4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2861: New creature

"The structure of its thinking has completely changed..."

Here is the 66-story underground cave.

Novo is doing ‘surgery’ on the ground.

That is, the hand is... touching the soft, soft surface of the black, occasionally it will force the ground to crack a crack, then break a finger and throw it into the crack.

This is how it is 'surgery', and these broken fingers are actually the arms that it throws into, used to adjust... and detect this bus organ.

Ershi said that its nerve organs are already very different from the original.

It divides the neural structure into a number of 'parts' that are not compatible with each other, which is why it cannot have the previous knowledge and memory.

Ersh felt that it was possible to fix it, but it took a long time, and it was not possible to use No.

Because the whole nerve structure is still very large, Ershi decided to create a lot of troops here to help repair.

This should be quite simple, because there are quite a lot of suitable resources on this bus, and it will take a long time to create a lot of machinery.

It is quite simple to manufacture, but it is hard to say if there are other threats.

"They are still there! Come over, this is a great opportunity!"

At this time, the ‘sound’ came from a distance. I saw that the group of ‘big earth 跑’ that had run before returned to the entrance from the upper cave.

And they are more than before, and Lin found a total of ... thirty.

But the most conspicuous is a creature in between, this creature is also covered with grit on the skin... but not the shape of the earthworm.

It is shaped like a half-story stump, with a height of more than six meters and a diameter of three meters, which is much larger than other ‘big earth 獭’.

“This is the initiator of the war? Is it here?”

And it's the same, it's the language of the bus: "How is this possible, it shouldn't be here!"

"What? Is it the initiator of the war? Did it lead to that war? There should be no such thing! But is that war really true?"

These creatures express their ‘surprise’ in bus language, as if they knew the war.

"Do you know them?" Lin asked in the language of Ershimin.

"They are not war creatures, at least not now." Novo said: "But there must be a connection."

"Yes..." In fact, from the information of this bus, it has been known that this stump is actually the same as the earthworm, and belongs to a member of the 'absorber'.

But beyond that, I don't know any other information.

Lynn’s guess is that they should belong to a creature that was once hostile to the bus.

"Must... get it."

Suddenly, Lynn found that the stump-like thing in the middle suddenly split a few mouths on the surface of the body.

At the same time, the crack also shot a large piece of ... arrow.

These arrows are like crazy machine guns that are madly and continuously shot from the 'stumps', and Lynn's Veronica and Novo are quickly avoiding them.

The arrow is filled with the soft ground.

It is said that the arrow is actually a black spiked thing... After the evasion lasted for more than ten seconds, the stump seemed to have no ammunition and stopped shooting.


However, the ‘ground’ that was filled up began to shake.

The soft ground quickly bulges and forms a huge black object.

The group of arrows filled with arrows then flew in the direction of Veronica and Novo.

It seems that this kind of 'arrow' has a wonderful effect, which can cause the already frozen jelly bus to split into such a 'biological' and attack.

Although it is not very fast, Veronica and Connaught can easily escape.

However, while avoiding it, Lin saw the stump in the other place, and seemed to want to make more of this creature.

Novo also saw it.

It jumped directly in place, stepping on the black mass of the activity in front of it and jumping into the sky. After turning around in the air, it slammed the top of the hole and rushed to the stump in the center of the earth.

At this time, the stump also fired several arrows for the Novo... These black arrows did not pierce the promise, but they were shot and flew out.

But Nuo also fell from the sky and fell into a group of 'big earth'.

"Ah!" Then Lynn found out... There were successive screams in this group of earthworms.

All the big mantles are lifting their claws and plucking them, but they can easily take their claws... and then they can directly cut their claws and arm together with a single force.

Then, with the force of hitting the earthen scorpion, this behemoth suddenly shattered and collapsed and turned into a piece of debris.

Although it looks great, it is actually very fragile.

There is no big earth to stop the promise, and the line of defense they form is as fragile as a sand wall.

When the head of another big mantle was smashed, Noah stood in front of the stump.

"The initiator of the war." The stump then spoke: "Even if you have been so long, you are still trying to create fear."

"Even if fear has gone... you are still trying to create new fears." The stump said: "You must end... or fear will last forever."

“Why do you think that I am the initiator of the war?” Nobel asked: “Have you experienced that war?”

"No." The stump said: "But we know that we know the root of all this...you are."

"You pollute everything." The stump said: "You must get to the end."

‘Hey! ’

This time, Novo did not answer, and it hit a heavy hit on the surface of the stump.

The stump is much bigger than it, but after being hit by it... it makes a dull sound and retreats at the same time.

The entire part of the stump that was hit was also bursting out. Under the scattered sand, you can see the rock-like structure inside, which is very similar to the earthworm.

However, it is actually very different.

When Nuo penetrated it, Lin also fired a... hair to its wound and began testing.

Although it looks like a rock, it is actually a very soft structure.

The stump is very soft whether it is skin or internal organs, but there is no liquid content inside.

These structures make Lin feel like it's here... Jelly creatures.

Although there are quite a few differences in essence.

But this stump is indeed capable of commanding the jelly creatures here, because Lynn found a special structure in it.

And Ersh is more concerned about its thinking.

That is what they just said... what it means.

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