4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2897: Reincarnation

This was originally a world without happiness and satisfaction.

Creatures can only live in a world of pain.

There are only a handful of intelligent creatures and emotion-free creatures in the world... These intelligent creatures have always lived in pain by ‘sense.’

But at some point, this has changed.

Because they found some...the way to get satisfaction directly.

In fact, this is not a 'drug'.

It is mainly related to some fungi-like creatures in the world.

The way this creature is reproduced is to make a lot of 'bacteria dust'. Whenever it is in the breeding stage... these creatures will put a lot of dust.

After these bacteria are absorbed by the individual creatures here, they will feel... very satisfied.

There is a certain component that directly stimulates the nerves to satisfy, which is the only way they can be satisfied.

When these creatures discover this, they raise the fungus.

They plant a lot of fungi and wait for them to multiply.

Although they are very long-lived, these creatures are very satisfied each time this fungus reproduces.

Although this is the satisfaction of ‘false’.

But...they have a good effect on them.

This is also the first step in their revival of civilization.

Although these creatures will not commit suicide to extinction, they also live an extremely negative life... Without any thought of reviving civilization, almost all of them are in a state where they can live for one second or one second.

But with this kind of Hengjun, all the individuals in this group of creatures began to become active in life.

They don't care about the usual dissatisfaction and pain, and only care about waiting for the fungus to breed and then get a great satisfaction.

As a result, these creatures began to develop actively.

Surprisingly, it seems that this fungus that satisfies them was not available before.

This fungus is a creature that suddenly emerges.

In short... they are developing rapidly thanks to the satisfaction of the fungus.

Lin feels that it is quite interesting here. This kind of 'false' satisfaction can destroy a civilization and rejuvenate a civilization.

Although...they have not been able to revive in the end.

With the help of drugs, these creatures began to try to focus on civilization, repair buildings, and proliferate... but just when these creatures do...

This world is angry.

The situation that Lin is now encountering is very similar. When there are too many creatures with satisfaction, there is a violent earthquake on the ground.

The earthquake was not very violent, but it lasted for a long time.

It made all the buildings impossible to build, and finally the surface collapsed with the earthquake.

And these civilized creatures are also extinct.

But it is not just them that are extinct.

The earthquake has continued for a long time... until even plants like plants, fungi and other unconscious creatures can't live, and these creatures are also extinct.

Finally, it seems that no microorganisms can survive except microbes.

The earthquake continued until ... the bus itself ended its anger.

It hardens a part of its own neural structure.

This part of the neural structure seems to be anger and control the source of the earthquake.

When this part of the nerve structure hardens, the earthquake on the surface also stops.

At this time, there are only microbes on the surface... and the wreckage of countless creatures.

These wrecks have been 'handled properly'.

The bus melts all the wreckage into a liquid in some way and lets them sink to the ground.

As for the surface that has completely collapsed, it begins to slowly recover...

The cracks in the earth are automatically stitched together and the whole world slowly becomes normal.

Except for the damaged buildings that remain there, the surface of the world has no visible traces of the earthquake.

And after a while... the creatures reappeared.

What first appeared were plant-like creatures that spread on the surface and spread to the whole world.

Then, on these plants, there are...animal creatures.

They are similar to the previous creatures, and after a series of competitions and evolutions, they have produced wise creatures.

Then, it is to go to the previous cycle.

When there are enough wisdom creatures to develop civilization, they discover that there will be something to stop them from satisfying.

There is a similar way to the previous one, the more satisfying the body is... there are many other ways.

If you are satisfied, you will feel severe pain, or you will have a tragedy after you meet it... For example, if a creature makes something, and feels satisfied, it will be broken after a while.

There are many more ways to obstruct the biological satisfaction... This method of obstructing satisfaction seems to be very diverse.

But the end result is that these creatures are forced to meet their fears and are not satisfied.

Then the civilization they built will collapse.

After the turmoil and war, there will always be a small number of creatures... to survive.

These creatures will live painfully in a way that avoids satisfaction, but after a period of time they will be intolerable.

In the end, they will adopt a variety of ways to achieve satisfaction, ignoring all the reasons for their fear of satisfaction.

Then, because there were suddenly a lot of satisfied creatures, the bus was 'angry.'

A sustained earthquake created by anger will cause the ecological collapse of the earth's surface.

The bus then liquefies these creatures and also hardens some of their nerve structures.

In fact, every time the hardened nerve structure... records the biological history of a generation.

This bus... is constantly repeating this 'painful reincarnation' on its surface.

It always forces the creatures that appear to feel great pain... and then kills them all and creates a new generation of creatures.

Lin found that this behavior and the creator are quite similar.

But its main purpose is not biology, but the pain of these creatures.

It deliberately makes a lot of creatures suffer, and seems to be interested in getting a lot of satisfaction after the pain.

The next step is to destroy this group of creatures and continue to create new creatures to make them suffer.

And every generation of creatures... will become simpler.

The initial ecological environment is very complex, similar to Ershi, with a wide variety of organisms.

Although each generation will have new creatures, the biological species will be much reduced compared to the previous generation.

At the same time, the size of this bus will also be smaller.

Its size has become smaller and smaller in this constant cycle... It is not clear what is going on.

However, its nerve structure has not decreased.

After each round, it will harden a part of the nerve structure, which seems to be reserved as a save recorder.

Its behavior has continued until now.

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