4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2857: Residue

"This place...is it's...residual."

Here is a vast underground cave.

Lynn's Veronica and... Ershi's promise is slowly moving forward in this place.

The wall here is not a rock structure, but a black substance that looks like jelly.

Going up will feel soft and flexible.

Because this is the body of a bus, the bus that Lynn calls a 'war bus'.

Not long ago, Lin found it in the void, and told her where it was. Ershi was also very interested in it, so he got the No. to investigate.

Lynn also made a Veronica, and then went down to the depths of the bus with Novo.

These black jelly-like structures are actually the original organs of this bus.

Its organs are no longer the same, but have been dissolved and reorganized to become like this.

Although completely different, Ershi came here to do some investigation and said that this bus is what it knows... a 'friend'.

"It becomes like this, maybe it is like me."

The spirit of Ershi has now recovered almost... It walked on the black soft jelly and said: "There is some kind of creature that attacks us."

"Do you know anything?" Lin asked: "Is it a creature in war?"

“It’s possible,” said Nobel. “There are some creatures that may or may not be nearby...”

Because Ershi regained his spirit, Lin had asked him about the war before... Ershi also told Lin that it played a ... commander in that war.

It is a relatively small commander, because the scale of the war is very large and requires a large number of commanders.

But to say that, in fact, this is not a commander... It should be called ‘Life Data Convergence Officer’.

Because it is not responsible for commanding the battle, there is actually no such role as a conductor in the bus.

It is responsible for collecting data, all living things around, whether hostile or friendly, the task of the 'data gathering officer' is to record their life and death and send it to the same kind.

Let the surrounding companions know when and where the creatures died, that is, understand the overall situation of the battlefield.

Only one of each group of buses is dedicated to detecting the surrounding environment, while other buses are mainly fighting.

The role played by Ershi is this, but Ershi also said that its role did not persist until the end.

After the memories became clear, it found that the role played would die, and the memories ended.

Moreover, Ershi has not found any way to play other roles. No matter how to adjust the 'memory energy', it seems that it is... causing the memory to be clear and unable to adjust the role played.

Ersh is hesitant to continue to investigate because it finds that this energy can easily affect its thinking...

This causes its mood to be abnormal, and it really is because it lost half of the reason for consciousness.

Therefore, Ersh intends to protect his nerve structure so that his nerves are not invaded by other transmitted energy.

Since half of the bus creatures are aware of the energy transfer, this lack of energy-constrained buses... is indeed likely to be added to the strange transfer energy that affects consciousness.

This may be the case with Ershi’s ‘friend’.

"It should be to make yourself like this."

Although I don't know how the process is, Ershi thinks that this bus is just like it... in the memory of the war.

And it plays the same role as Ershi in the memory.

Later it transformed its environment into a look of memory.

Just a little bit of a problem.

Because according to Lin’s previous knowledge... It is said that the bus will be in the position of the original battlefield at the end of the memory of the memory.

This bus obviously did not go.

There is... how the interior of it changes.

Before Lin, I have never heard that the bus will change its internal organs because of falling into memories.

At present, its internal organs have become a very wonderful state, that is, the state of 'useless meat'.

Simply put...similar to the 'tumor' of cell biology.

It became a group that didn't work, but it was still a living object.

But what you have to say is not completely useless, it can still send or receive some information.

It’s like sending the... biological data to Ershi.

Ersh thinks that it may have some thinking ability, so now I am planning to... find it.

"It should be here."

Said, Ershi has come to a place... in front of the wall.

This wall is also a muddy dark substance... Novo gently put your hand on it: "There should be... some residual nerve structure."


When Ershi said this, the whole wall suddenly swayed, and Lin also saw a black viscous material squeezed out of the wall.

The group moved slowly on the ground... and finally came to the promise of No.

When he saw the object, Novo gently placed his hand on it.

Lin sees the same way as she learns... At the moment Lin puts her hand on, Lin feels... a strong message.

A lot of information is constantly flowing into Veronica's thinking, including the death of countless creatures.

Accurately speaking, the biological information that died in the war, the location of their death, the cause of death, and so on, all of which are constantly pouring into Veronica's thinking.

Until the last biological death message.

The last death message...not the creature on the battlefield, but the bus.

It also recorded its death information in it.

And the cause of its death is... self-reform.

That is, it is deliberately transforming itself into what it is now. In order to avoid certain situations, it has turned all its organs into the current black jelly.

However, its jelly is not as if Lin is currently understanding it is not useless.

In fact, it has a little use, that is, to maintain the environmental changes of the surface, but also to accept and send information.

It maintains this state in order to... warn the creatures who come here.

But what is the warning?

Lin found that there was only a bunch of death messages in the pile of jelly, including the cause of the bus's death.

Nothing else knows anything.

Ersh is also very surprised about this, obviously need to continue to investigate.

But now compared to investigating this bus... there is something else to do.

Because there are a lot of appearances on the surface of this bus... the invaders.

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