
"Why... no... no dreams!"

This is an open... empty place.

In the vast space, countless debris is flying.

Although there is no air here, they are indeed flying.

The huge body of the chain and the trap it is... the dream hunter is here too.

Not long ago, the melt chain did something for the dream hunter, letting it open a 'secret passage'.

But now it seems... the secret passage has not been opened.

This may be because this ancient space is not connected to the unpredictable land at all... Lin thinks so.

But it has another effect.

Just let the debris here move.

There is a lot of debris in this space...they all floated in a static state, but now they all move.

These debris are constantly trembled, and it seems that there is something 'power' that affects them.

“Have it been exhausted?”

Suddenly, Lin found out... There was a lot of debris gathered, and a huge storm formed a kilometer in front of the melt chain.

The storm quickly stopped, and it was also seen that this pile of debris formed a strange shape.

It looks like a big... symbol from the outside, and there are many small symbols around it.

These are all formed by the clumps that have just gathered together. They are considered to be a language in the space of the dreamer.

Dream sorcerers have dreamt of many creatures during their dreams... Again, these dreaming creatures use different languages.

The ‘symbols’ that Lynn sees now are the language used by some kind of creature.

"If that's the case... then maybe it should be updated."

These symbols are slowly becoming a variety of shapes, and Lin can understand what it means.

Of course, the melting chain of the history of the dreamer can also be understood, so the melt chain has questioned it.

"what are you?"

The melt chain used a large number of rings to form a question representing the question and asked the other party, but the other party did not react to it.

"Updates take some time, have to wait, live before waiting... live."

This symbol seems to have been in a state of 'self-talking', and then the chain tried to ask a few questions, but it still did not answer anything.

"You don't know what it is?" So, Lin asked a unit to question the melt chain.

"...I don't know." The chain said: "According to my understanding, this strange thing should not happen..."

"This is the dream you are pursuing."

Suddenly, Lin found out... the dream hunter spoke.

It seems to have suddenly recovered, and said in the language of the bus: "There is no passage here, and some are just... this creature."

It turned out that it seems... it was wrong.

Before Lin asked the melt chain about things about this space.

This 'repository' can be said to be linked to the 'dreamer space', but it is not fully connected.

That is to say, the dreamer space cannot directly enter the storage.

However, the dreamer can recover resources from the repository by some means, so he can repair his own damage.

The resources of the repository are limited. Although they are very much, they will be exhausted under long-term consumption.

The dream hunter had previously discovered the storehouse. It first investigated the place, and then did not do anything about it. Instead, it blocked the place.

Because the reservoir itself has some 'gap' connected to the normal void.

The dream hunter closed the gaps.

The reason it closes the gap is mainly because it sees something else in the repository... shocked.

The dream hunter thinks that this thing may enable many creatures to successfully pursue the dream, but it can't destroy it, so it will be blocked until there is a way to say it later.

This thing was originally a secret, no other creature knows.

But... it was known by the 'melting chain'.

When its consciousness was in a small space, it was always emitting energy to the outside to detect the outside environment.

Because its consciousness can extend to all the energy leaked to the outside.

These energies generally float into a ring and then activate the ring.

Even if the ring is activated, it can feel its consciousness within the ring. Although it can't directly control the ring, it can directly feel the emotion of the ring.

Occasionally, some rings suddenly create the idea of ​​'seeking a dream' and fly to the void to find the space of the dreamer.

These rings will be killed by the dream hunter.

But sometimes, the dream hunter does not immediately kill a ring, but grabs it for investigation.

Its survey method is mainly to detect the thinking of this ring.

The Dream Hunter itself has an organ that detects the energy of the ring's thinking. It has been using this method to investigate what the ring is thinking and to understand their state.

In order to better hunt the ring.

But what the dream hunter doesn't know is... this method will also let other creatures pry into its thinking.

To be precise, it doesn't know that another creature will spy on its thinking.

Because the dream hunter will kill the ring that has been tested, so the ring knows that its thinking does not matter.

But... what it doesn't know is that its thoughts are sneaked into by the consciousness in the small space.

The dream hunter does not know the situation in the small space.

Because the consciousness in the small space will hide itself by making some ‘memory illusions’ by controlling your own energy.

This detail does not explain it. In short, the dream hunter did not find the existence of a small space.

The consciousness of the dream hunter is understood by it.

It knows the dream hunter...blocks the ‘repository’ place.

Although it can't completely detect the memory details of the dream hunter, it knows the dream hunter's shock to the storage.

It believes that the place in the reservoir must have some access to unforeseen places.

So, it wanted to go into the storage at the time.

The final result is like what Lin sees now.

The last method that comes to mind is to create some special dream energy.

Because it finds that the mood of the dream hunter itself will be affected by the dream energy.

That being the case, use the power of dreams to create a variety of emotions... let the dream hunter consciously open this storage space for it.

This special dream energy is temporarily created after controlling the fuse body.

But it seems to be very effective, it is indeed for the hunter to open this space.

Only the results are different from the expectations.

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