4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 132: Jungle chase

There is no fixed rule in this world. A creature may be composed of anything. Anything may be reversed. Stones may fly into the air without any force. Creatures may also rely on their own thoughts to form weapons to attack. Heaven may Three moons and three suns appear at the same time! But the essence is still the same, competition, and then become stronger!

After creating a world with such a 'worldview', Lin retired from her sleep, and then let the 'biological' inside live... Lin first created a variety of creatures, let them evolve themselves. .

In addition to the real flesh and blood creatures, there are many other kinds of ingredients, even air-formed creatures. This is definitely very interesting...

These creatures don't start to grow from a little bit at first, they can be big at first, on land or in the air.

Of course, watching them change slowly, the surprise is not high enough, so Lin will let this brain continue to operate in a dream state, wait a while, then take a look at what is happening inside.

This world is not only belonging to Lin, Lin should be able to connect the brains of other creatures into the 'dreams', but this kind of thing will be said later... How long has it been?

Lin doesn't seem to know how long the time has passed in the dream... Even though Lin sets the same day and night as the outside, it seems that it can't match the time outside, it might be a little faster... but it's faster. how much?

When Lin observes the outside environment, it seems that there are many changes... probably two nights and nights? It seems that it is not easy to judge.

At present, the preliminary calculations may be about twice as fast as dreams. Lynn thinks this is caused by the speed of the brain's reaction. This is not a big problem.

Next. Lin has increased the space of this 'underground ventricle', allowing the brain to grow and grow, while connecting it with more nutrient pipelines.

Speaking of brain consumption, the nutrients are relatively large. For example, 骸龙, their brains only occupy more than 1% of body weight, but they consume nearly 20% of nutrients, mainly because they think too often, and consume more energy than the body. A lot bigger. Fortunately, Lin’s brain only needs to maintain the role of dreams, so only the memory capacity is large. As for the biological activities inside, it is directly guided from Lin’s thoughts through the brain. The brain itself does not need strong thinking ability...

In fact, those creatures and Lin are the same in the outside. If you don’t direct the command, you will carry out your own activities. Of course, Lin makes the biological activities more abundant, so they may develop into various forms, maybe There will be creatures with high intelligence...

Although they are developing very fast, they also take a certain amount of time. It would be boring if you get it out, at the same time as the development of dream creatures. Also observe the development of outside organisms.

In the distant jungle, a war is going on...

"Chong! Let them feel horrible!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

There are countless figures in the jungle, and as Tuck’s population expands, they finally collide with the white dragons in the jungle...

Over the years, Bailulong has not undergone a great expansion. They have only been divided into more communities by the original five small communities. Each community has no more than a dozen members except for the young ones. The dragon wood forest is far away, but the recent encounter between the two began to increase. Every time they meet, Bai Xiaolong will kill a single or a few Xiaolong, but there are still some living back and report to Tucker. Tuck immediately gathered a lot. The ethnic group began to launch an assault on Bai Xiaolong.

A large number of Snapdragons rushed through the jungle, and among the jungles in front of them, they were able to see the shacks of the White Dragon.

This is the closest Bailonglong community. Under the command of Tucker, the dragons in front of them raised their spears and rushed into the shacks!

Speaking of it, Lin thinks that Tucker has been a leader for a long time. The previous Snapdragon group changed their leader faster, which may also be related to their leisure time. Because there is no food crisis, they also challenge this idea. Weakened, they may feel that the need to replace the leader is not great?

The dragons used their spears to break into these shacks, but there was no reaction to them. A dragon slammed the shack and found that there was nothing inside. It immediately shouted: "This is empty!"

"Empty?" Other dragons also turned over the shacks and looked at them. Sure enough, each shack was empty. Did their raids have been discovered by Bai Xiaolong?

"Don't worry." Tucker came out of the group of Snapdragons. They have been learning the language for many years, and they speak very smoothly. Lynn also teaches them the language of the Jade Dragon, which is supplemented in many languages. Under the mix, now the dragons have a complete language system. They don't like the words and words as they used to be in the brain, but like to quickly say multiple words.

