up, you can see one at the entrance to the crater... The plane flew over here.

The speed of the plane was getting faster and faster, and the Spinosaurus turned its attention completely to the plane, only to see it open its mouth to the maximum... and emitted a dark sphere from it.

'boom! At the moment of being hit by the ball, the entire aircraft became a scattered piece in the cracking sound.

However, many of the larger parts of these pieces did not fall so easily.

Together they made a roar and rushed to the spiny dragon again.

‘Hey! ’

All the parts hit the back of the spiny dragon, and the parts were simultaneously violently radiant.

‘Boom! The glory of the explosion drowned the creature.

At the same time, all of Veronica's limbs climbed together and reconstituted the whole body... and then walked to Bilu's side.

Bilu has now suffered serious damage, so Lin quickly pulled out all the pieces that were tied to it, stretched it into the wound, and repaired and shoved all the damaged cells back.

"Veronica... classmate?"

When Bilde woke up, it saw the burning fire in front of him.

The effect of the solidification field has disappeared... probably because Lin successfully solved the target?

The plane that crashed down was the one that came here before.

Although it is said that the promise is automatically set back before jumping off... but it is not entirely true.

Because Lin has left some micro-arms on the plane and made some modifications to it.

So Lin just called the plane back...

It is actually not an airplane, but a missile...

After the spiny dragon saw the plane, the black ball released from it had consumed most of the energy.

So when the plane...the scattered parts re-encircled it, it didn't defend well.

"It has been separated... almost to be separated..."

In the fire of rising smoke, Lin can still hear its ‘sound’.

Obviously it didn't die, but at least it caused a lot of damage.

Together with Bilu, Lynn Veronica came to the burning flame...

‘Hey! At this moment, the flame suddenly exploded, and a ... disk was flying out from inside.

This is similar to the disc that Lin sees inside the 'single bridge', which is the core of the distorted manager, but... much smaller.

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