The thinking transmitter for all Void creatures.

In this 'egg', there is such a thing.

It can send signals to a wide variety of Void creatures.

However, unlike Phoenix's ‘language translator’, the egg is not the ‘language’ of various creatures, but the neural structure that can resolve many kinds of creatures and directly input signals into their nerves.

This is why the creature feels that the bus is ‘evil’.

Lin and Ersh are now testing the ‘egg’, and Lynn finds it not so easy to detect it.

Because inside the 'egg', there is a small 'space storm'.

If the general micro-arms are put in, they will be broken by this subtle space storm.

Accurately, most of the structure of the body will be transported away, causing the body of this unit to break instantly.

Lynn thinks this... very interesting.

At the same time, Lin also found that if the egg is 'leaked', the space storm inside will become weaker.

That is to say, cracks on the eggshell, the internal mini-space storm will become smaller and slowly disappear.

So Lin quickly filled the gap, because Ershi said that if the space storm disappeared, the ‘content’ in the egg would disappear.

It is to become an empty egg.

To study the details of the interior, you must enter when it is still in the space storm.

This is indeed a little difficult... so Lynn is going to try to find out how to detect the inside of the egg.

Although you can't detect it... you can guess it.

This should be related to the creator.

After all, the creatures that Lin knows, only the creators belong to the relationship that is more obvious to the bus... hostile.

And they are also related to fear energy.

"It's the initiator of the war? It? Here!" At this time, Lynn suddenly received a ‘talk’, only to see a creature deep in the cave... slowly emerged.

The surface of this cave is gravel, which rises slowly from the gravel, as if it were floating from the water.

When this creature is fully present, you can see it is a creature with ten legs and two hands.

It is like the upper body of the Ershimin plus the body of the crab as the lower body, and its height is three meters. It is the same as the previous 'pegs' and 'the earth', it also uses the language of the bus.

And it also knows what the ‘war initiators’ look like.

The way to identify the initiators of war is mainly the egg that teaches them.

The key to identification is to detect the transmitted energy of the other person. It is said that every bus has

It will become smaller and slowly disappear.

So Lin quickly filled the gap, because Ershi said that if the space storm disappeared, the ‘content’ in the egg would disappear.

It is to become an empty egg.

To study the details of the interior, you must enter when it is still in the space storm.

This is indeed a little difficult... so Lynn is going to try to find out how to detect the inside of the egg.

Although you can't detect it... you can guess it.

This should be related to the creator.

After all, the creatures that Lin knows, only the creators belong to the relationship that is more obvious to the bus... hostile.

And they are also related to fear energy.

"It's the initiator of the war? It? Here!" At this time, Lynn suddenly received a ‘talk’, only to see a creature deep in the cave... slowly emerged.

The surface of this cave is gravel, which rises slowly from the gravel, as if it were floating from the water.

When this creature is fully present, you can see it is a creature with ten legs and two hands.

It is like the upper body of the Ershimin plus the body of the crab as the lower body, and its height is three meters. It is the same as the previous 'pegs' and 'the earth', it also uses the language of the bus.

And it also knows what the ‘war initiators’ look like.

The way to identify the initiators of war is mainly the egg that teaches them.

The key to identification is to detect the transmitted energy of the other person. It is said that every bus has

It will become smaller and slowly disappear.

So Lin quickly filled the gap, because Ershi said that if the space storm disappeared, the ‘content’ in the egg would disappear.

It is to become an empty egg.

To study the details of the interior, you must enter when it is still in the space storm.

This is indeed a little difficult... so Lynn is going to try to find out how to detect the inside of the egg.

Although you can't detect it... you can guess it.

This should be related to the creator.

After all, the creatures that Lin knows, only the creators belong to the relationship that is more obvious to the bus... hostile.

And they are also related to fear energy.

"It's the initiator of the war? It? Here!" At this time, Lynn suddenly received a ‘talk’, only to see a creature deep in the cave... slowly emerged.

The surface of this cave is gravel, which rises slowly from the gravel, as if it were floating from the water.

When this creature is fully present, you can see it is a creature with ten legs and two hands.

It is like the upper body of the Ershimin plus the body of the crab as the lower body, and its height is three meters. It is the same as the previous 'pegs' and 'the earth', it also uses the language of the bus.

And it also knows what the ‘war initiators’ look like.

The way to identify the initiators of war is mainly the egg that teaches them.

The key to identification is to detect the transmitted energy of the other person. It is said that every bus has

It will become smaller and slowly disappear.

So Lin quickly filled the gap, because Ershi said that if the space storm disappeared, the ‘content’ in the egg would disappear.

It is to become an empty egg.

To study the details of the interior, you must enter when it is still in the space storm.

This is indeed a little difficult... so Lynn is going to try to find out how to detect the inside of the egg.

Although you can't detect it... you can guess it.

This should be related to the creator.

After all, the creatures that Lin knows, only the creators belong to the relationship that is more obvious to the bus... hostile.

And they are also related to fear energy.

"It's the initiator of the war? It? Here!" At this time, Lynn suddenly received a ‘talk’, only to see a creature deep in the cave... slowly emerged.

The surface of this cave is gravel, which rises slowly from the gravel, as if it were floating from the water.

When this creature is fully present, you can see it is a creature with ten legs and two hands.

The shape is like the upper body of the Ershi people plus the body of the crab as the lower body, and its height is three meters live, and then

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