4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2855: Intrusion

The second eight hundred and fifty-five chapters to what that one

"They all participated in... this war."

"This feeling... very interesting."

Here is a vast rocky wasteland.

Ershi’s incarnation is slowly advancing on this wasteland.

It sometimes looks up at the stars in the sky, and sometimes looks down at the gravel on the ground and keeps talking to himself.

Lin found that its changes were quite interesting.

Not long ago, Lin had almost put together the 'memory energy', and all the information inside was not so vague.

After Lin did this, Ershi also became... a lot better.

At least the surface environment is no longer extreme, and it is slowly returning to normal.

But Ershi...has not returned to normal, at least not so normal, it seems to become very 'sentimental'.

The performance of the Noah is that he ran to the more desolate places to wander around, and often sighed or something.

"We... all participated."

Nuo’s pace suddenly stopped because Lin’s Veronica was in front of it.

"What are you doing?" Lynn asked.

"Participate in it and fully participate in it." When he finished this sentence, he looked at the sky at the same time... The light of the aerial stars became more shining at this moment.

Originally, the surface of Bensh could not see the starry sky. The reason for seeing it now...is because these are the ones that Ershi got.

It modifies the ...... light and shadow effect of this space, so that it can now see the starry sky on the surface, but it seems to be more than just the starry sky.

Lynn noticed that there were many ... spheres between the stars in the sky. These spheres were constantly getting bigger and bigger, and finally became a group of...rollers flying around Ershi.

"This is the time..." Nuo looked at the changes in the sky and spoke to himself.

At the same time, there is a tumbling person in the sky suddenly facing this side... hit it.

It was as if it was actually hitting here. Its surface was close to Ershi, and it ignited brilliantly, and the entire Ershi's surface began to tremble violently.

"Ah!" Ershi people around the world can also see this scene, they have issued a cry of horror.

But this is still the image. When the surface of the tumbling person almost touches the surface of Ershi, it disappears.

"This is the time..." But Lynn also noticed that Novo started to make new moves. It raised a hand... There were other tumblings in the sky, and this time they didn't bump.

But... it exploded.

The two tumbling tumbling wheels instantly turned into countless pieces, which were like a meteor shower and spilled over the surface.

This time, the fragments succeeded in 'hitting' the ground, and they burst out on the ground.

If you look in the void, you can see that Ershi's surface is like a blossoming countless flowers.

But this time it is also an image... All the brilliance does not cause any actual damage to the surface.

Except for one place.

‘Boom! ’

All other explosions disappeared at the moment of bloom, but the explosion continued to spread.

It just hit the city center of a city.

The strong explosion caused the people of the whole city to fall into horror again, and the impact also shattered the surrounding buildings.

Lin immediately let some pompoms fly from the void and came to the scene of the explosion.

Just in the center of the crater of the explosion, a black object was slowly standing up from it.

"This world is about to be destroyed. Have you heard it? The whole world will die!"

The object stood up to ten meters high. It looked... it looked like a tall tower. The skin of the body looked like... dark concrete, and there were many tentacles around its body.

Lynn thinks it should be... the creature that contacted the aggregate before, and Lin is not very sure what it is.

It may be that those who want to invade Ershi's solidified creatures, Lin tried to find it before, but there is no clue.

Now it has popped up again.

"Don't you dare to come out to fight? You really don't come out to compete with me? Then I want to destroy your small world!"

This creature looks very... angry, at least Lynn can feel the anger of Ershi people from it.

It is now moving at high speed on the ground, and it moves through the ... crawler underneath.

It looks a lot like the track of the tank of Ershimin, which allows it to grab the ground... climb out of the pit that it blows out.

Then it approached the nearest Ershmin building at a rapid rate.

The Ershi people in this building have all ran out, and now it is an empty building.

'boom! Suddenly, the creature aimed a tentacle at the building. In a fierce roar, the building was knocked out by a large part.

"Look, you are so fragile!" At this time, it was ready to aim at a building next to it... but it did not fire successfully.

"Do you dare to fight against me? I want to kill you! I want ah!"

Because a pompom fell from the sky, it entangled the tower.

It didn't use a tentacle to open fire on Lin, it might be afraid to blow it up to himself... but it has a lot of tentacles that can stick out spikes, and it is constantly pricking the ball with these spikes.

Although all the spikes... were caught by Lynn's fluff.

Then Lin began to detect this creature, and Lin found that it was not a solidified creature.

It is a structure made up of the more common metals on Ershi... This is quite interesting.

However, it is more complicated than the general Ershi people's creations. Lin noticed that there is something like the 'smart core' in the body, which is its thinking structure.

At the same time, there are a lot of ammunition in the body, which is simply a thing like a smart machine, and it is also a contact group.

Lin tested its core, and Lin found that it stores the memory... It is similar to the common storage method of Ershimin.

And its 'brain' is to extract memory from this and then act.

Lynn found that it stored information in it before it... contacted the assembly.

It was that it sent some information to the collective before telling it to be able to 'recover' the creatures on the only bridge.

Because it... is the only creature on the bridge.

At least it thinks it is.

It has all the memories of a certain civilization on the bridge, and it feels that they can recover on this.


'boom! ’

When Lin thought, suddenly suffered... attack.

A violent explosion blew out Lin's pompoms from the creature's body.

The source of the explosion is ... more of this mechanical creature.

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