4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3743: abnormal

"Is it making pain in..."

On this ridiculous bus... Lin is testing a big jar.

The jar is more than 30 meters high, and the whole is transparent, and it is stuffed with material.

Lin tested its interior, the inside of the jar... completely brain cells.

When I first saw the jar, Lin felt it.

It is filled with brain cells of cell biology.

So this jar is a huge brain... and it connects many of the surrounding lumps.

The brain has been paying attention to the situation in the cultivation warehouse... the creatures inside are synthesized.

The various creatures that Lin saw before burst out of the incubation warehouse, the incomplete creatures are made by this brain.

But it is not the brain that wants to make them incomplete. In fact, it is very eager to make a normal creature.

It has been controlling the nutrients in the cultivation chamber.

A cultivating chamber without organisms is always full of nutrients, and then the brain begins to synthesize organisms with these substances.

From the first cell, slowly growing into a creature, the brain has been doing these things, but it has never been successful.

Because... every time the creature it cultivates grows to a certain stage, it will stop growing.

This led to the incompleteness of these creatures, the lack of limbs, internal organs, and many other things... basically stopped in half the length.

There is absolutely no way for the brain to do this. Every time the creature stops growing, it always thinks of ways to keep it growing.

But in any case, it can't do it. No matter how it is done, this creature will not continue to grow, and it will always maintain this kind of incompleteness.

This is not a 'deformity', but it is not made at all.

This situation is very painful for the brain, because it is extremely eager to make a complete creature, and its dream is to use these creatures to form an ecology.

But it can't even make a normal creature now. It has made countless creatures, but not once.

Its thinking has been imprisoned in this pain and cannot be dissipated.

From a mental point of view, it feels like a creator, but these brain cells are different from any creators that Lynd has ever seen.

And it does not have the ability to change itself.

That is, it will not find a way to get rid of this painful environment, and will repeat this pain over and over again.

The number of brain-controlled incubation bins is limited. When all the nursery bins are filled with crippled creatures... it will want to dispose of these incomplete creatures.

The brain can detonate the incubation chamber, but it cannot directly detonate.

It is necessary to cultivate something close to the warehouse near it in order to activate the detonation function.

It also makes it very uncomfortable, but once it perceives something close, it immediately blows up the incubation bin.

After the breeding warehouse is blown up, it will slowly grow a new one, and then it can continue to cultivate the creature.

Lin believes that there are many such brains on the surface of this bus, and they are constantly cultivating the incomplete creatures.

Lynn feels that there is a possibility that this bus has caught a lot... or a creator.

Then it transforms its brain cells, leaving it in this state of suffering but not breaking free.

If the nightmare of the melting chain is caused by this bus, then it is indeed possible to do this kind of thing.

Although I still don't know why.

In this case, Lynn decided to dig deeper to check its organs.

Because there are a lot of...cell creatures here, Lynn can use them to make more and bigger arms.

Then let them dig deeper.

While doing this, Lin also chatted with another creature.

That is... dream hunter.

The dream hunter is always in an escape state.

Although it is a bus creature, it does not transmit, but it has the ability to enter space.

It has also been using this ability to hunt other creatures.

There seems to be no room around here, and it can only continue to run away.

In the process of escaping, Lynn sent a question to it, but it never answered.

It was only after flying far enough that it answered Lin.

"It may be creating pain."

The dream hunter says so.

It said that the moment it met the bus, it received the ‘talk’ of the bus.

But the discourse is very abnormal... In a nutshell, it is similar to the screaming of the same kind of screaming.

At the same time, it also received a little bit of this bus... idea.

It wants to... spread pain.

Simply put, this bus wants to feel the extreme pain of any creature it touches.

The hunter felt that he would be used as a target, so he quickly fled.

Other than that, it doesn't know what it means to do this, and what the bus has gone through.

From the description of the dream hunter, this bus is a very abnormal bus.

Because it was very interesting, Lin accelerated the speed of the investigation.

Lin quickly assembled a ... canned brain with the bodies of the incomplete creatures plus some local materials.

It looks exactly the same as all the jars here, the transparent jar of more than 30 meters plus the internal brain.

It can move around at will, and it can also signal the surrounding lumps.

This is how Lin completely simulates the surrounding can brain signal and controls the situation in the incubation chamber.

Lynn tried it, and Lin’s canned brain could control the incubation chamber... but this incubation bin must have no other tank control.

There are actually a lot of such incubation bins, they don't have any tank brain control, but they are alone there.

Lin can also control it and then learn the way other cans make creatures.

The manufacturing process is 100% interrupted.

This is true no matter how small or how big it is made.

Generally speaking, this is based on what the tank brain thinks about itself.

For example, when a can brain wants to make a creature, it first conceives the ‘blueprint’ of the creature, and then orders to build a creature.

The incubation warehouse will in turn detect the bio-blueprint imagined by the can brain, and then stop it when it is halfway through it... no matter what kind of creature you imagine, no matter how you set the blueprint, the tank brain can't be completed. The whole creature.

So Lynn did a special test.

Lin first tried to imagine an octopus-like creature and began to build it from a tentacle.

After completing a tentacle, Lin suddenly changed her mind and decided not to make the whole octopus and make a tentacle creature.

Then this tentacle is a complete creature, at least in the can brain thinking made by Lin.

When Lin did this, Lin found that there was a lot of strong signal at the lumps.

This signal... seems to represent the anger of this bus.

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