4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2835: possibility


I have tested it many times and thought about countless possibilities, but no matter how many times I test it... I can't win.

It is convinced of its own calculations.

The best result is just the same.

However, it does not want to be the same...so it gave up the direct combat method, but instead used another way.


This is some of the ideas that are about distorting managers.

It acts as the sole controller of the bridge, which controls everything on the entire bridge.

This bridge is a very powerful weapon. Its original idea is to use a unique bridge and a solidified creature called from the solidified void to attack Ershi and completely destroy Ershi.

However, distorting managers is also a very cautious creature.

It did not go directly to the attack, but did a lot of calculations and tests on the possibility of defeating Ershi... It seems to be using a space similar to the dream world for combat testing and so on.

After a lot of testing, the distortion manager found a problem... It could not defeat Ershi, and the best result was that it was the same as Ershi.

And this is the result of its calculations on the current understanding of Ershi. If Ersh has some ability that he does not know, it may not be possible with it.

The manager itself is not going to die, so it uses another method to deal with Ershi.

That is... use solidification to erode Ershi.

When the travel space reaches the edge of the solidified void and the normal void contact, this is its only chance of sneak attack. As long as it succeeds, everything on Narsh will be solidified.

At the same time, it will also invade Ershi during this time, and use all means to cause damage to Ershi.

This is more difficult. As Lin knows... After the travel space has been solidified, there is no way to send any troops outside, so the distorted manager puts his consciousness into the travel space through special energy.

In fact, it has done a lot of things.

However, what it did not think of was the slogan of the 'quiet' collection of faith against it.


It seems... it has been successfully stripped out.

Here is the pothole in the ground.

Lynn made a small...special energy control device with the wreckage of the previous spiny dragon.

The essence of this type of control device is still 'sucking'.

Because Lynn found that the consciousness of distorting managers and the consciousness of calm collectives are actually two different energies.

Although they are very similar and can be mixed at any time, the organ made by Lin can slowly separate the two.

Although there is no way to pull them out of the disc, they can be mixed less... thicker.

When Lin did this, Lin also found out... Both of these consciousnesses were also 'awake' a lot.

Their consciousness was originally mixed together and they were always arguing, and it was difficult to communicate well.

When Lin separated them a little, Lin found that they could do more with them... accurate communication.

Of course, Lin is mainly communicating with the faith community.

The collection tells Lynn a lot of things... It knows a lot about things that distort managers.

To put it simply, the distorted manager finds that if the direct attack can only be done with Ershi, it does not want to do so, but adopts this kind of intrusion.

In order to achieve this goal, it deceived the coagulating creatures that were called.

In fact, it convened these coagulated creatures very early, only after discovering Ershi accidentally... The manager decided to use these creatures to go to Ershi.

Originally, the manager decided to leave the void to somewhere, and it promised to take the group of coagulating creatures together.

But before leaving, the coagulating organism must agree to its various requirements.

Of course, the manager originally promised not to let the solidified creatures do dangerous things.

The original idea was that the manager took the initiative to attack Ershi, and then the group of creatures assisted in the battle.

When the manager decides to change the tactics, it ‘sacrifes’ a lot of solidified creatures.

The calm aggregate does not know the specific process, but it probably knows... the manager killed a lot of solidified creatures.

In fact, the strong solidification applied to the entire travel space is mainly carried out by using the special "environment" created by this group of solidified organisms.

Some of the coagulating substances that Lin sees here are actually made of solidified creatures.

For example, these solidified substances in the disc as their two conscious carriers.

In short, the manager killed almost all of the coagulating creatures it called to accomplish it.

However, there are still some solidified creatures that are not aware of it. For example, the one that was discovered by Lin before is a solidified creature of the hedgehog. It is a better luck. It has not been killed by the manager. It is arranged to do some work on Ershi. Attack.

And their consciousness invades the travel space before the travel space is solidified.

And from the beginning, the manager has positioned the target, which is one of Ershi's experimental body.

This Ershi-made experiment that mimics the original bus...is the only carrier that allows them to carry things in and not be discovered by Ershi.

Of course, the things that are sent in are also very limited.

The distorted managers decided to send their consciousness first, then exert a strong solidification, and then use this experimental body to spread the 'believers' throughout the Ershi to cause damage to Ershi.

The calm aggregate does not know how the managers found the experimental bodies on Ershi... But at the time, they did put the consciousness into the body of an experimental body very smoothly.

After solidification, the manager decided to spread the calm beliefs to control some creatures.

But this is not a normal calm faith, but it is mixed with some extra information...that is the belief of those 'tasks'.

In this way, the manager can command the creature.

The next situation is similar to that encountered by Lin. The manager wants to use the annihilation ship to blow a gap in Ershi.

It's just that its plan is not implemented as fast.

The experimental bodies that were used as carriers were also solidified after the strong solidification was applied.

Moreover, after the experimental body wakes up, they also need to dig up the organs that store energy in order to use energy to do things.

This wastes a lot of their time... and it also makes Lin and Ersh have various plans to effectively stop it.

But the biggest problem managers face is its partner... a calm collection of beliefs.

The collective does not trust the manager, it is the case from the beginning, but it still helps it to do things, it is because of a commitment of the manager.

This promise is similar to the promise of solidified creatures, and it takes the assembly to somewhere.

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