A calm collection... I was very dissatisfied with the manager a long time ago.

It was very grateful when the manager first created a container for it.

But... when the manager began to direct it to do all kinds of things, it...


The things that managers let it do are mainly experiments about energy.

Simply put, managers are learning the special energy of how to control calm.

The original collection was not clear, but it was constantly accepted by the manager to let it go here, and after that it did not do anything... it was a daze.

This severely limits the freedom of the collective itself, but it does not work at all.

But at some point, things have changed.

The manager has managed to control the calm energy to some extent and used it to infect many surrounding creatures.

These creatures... all believe in calm.

The calm aggregate found that it can sense where these creatures are and control them.

This is a wonderful experience...because these creatures are not completely convinced that they are in a state of calm, they are only the initial stage, that is, the stage of pursuing calm, but the collective has been able to control them.

The first thing that the collective can think of after controlling them... is... use them to save themselves.

Because the aggregate is always locked somewhere, as long as the manager does not use it, it is locked.

Now it controls the group of believers... save it.

This has not been hindered, and it has been easy to succeed.

Then, it allowed the believer to quickly escape from the position of the manager, and settled down to a long distance.

Although it is far away, it is also in the only bridge.

At this time, the collective found... It seems that the manager can't control it.

It no longer feels the manager's instructions, but when it thinks it is free...

It found that he was besieged.

The siege of it is a local creature of a large group of unique bridges.

These creatures all believe in something other than calm, and in the face of their attacks, the collective immediately let their believers try to counterattack.

So a war began.

Managers have been attacked by various creatures, and it is mainly defended by believers.

It finds ways to increase believers, just grab the creatures and let them touch themselves.

No matter what the creature originally believed or didn't believe, it would become a calm of faith.

In this way, it continues to increase the believers, and finally even defends against the attack. After solving the siege creatures, it marches toward the position of the manager.

The army of the assembly was already very large at the time, and they were hit by the manager with almost no obstruction.

Then... this army is completely destroyed.

The manager easily killed every creature in the collective army, which shocked the assembly.

Also felt at the same time... panic.

However, the manager did not personally come out to catch the assembly back, but mobilized a group of troops to attack it.

Because there are still some believers left in the assembly, it immediately used these believers to resist the attack.

The collection felt strange at the moment... It suddenly thought of a possibility that the manager could not move by itself.

Although it is very powerful, because it can't leave that position, it can only send troops to...

The collective continues to try to collect the believers' resistance to the attack of the manager.

Their battles have continued... The collection has consumed all nearby creatures.

It found that there were no nearby creatures that allowed it to become believers.

This is mainly because it has been catching the surrounding creatures to believe in calm and sent them to the battlefield, but never noticed that the number of creatures is less and less after successive wars.

When a group of believers in the final assembly were resolved when they went out for investigation, there would be no troops to send them out.

But... the manager did not continue to attack the aggregate.

Instead, it did some communication with it.


"It has been successful... It has been out of me... Great... I am finally... got rid of it!"

Lynn learned a lot from a calm gathering not long ago.

At the same time, when it said the past, Lin also succeeded... separating it from the disc and the manager's consciousness.

The specific method is to cut the solidified material in the disc.

Before Lin had passed some methods, she had already made their consciousness... separated from each other.

That is to say, in the whole solidified matter, half of the managers have a stronger consciousness, and the other half has a stronger consciousness of the aggregate.

The next step is to cut the solidified material into two halves, and then take out the side of the collective consciousness.

Although there is still a sense of manageriality in this half, because the consciousness of the collective is more concentrated, it can suppress and at the end devour the manager's consciousness.

Lin also noticed in the process of doing these things... The manager’s consciousness is the same as the collective, but also in special energy.

So they can be mixed together... but with the current method, Lynn finds that they can be separated.

After separation... What should I do?

At the end of the collection, Lin is of course still keeping it to let it say the things that happened in the past. This is different from what Lynn heard before, and it is quite interesting.

And the manager's consciousness, Lin is hesitant to ruin it.

If you keep it, it may still do something harmful.

But if you ruin it, it seems that there is something... wasted, and Lin feels that it will be interesting to keep it.

But for now, Lin has no way to get any information from it.

Most of the things about the managers that the collective of consciousness remembers are... happening on the only bridge.

As for the invasion of the travel space, its consciousness has been integrated with the manager, but it does not know much... just knowing what it is.

It means that after the managers came in, they completely suppressed their consciousness and completely communicated with each other, so the collectives could not know the details of the plans for Ershi.

If so, still...

"Destroy it."

At this time, Lynn heard the voice of Novo.

The coma before, now woke up again... It slowly walked to the side of the disc that had been cut in half by Lin: "This is not necessary to stay, it is too dangerous."

"Is it?" Lin said: "If this is the case..."

"You have no chance!" At this moment, the half of the disk that left the manager's consciousness suddenly sounded: "Your current consciousness and body have been separated, and you have no way to stop your...degeneration."

It is obviously said to Conno, so Lin said to it: "Do you want to degenerate it into the original bus?"

"Yes... this has been successful," said the manager's half-disc.

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