This thing... how to use it?

In the depths of the earth, among the huge spherical bases, Lin created a small thing...

This is an ultra-small brain. The most important kind of cells like nerve cells are more than one million. There are many other kinds of cells, which make up various structures in the brain. The main thing is to learn some small ones. The simpler brain of biology is faster than Lin originally thought.

and then? Nothing else?

In fact, Lin found that there is no way to judge whether this brain has been created or not. It has no way to reflect the brain's role as the general species... It does not produce its own thoughts, so Lin can't know what the brain has. Not useful, maybe too small?

However, Lin doesn't want to make a big one. I don't know what will happen. So let's try it first and let it sleep if it sleeps.

Lin let the cells of this brain begin to fall asleep. Lin’s sleeping state is very different from that of normal creatures used to restore tired sleep. I don’t know if dreams will occur.

... Didn't it react?

Lin made a few thousand seconds after she slept, and she didn’t feel any special things at all. Maybe it didn’t work at all...

After that, Lin made a bigger brain than before, this time composed of 10 million cells, although it is still very small compared to the tens of billions of nerve cells of the larger species of Snapdragon. But this time...

Lin intends to use a new method to test, some of the brains will know that part of the brain is awake, and some fall asleep to take turns to rest. But some creatures must be completely sleepy.

So Lynn wants to completely sleep and give it a try. However, all units must maintain their daily activities while they are asleep. Otherwise, what strange things happen when you wake up is not good.

Thinking, Lin’s whole thoughts slowly entered a deep sleep, and everything around him became dark...

This time, Lin didn't wake up in an instant, as if the darkness around it was particularly long, but it was surrounded by darkness, as if nothing special.

Just as Lin thought so, a sudden burst of light appeared in the dark space. They are like twin stars, and it seems to be a bit interesting.

Lin tried to move here, but it didn't seem to move. Lin thought that she should be able to move in the dream, but no matter how she moved her thoughts, there was no movement around the stars, and it didn't appear to be close.

After waiting for a long time, there was no change anymore. Lin still felt that the brain was too small to display more information.

then. Lin then woke up, and Lin could let herself wake up at any time or sleep at any time. This time, Lynn wants to get a new brain.

At the same time, this time Lin carefully observes the brains of some dreaming creatures and explores which parts of their brains are active during sleep. For the study of cliff dwarfs, they are more active in the cerebral cortex during sleep. Quite complex and rich nerves seem to be the main source of thought.

So, after sleep, these nerves are not completely suppressed, and some of them are still active and will create dreams. If Lin does this, it is mainly to observe which part is active during sleep, and then let the brain be made. It does exactly the same thing...and then continues to sleep...

Lynn made up a new brain this time, a hundred times bigger than the previous one. At the same time, Lin let a part of the brain call the 'dream area' part to remain active, and the other part to go to sleep. In fact, this is not a piece of concentration. The area together is scattered, but there is no problem with this.

When Lin didn't sleep, it was useless to sleep. So Lin needed to go to sleep...

This time, maybe something interesting will be shown.


Around, it is still a darkness.

No starlight, nothing... Did it go wrong? Or is the size not enough? But there have been things before, and this time there should be something.

Just when Lin thought so, the surrounding lights lit up instantly. The whole scenery seemed to appear suddenly. The sky was blue, and below it was the vast sea. It was surrounded by empty space and looked like it was in the center of the ocean.

This effect looks much better than before! It’s already the same as it is, but there are still some differences. This ocean has no waves and looks like it’s still...

If you move it, it will be more real.

Just as Lin thought about it, the sea suddenly began to produce waves, and these waves were slowly swaying like real seas.

So, can you do this? Then Lin thought for a moment, suddenly the sea was shaking wildly, a giant tsunami that was dozens of meters high suddenly rose from the sea, and then rushed toward Lin.

However, the tsunami that was tilted to half suddenly stopped in the air, then quickly retracted into the sea, and the sea became as calm as before, just like nothing happened...

This is really fun... Lin can now let the displayer display a variety of images, but that's just a plane, and the real effects like this can't be done, but can be achieved through dreams?

This can do a lot of interesting things... but don't control it now, if you control it yourself, then you can't find something unknown like a brain worm.

Therefore, Lin let the ocean return to calm, and then see if there is anything else happening. The occurrence of dreams is generally related to the ‘subconsciousness’ of the creatures, but Lyne does not know if he has any subconscious, maybe? For example, when Lin stops the detailed command, the arms will also carry out some basic activities on their own. They do not necessarily need detailed command to each action during the battle. Of course, Lin prefers detailed command, but does not command them to have some activities. The ability, this does not know whether it has anything to do with the subconscious...

Lin found that she can move freely in this place, but she has no form. It feels like a group of air. The speed of movement is not fixed. I can think of it as fast as I can.

Lin entered the sea, and the sea was empty. There was nothing. Lin continued to move deep into the ocean, but she could not see it all the time.

Then, Lin rushed out of the sea and rushed into the sky, but like the rushing into the sea, no matter how much it went up, it was all blue, and could not see the new scenery...

In this case, it is not very different from the previous starry sky, although it is richer.

Lin ‘fly’ back to the sea and look at the calm sea. Lin felt that she might wake up and get a bigger brain.

……what is that?

Lin suddenly saw that there was a strange thing on the sea in the distance. When I looked closer, Lin found that this was a creature that I had never seen before!

Sure enough, will there be something weird in my dreams? This creature is very strange, it feels like a dwarf, but it is very different.

Suddenly, when Lin thought, this creature disappeared.

How could it be gone? Lin stumbled a little, and immediately “created” an identical creature according to the impression she had seen before, and then continued to observe...

It is indeed a creature that has not been seen... but why are there creatures that have not been seen before? Maybe Lin had imagined this creature?

This is really interesting, but it is too little. There should be more things.

Just as Lin thought so, the surrounding environment began to change, and the whole ocean instantly spread countless ice knots, and the whole sea was frozen in an instant.

The sky was also covered by a darkness, and the endless snow fell from the sky and sprinkled on the frozen sea.

This change is very interesting...

Although it was the scene that Lynn had seen, Lin did not deliberately think about how it should become, just let it ‘something more,’ but why did it change the scene of ice and snow?

I don’t feel cold here. Actually, Lin hasn’t felt the coldness of ice and snow for a long time, because there is no winter on the mainland of the dinosaurs. The winter time of the northern continent is only slightly lower on the mainland here. Some have an impact on some creatures, but there are no major problems.

In this snow and ice, the horizon became very blurred, and Lin let the sky stop snowing. After the light recovered, the surroundings were still as empty as before, except that the sea below became ice.

Since this is the case, then try new changes, thinking, Lin used the previous method to change the surrounding environment, but did not specify in detail what it should become.

At this time, the sea surface of the ice knot suddenly collapsed completely. From the cracks of the ice knot, it was not the sea water, but the lava, and the whole world suddenly became the ocean of lava.

Is this the opposite of cold? Then continue to change and see...

Then, Lin let the surrounding environment change constantly. Lin found that there are other kinds of different environments, such as rocky land, desert, etc., once there is an environment where the ground is composed of crystals, but there will also be repeated Oceans, ice knots, lava, etc., and these three are the highest repetition rates.

This law is difficult to figure out, but there is no creature in the environment, and there is no jungle environment, like the strange creature that Lin had seen before.

Look at these environments, it seems that it is useless. The dreams of other creatures are mostly vague, but Lynn is very clear, but it seems to cause a problem... It is not easy to have unknown things.

However, this special scene can obviously be used to do other things... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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