4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2882: Small space

"Maybe already noticed."

"Do we need to leave here?"

"First observe for a while."

This place... looks more interesting.

Lin is currently using the dream energy to detect this space.

This kind of detection method can't directly 'see' things, the dream energy itself is like... the water flow generally moves in space.

Any object that comes into contact with the energy of the dream will be perceived by Lin, and Lin can understand the shape and structure of the object.

Now, Lynn's dream energy has circled around this space.

This space is very small, and the length, width and height are only ten meters.

But there are a lot of things in the space.

Lin first encountered a group of creatures that were about a millimeter in size, they were crowded together and discussed some things.

Because Lin's dream energy touches them, they can feel their thoughts.

The things they discuss are mainly about construction, and this group of small creatures seems to be responsible for the construction of this place.

They are deciding to remove one of their recently established passages and use the material to make another.

The passage is also the main view of this small space, and the entire space is full of criss-crossing pipes.

These pipes vary in thickness, and the thickest is only ten centimeters.

They are like the underground pipeline system of Ershimin, which is almost densely packed with the entire space.

There are many... small rooms in these pipes.

These small rooms are all over the pipe, and there are always a lot of creatures inside.

The more common one is the one-millimeter size that Lin first saw, responsible for the construction of the creature.

In addition to this, there are many other creatures. Lin’s second creature is also more concerned with Lin. These creatures seem to be responsible for... planning.

It is they are planning something about the melting chain.

From their communication, Lynn knows that they have been transporting energy to the location of the fuselage body.

That is the energy that makes the chain ring 'resurrection'.

As soon as this energy touches the ring very little, the ring will slowly move itself.

In addition to moving the rings, they can also send energy to influence the thinking of the ring.

For example, let the ring produce some memory that is not available. Although you can't directly control the ring, you can manipulate the ring to do a lot of things.

It seems that all the things that happen in the fuselage body are made by them.

And they always think that they are in a very secret state, they will not be discovered at all... but now it is different.

They now think that they have been discovered and seem to have the intention to transfer.

There are more kinds of creatures here, but Lynn doesn't feel their thoughts when they touch other creatures.

Only these two Lin discover that their ideas will pass through the dream energy.

So, at the moment, Lynn decided to capture them.

The way to capture them is simple: throw a large number of tiny units into their space... and then occupy their small space.

Of course, if these troops are solved, Lin has other methods... Thinking, Lin started the action.

Lin made a large number of worm-shaped arms in the body of Lin's ‘dream squad, and transferred these units to the interior of the space.

"Discovered! Hurry up!"

At the moment Lin was transmitting, Lin found that the creatures inside reacted immediately.

They instantly closed the gap in the space, which also led to the interruption of Lin's transmission.

But Lin has already transferred to three arms.

These three arms are similar in shape to the rafters, they are only one millimeter in size and are located somewhere in the space pipe.

Lynn found that there was no way to send reinforcements from outside, unless there was no way to dig up their space.

However, Lin has not found this method yet.

The three arms that were sent in, were also besieged by a large number of enemy troops.

So Lin had to... solve the enemy with these three arms.

Fortunately, they don't seem to be very strong.

The most common creatures in this small space are currently attacking Lin to a large number.

These creatures look a lot like creatures called dust mites, and their attack methods are more interesting.

They can emit a lot of tiny... sharp particles from the body.

These particles are like a storm that strikes on Lin's arms, but although they can penetrate deep into the pipe wall, they can't break through the armor of the Lin.

While resisting the shooting of these particles, Lin's arms quickly advanced.

Lin's attack method is much simpler, like the ordinary scorpion, smashing the close target or piercing with the tail needle.

Although they are not cell organisms, their structure is much weaker than that of Lin's arms, and Lin can easily break them.

Of course, Lin will not waste these pieces.

Lin has only two arms in combat, and one eats these pieces in the back.

At the same time, Lin made a 'factory' in this unit, letting it reorganize the pieces and make it into a branch.

After a fight, Lin found that the creatures felt... fear.

They noticed that they couldn't hurt Lin's arms, and they quickly retreated to the depths of the pipeline.

When Lin tried to chase them, Lin found a huge...the door fell from the top, blocking the way forward for Lin.

This feeling is quite interesting, they also do this kind of institution.

However, their reaction also means that they have no way to simply solve Lin's appearance.

In fact, Lin just wants to send these units for testing, even if they are easily solved... it doesn't matter.

But since they can't be solved, Lin decided to develop here.

Lin asked the three scorpion arms to quickly collect the corpses of the hoods that had been smashed before, and then assembled them.

Although these things are not cellular structures, Lynn can make them into mechanical arms.

Put in a cell at the same time and the driver will control it.

And Lynn also decided to create a 'dream sensor'.

Because this space is disconnected from the outside, Lin can't continue to use the dream energy to detect this space.

But the energy that was sent into this space is still there. What Lin wants to do is connect the energy with some methods.

I can continue to perceive the space.

Just as Lin noticed the... the pipe wall is a very suitable material.

That is, the material that can accommodate the energy of dreams.

Lin can use them to create a device for dream perception, so that we can know the specific situation here...

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