4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2841: development of

The only army of various civilizations on the bridge... has been moving deep underground.

They have been fighting forces and traps of various high-ranking managers. In the process, this unit has suffered a lot of damage, but there have been reinforcements.

Because... on the way to the march, they discovered countless test facilities and creatures that were captured for testing.

Although the losses are heavy, they also make them understand that distorting managers is a huge hazard, they must be solved.

Finally, this army finally came to the manager.

Then they fought a fierce battle with the manager...

It is said that the manager at the time was not a disc, but a very large creature, and it has considerable strength.

Many weapons have no effect on it, and it easily solved the first batch of troops.

The latter forces began to use powerful weapons to confront managers.

The battle lasted for a long time... and destroyed many underground facilities and most of the army.

In the end, the biological army finally destroyed the manager, and when his huge body fell, all creatures cheered.

After the victory of this battle, the calm assembly also went to the position where the manager was destroyed, and personally confirmed that the manager was destroyed, and this was relieved.

Although it does not have a heart.

It has...just thinking for countless creatures.

Later, the collective was called a noble by the king of all biological civilizations. Every civilization wanted to draw it to be its own technician, and it would have the highest status regardless of which civilization.

However, the collective rejected all requests and decided to live alone... while wandering between these civilizations and observing the daily lives of these people.

With personality, there will be disputes. After solving the big enemy of the manager, the relationship between biological civilizations has also changed a lot.

But the collectives like to observe these things very much. Whether these creatures live in peace or argue with each other, it is the most interesting thing to look at the daily life of these creatures.

At the same time, the speed of biological civilization on the only bridge is also very rapid, mainly because they have studied the underground experimental facilities of managers.

As a result, many unprecedented technologies have been acquired, which has made their development soaring... but the stronger they develop, the worse their relationship.

Only before these civilizations completely turned their faces, another great enemy united them.

This is... resources.

Originally, these civilizations were self-sufficient by relying on the original resources on the bridge. However, after the rapid development, they slowly discovered that the original resources were insufficient.

In general, creatures will decide to use war to solve resource problems, but this time it is a bit different.

Because the scientists of many civilized countries have unified, they can let the only bridge move... go to a place with resources.

Because they actually have been observing and studying the void.

They found that there is a large amount of floating material not far from the only bridge... These substances should contain the resources they can use now, and they are quite rich.

So, after many discussions and meetings, all civilizations made this decision.

That is to transform the only bridge into a ... ship, move to the target location to obtain resources.

This is a long-term acquisition of resources, much better than using the aircraft to ship back little by little.

And the reason they have this confidence is mainly because... they feel that their current technology is very powerful.

The collection also appeared at this time and expressed support for them.

The collective is willing to take the lead in the transformation of the only bridge as the chief engineer of the entire project.

The specific reason is that the assembly also thinks about other places in the void.

It itself wants to build an aircraft to drift into the void, but it finds... can't put the creatures here.

It has the joys and sorrows of all the creatures here, and I don't know why it becomes very... care about them.

So it decided to help the group of creatures all the time.

Transforming the only bridge is a very complicated plan, and it is very difficult for them to move something so big.

Originally, they could not have this technology even if they had to develop hundreds of thousands of years of pompoms.

But... managers have this technology.

Moreover, they also discovered through the research of the manager's technology... The original bridge itself is active, they just don't know it all, and the power devices are everywhere.

This feeling is a bit like the feeling of the mountains and lakes of the world, the lake... even the sea is a complex and sophisticated device.

The only creatures on the bridge found what they thought were 'natural landscapes', which were originally created by...

Descriptive descriptions of these creations are documented in some of the labs that distort managers.

After understanding, they only need to modify the original power unit to make the only bridge move.

After a period of transformation, they succeeded.

The only bridge has a powerful power unit that allows the entire bridge to move in the void to the intended target.

Because the original goal is not very far... probably the distance from Ershi to Mars, which is about 500 million kilometers.

They arrived at the target not too long, and indeed as expected... This place is an area with a lot of floating objects.

These floating objects are also available resources.

This makes them feel very... perfect.

As a result, these species began to flourish.

They are not worried about consuming the resources here, mainly because the bridge can move, as long as the resources are running out, it is enough to find another place.

And the resources here are really... quite a lot.

At least more resources are available than originally on the only bridge.

So these civilizations have been developing very well for a long time.

Although there are always conflicts between these civilizations, there has never been a real war.

Until they were forced to participate in a war.

That is... they met a group of aborigines living in resource areas.

The resource area is large, and there are quite a few places where they have not been explored.

In the process of slowly exploring, they encountered this group of very militant aborigines.

After a war... they also defeated these aborigines and completely wiped them out.

It’s just... this is just the beginning of the war.

Then the creatures found themselves in their turn...and were extinct.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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