4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2847: Hunting

"It doesn't care... everything."

Communication with solidified organisms continues.

In the process of communication, Lin generally knew that this solidified organism was a kind of 'concentrated creature'.

They are usually a group of individuals with individuality, but when their minds agree, they will be integrated into one creature.

It's almost impossible for a typical personality to reach a consensus, but it's a very common thing for them.

But if the individual they combine becomes something hesitating and doubting, then it will split into multiple individuals again.

The solidified creatures that Lynn is now encountering are split because they are hesitant to hesitate to attack the err.

They believe that Ersh was originally a possible target, because Ershi would care about his own creatures.

Ersh's continued maintenance of his own environment has already consumed a lot of ... power, and it needs to pay attention to not affect the creatures in the body.

In the face of this cautious Ershi, they have a chance to win.

But... once Ershi doesn't care about it, it's almost impossible to deal with it.

The err into the original state will never be weaker than before, but more powerful and unstoppable.

After all, those organs of Ershi do not change back to their original state, but simply change their minds.

This group of coagulated creatures indicates that their subjects may still have the idea of ​​dealing with Ershi, but they themselves gave up the idea and got rid of it from the main body...

Lin asked first about the details of their subjects, but they said that Lynn would give them what they wanted, and then they would say anything else.

What they want makes Lin feel a little surprised.

This thing is a ... biological relationship diagram.

It is said that this thing records all the creatures that have appeared on the only bridge and the relationship between these creatures.

Accurately speaking, it is an evolutionary relationship. It is said that most of the organisms that appear on the bridge for so long have some evolutionary connections.

This diagram records all of these biological information, and Lynn easily finds the relationship they say.

The ‘relationship chart’ is somewhere underground, and it is casually thrown on the side of the road, and looks like an ordinary stone.

In fact, it is a solidified substance, and Lynn has already seen it.

But if it weren't for these creatures, Lin didn't know what it was... the relationship map.

Lin carefully examined this thing before handing it over to them. Lin found that there was a lot of fine particles inside the stone, like dust.

If there is no explanation, it does not seem to have anything to do with the creatures here.

And it doesn't seem to be something that is valued by itself, so it's simply lost here.

More interestingly, Lin found this thing... it was ‘Midgarth substance’.

That is, Lin only found similar things on Midgart, but not elsewhere.

Maybe this thing... is it related to Midgart?

Obtaining this thing makes this group of solidified creatures very happy... they are also willing to tell Lin more things.

Then they told Lin that they learned that Ershi was not originally learned from Ershi.

But from the only bridge here...

Not long ago, the only bridge sent them a message telling them that they had entered the original state.

This is quite wonderful.

Because Lynn has been controlling the information device, there may be other information devices that send out information... but Lin has not found it.

They were still a complete subject at the time. After feeling the information, they began to hesitate, and they split the hesitant individual, which Lin saw.

They say that they split up only about 1% of the total, and the rest of the subject should still hesitate, but it will not lead to division.

So will continue to move forward...

At the same time, they say... they are also one of the solidified creatures that the distorted managers call.

They know the end of other solidified creatures, that is, the distorted managers as weapons for exerting strong solidification.

Only they are not being manipulated by distorted managers, mainly because they are too powerful.

They say they are very powerful, and they are distorted managers who dare not do anything with them.

In fact, there is another purpose for them to split up. It is to find a distorted manager and feel that it should be given some lessons, because the manager has allowed Ershi to be originalized.

But these creatures are still reluctant to say where they are powerful and the details of their life forms.

...Lin thinks that there is no way to ask them from them except to attack them directly.

And the use of micro-arms inspection is not good, and Lin found that they could not invade them with micro-arms.

These coagulated organisms all have ‘perfect’ protection that prevents subtle things from invading them.

Lin is still deciding to continue to communicate with them.

They also mean that they know where the manager has escaped.

The place where the manager wants to go is a very special place. This place must open the entrance at the edge of the solidified void and the normal void contact.

That is, the collision of the solidified void and the normal void opens an entrance to the ......new world.

The manager may have discovered this place by chance. In short, it wants to go to this area.

But if you want to say it, this place is not a 'new world.'

It existed a long time ago, there are many solidified creatures from there... but because they can't go back... they can only live in a solidified void.

Managers convene their commitments, that is, they can bring them back together.

Of course it did not fulfill the promise.

But these solidified creatures that communicate with Lin say they don't want to go there.

They just want to try to hunt Ershi... just kill a star bus.

They originally thought that there are managers and other coagulation organisms that can help this hunt to succeed.

But I didn't expect the manager to use all other coagulation creatures to solidify Ershi for a while, then after the originalization of Ershi, he ran away.

Now it is equal to greatly improving the difficulty of hunting, even if they are ... the odds are very low.

They feel that there may be more and more individuals out of the subject, and there is no way to hunt away if there is too much.

Lin asked about the reasons for their hunting.

They show that there is no special reason, just simply like the challenge.

Challenge those powerful creatures...the greatest interest in their lives.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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