
This place is a dark space.

Occasionally, some light is shining, like lightning.

Not long ago, Lynn sent a large amount of fluff together with the ring that was wrapped around them.

Lynn originally wanted to send them back to the interior of the pompon, but...to the place.

A transmission error is an accidental phenomenon, but this transmission is not caused by an error.

Because at the moment of transmission, Lynn detected that all the rings around it emitted a strange 'energy'.

In fact, it is similar to the interference effect of the eye of the storm.

So Lynn will be sent here.

If there is preparation, Lin can fight this kind of interference.

However, Lin did not have any preparations, mainly Lin... I don’t know if they would interfere.

The ring that Lynn caught, Lin detected it did not find it has the ability to interfere, but many other rings will interfere, which is quite wonderful.

The location that Lin is now sending is still in the 'melt chain'.

The correct statement is in the center.

This location is the center around a large number of chains that look like a dark area from the outside.

After being transferred here, Lin found the ring that was entangled... and stopped the activity.

All the structures in the ring itself are like a cell organism that constantly runs around the clock.

Now Lin found that they all stopped working, as if the ring was dead.

So, Lin let the fluff continue to entangle it, and let the micro-arms investigate inside.

Lynn decided to thoroughly understand all the structures inside the ring... This should lead to the understanding of the 'melt chain' creature.

At the same time, Lin will continue to investigate this place to see.

Lynn let a fluff out of the entanglement and flew to the nearest ‘flashing point’.

The only wonderful scenery here is the 'electricity' that occasionally flashes.

Lynn's fluff slowly drifted to a position where there was often a flash of electric light.

When the fluff was approaching, Lin found that the 'electrical light' began to stop flashing, but it was maintained.

As the fluff approaches... it also becomes brighter and brighter.

'Snapped! When the fluff was about to come into contact with it, the electric light suddenly burst into flames, just like the lightning in the night sky, illuminating the entire dark space in an instant.

The original dark place... also has a complicated scene.

In this scene, Lynn can see countless... the ring is flying in the void.

They fluttered around under the stars, and finally all the rings were stacked one after the other... stacked together.

As all the rings overlap, a huge 'chain' appears in the void.

It seems that this is a picture of when they are assembled?

But then there was a wonderful thing. When Lin looked at a huge chain of chains assembled in the void, these chains suddenly all... cracked.

The huge chain instantly burst and turned back into a scattering ring.

Then Lynn found these rings... and they were all broken.

They all turned into pieces that were scattered in the void... but the scenery only changed for a few seconds.

Each piece of debris is rapidly expanding, and finally becomes a different form... object.

At the same time, the surrounding starry sky background has become... another scene.

There seem to be countless here... the light and shadow float in the air.

They are like aurora, colorful and uncertain.

Among these rays, there are many... objects that look like metal structures.

They vary in shape and number... Most of them seem to be tens of meters in size.

This is true if you use Lynn's fluff to be a proportional object.

These things all look like a lot of metal, which reminds Lin of the city of the virtual people.

But what is the significance of these images?

When Lin thought about it, all the scenery broke again.

Then Lynn found that it had changed back to the beginning of the picture, that is, the picture of the ring that made up the chain...

After watching it for a while, Lin found that these pictures were repeatedly played.

Lin let the fluffs recede a little, and after leaving the original flashing 'electrical light' position, these scenes disappeared.

It turns out that it seems to be... this model.

Next, Lin continued to approach other flashing lights.

Sure enough, after approaching other electric lights, you can continue to see more scenes.

The new scene seems to be almost the same... It was originally the picture of the ring-shaped chain, and then the place where the glittering shadows and the metal floats were everywhere.

Lin saw several electro-optic lights and found that they were all similar, but the details were different.

Like a ring that forms a chain of views... Lynn finds that each time a different chain is formed and a different ring is formed.

Although they look very similar, there are actually many differences.

There is also the scene of the metal floating object... each time it is displayed, it will be a different position.

Occasionally, Lynn can see something like creatures flying around in this scenery.

When they act, they will be next to those metal structures... scraping some debris and the like.

These debris will float in the air for a while, then slowly gather together.

When a large amount of debris gathers, they become the shape of a ring.

After seeing it here, Lin feels like a...their 'history.'

These images are all describing these.

It may not be possible to piece together a complete historical image after all of them have been read.

But why is it putting these images here?

No matter how much, Lin continues to observe by touching various electro-optic lights.

After watching... almost a hundred, Lin found a special situation.

That is when there are a lot of floating metal areas, Lin found that... some creatures communicated in this scene.

These creatures look like metal structures... things that are not fixed.

They come in many forms, most of which are more like insects.

They all adhere to each other on the metal floats.

The way they communicate is to touch each other's body with a limb-like structure.

Although Lin did not know them, she found that they could understand the content of their communication.

They are mainly discussing things about the end of the day.

It seems that this place where metal blocks are floating everywhere is going to... the end of the world.

The whole place will be destroyed for some reason, they have no way, they can only continue to complain here.

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