4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2876: Real dream

“Do you want to pursue a true dream? That is where all biological dreams come together.”

The 'melting chain' wanders around in the void.

They have learned a lot and have learned a lot.

Although the outer 'chain', that is, the ring and the inner 'core', that is, the fragmentary creatures are two consciousnesses, they are considered to be a complete creature.

The chain is mainly responsible for fighting and collecting materials.

They will break up the various substances encountered in the void and throw them into the core.

Then, the chains will be imagined, and the core will make everything they imagine.

Generally speaking, the first manufacturing is relatively slow, but once the manufacturing is successful, it is easy to manufacture.

They have created many wonderful things through imagination, and things like the Eye of the Storm are also imagined.

As long as the ring is imagined, the debris creature will constantly try to create the thing that is closest to imagination.

Their manufacturing capabilities seem to have unlimited possibilities, through this ability... The melting chain is also undergoing long-term exploration in the void.

In addition to making a variety of things, the chain has also produced ... the same kind.

To be precise, it is to make a baby.

When the cub is made, it is only a few rings and a small number of small fragments of creatures.

But they will grow slowly and eventually become a huge creature that is almost identical to the original melt chain.

The reason why the chain is made to make a baby may be just learning to breed other creatures. In short, the number of chains has increased.

But there is not much that is, and the maximum number of creatures in the chain may be less than ten.

The original chain of melting has been traveling in the void... They have encountered many species and have encountered civilization.

These encounters are passed on to the dreams of the little dreamer in the space... The fragmented creatures in the dreams try to create a variety of things.

Some civilized species have also been created.

Of course, the raw materials of these species are fragments of the dreamer.

Slowly, this space has become a very dynamic place with a variety of creatures with different personalities.

The melt chain encountered a group of creatures at the end.

Fuse chains rarely communicate with the organisms they encounter, and generally take an observational attitude.

However, this group of creatures began to communicate with the melt chain shortly after the melt chain encountered.

And... they seem to understand the character of the chain.

In the journey of the melting chain in the void, what is most interesting is not the 'real' thing.

It is the imagination of various creatures, the dream.

It finds that many creatures will imagine and dream, forming various kinds of illusory things in their thinking.

They like to study and understand the imaginations and dreams of various creatures, and to understand what the creatures are thinking about... It is the greatest pleasure of the melting chain on this journey.

Of course, they don't necessarily like what the creature imagines, but they really like to know what the creature thinks.

It is also this goal that drives the melting chain to understand and investigate various organisms.

And this kind of creature that communicates with the melt chain... indicates to the chain that they can make the chain achieve their ultimate pursuit.

They show the melting chain a world full of ‘dreams’.

It is said that this place is the convergence of the fantasy of all creatures and the things in the dream.

This place is called the land of dreams, and it can be said to be 'unforeseen places'.

However, this title of unforeseen land seems to have arisen after the war.

Because after the war, it became unpredictable.

It is still foreseeable now, and is... very close to this place.

This creature tells the melt chain that they are pulling closer to that void.

As long as the two sides are in full contact, the melt chain can be sent to that place.

The melt chain is quite interested in this...

The melt chain is very familiar with the imagination and thinking of various creatures, so they did not immediately trust each other.

But after the other party showed them the 'image' of that place, the chain still believed that the place was 'real'.

They decided to help these creatures.

Because the creature tells the melting chain at the same time, pulling that place close to this void will cause some creatures to be dissatisfied.

This of course refers to bus creatures.

They tell the melt chain that bus creatures are a very powerful group of creatures that are likely to prevent the proximity of both worlds.

In order to stop this, they must unite a large number of creatures to fight the bus.

The melt chain promised to participate in this war.

Because they really want to see the place of dreams.

But there is another point that they want to understand... biological ideas.

Because it is said that there will be countless creatures participating in this war, whether it is a friendly or an enemy.

Since the chain has traveled in the void, the creatures encountered are actually very few... Generally speaking, it takes a long time to travel to a place with creatures.

Also look at luck.

And now this war will lead to the accumulation of countless creatures...the variety of their species is far more abundant than the melting chain.

To understand the ideas of these creatures, this is also the main reason for the melt chain to participate in this war.

At the same time, the melting chain also convened the ‘offspring’ that it had made before, and began to prepare for this war.

Then the war began.

They played a big role in the war, mainly because they could continuously combine a large number of weapons and other things during the battle.

And it is constantly inventing something new to deal with buses.

However, it is not clear about the details of its war. It only knows a small part, but the result of the war... is clearer.

The melting chain is all... the war is dead.

This is what Lin sees now.

The huge body of the melting chain has been floating in the void, although it seems to be complete, but it is no longer active.

But it is not completely unmovable.

There are some... the ring is moving.

It was the ring that Lin had encountered before, but they were not the melt chain itself.

It's a wonderful...by-product.

As for the melt chain itself is dead, its core is completely empty, but the wonderful thing is... its core is still connected to the space inside the dreamer.

Lin can see the situation directly in the space here.

The space seems to record the history of the entire melting chain for some wonderful reason.

It's not very complete, but it's generally understandable.

At the same time, I can also know that there is a group of creatures that are not considered as fragments of living creatures.

To be precise, they don't pursue dreams, but they should be composed of fragments of dreams... They are discussing the end of space.

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