“Let ‘it’ go find their place.”

When Tucker said, he walked out of behind him with a white dragon, which squatted in front of a shack and smelled it carefully...

It’s Tucker’s original adoption, the white dragon, now it has completely joined their group, although Tucker’s attitude towards it has not been very good, but after all, it’s not going to hit it, it can follow Tucker. They learn all kinds of things, and it will listen to Tucker’s command.

Yes, it does not think that it is a white dragon, but that it is a family of dragons, but the color is special. This is the special ability of this 'learning' species... indeed teach them If they are raised, they will think that they are the species and not know their original ethnic group. Even if they are to be hostile to their own race, they will not hesitate!

At the same time, Bai Xiaolong's sense of smell is also relatively strong. It immediately points to the east side after smelling under the shack: "Hey!"

"Chong!" Tucker yelled, all the dragons rushed in that direction, because of the huge number of advantages, it is not as sneaky as before, but directly charge the other side to kill!

Crossing the vast woodland, Tucker and its tribes found many shacks of white dragons, but they were all empty, and the white dragons seemed to run away in the last night...

"They may be there," Tucker is now on the edge of the cliff in the jungle, which is tens of meters across the cliff. Below is the turbulent rapids, which are generally impossible to pass, but...

In front of Tucker, there is a strange 'bridge', like a bunch of trees and vines, extending all the way to the opposite side. The bridge made up of trees and vines is more than five meters wide, and a lot of piles are stacked on it. Leaves……

How it was made is worth thinking about, but Tucker is not free now. Under its command, several dragons took the lead and walked over the leaves in the middle. It was very safe. Did not find anything special.

Tucker led the members to walk on the bridge, and the leaves stacked on the airflow between the canyons were scattered everywhere...

These leaves are not able to hide the larger white dragon, Tucker is not very worried.

But it doesn't know, they can hide smaller things.

‘Hey! A small, sharp voice.

"Hey!" A dragon suddenly screamed, and the body rolled down the bridge and fell into the river.

The dragons suddenly became shocked, and Tucker immediately shouted: "The enemy attack! Return!"

"Wow, ah!" At this time, a large number of gnomes suddenly popped out of the surrounding leaves. They held blowing arrows and spewed out small flying needles to the dragons.

The flying needles are coated with their own toxins, which are not fatal to the dragons, but have a paralytic effect. Once they are stabbed by small needles, they may stand unsteady and fall off the bridge.

"Hey!" The dragons screamed, and at the moment the gnomes rushed out, there were several dragons who fell and fell on the bridge. The gnomes quickly pushed the fallen dragons to the bridge. .

"Don't panic!" Tucker flew a gnome to the bottom of the cliff. It waved a spear and accurately flew several small needles that flew over.

Other Snapdragons also immediately counterattacked. They tried to use the harder scales on their arms to stop the pygmy flying needles, and use the feet to smash them down from the bridge. Some Snapdragons were responsible for dragging them back. Companions, they instantly created a perfect fit and withdrew the entrance to the bridge.

"Wow, ah!" The gnomes stood on the bridge and yelled at the dragons who had withdrawn from the bridge, but none of them rushed out of the bridge to attack the dragon.

Tucker looked at the gnomes on the bridge, and he suddenly shouted: "Shooting!"

"Hey!" The dragons around Tucker immediately raised their spears to the gnomes on the bridge. Several gnomes were instantly pierced by the spears. Under the flight of the stone spears, they fled everywhere. Up, some of them tried to counterattack with a blow needle, but the dragons have retreated to the outside of the needle's range. Under the massive death and injury of the gnomes, most of the unscrupulous gnomes jumped directly from the bridge to the bottom...

Even if they fall from this height, the gnomes will not die, they will soon catch something and then climb ashore and then into a cave at the bottom of the cliff.

Tucker looked at the gnomes on the edge of the cliff, making sure they didn't climb out again, and let the troops start crossing the bridge again.

After waiting for most of the troops to cross the bridge, Tucker himself did not pass, but led several dragons to climb down the cliff. Its goal was... the dwarf's lair. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Long Haoyue ~ monthly ticket~

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