4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2899: extract

Lin is slowly 'extracting' the consciousness of the chain.


This process is not very smooth.

It was quite smooth at first, but Lynn found that the extraction speed became slower and slower over time.

It seems that the pain bus is blocking this process, but Lin found that it does not need to be fully extracted.

At present, a small amount of conscious energy extracted has already allowed Lin to communicate with the melting chain.

In the process of communicating with the melt chain, Lynn learned...something about it.

Just as Lin knew before, the melt chain has been pouring painful information into the pain bus.

These pains come from the painful feelings of all the creatures of the past, which is very...horrifying.

The main thing is that it won't die.

Its consciousness will live well no matter how much pain it suffers. It finds that it is likely to suffer forever, so it has to send a distress signal.

It can't help itself, it doesn't have any way to escape from here.

Lin is more interested in knowing why the bus is doing this to it... Why do you have to make so much pain.

The melt chain calls it 'shaping consciousness', or it can be said to be...the 'emotional creature'.

It is said that a long time ago, a creature of fear was born.

This kind of creature... should be the 'fear energy' that Lynn knows.

It is said that the source of fear energy is a ‘curse’.

After the war, some bus creatures 'cursed' most of the remaining enemies, keeping their emotions in ... intense fear.

This will make these creatures unable to live normally until they are slowly extinct.

And a creature...that is, the creator saved the cursed creature.

They converted the bus's ‘fear curse’ into an energy creature that freed these creatures from this ‘curse’ and was saved.

After the birth of fear energy... I thought that I was a creature from an unpredictable land. I didn't know that I was born in the void here, so I always tried to go back.

This is... the melt chain tells Lin.

In fact, it is mainly from this bus to know this information.

The reason for this bus to do this is to create a kind of energy energy like ‘energy creature’.

It is also ‘painful energy’.

This kind of emotional creature has no ‘simple’ of fear. It can be said to concentrate all the pain of thinking... a horrible thing.

Everything it touches will die in violent pain.

What is the purpose of the bus to make this creature? Perhaps it is to make a weapon... or for any other purpose, this melting chain is not very clear.

And this manufacturing process is to make the creatures feel painful...that is, the generations of creatures that appear on the bus surface.

These creatures are constantly being forced to suffer.

What's more amazing is that this bus didn't make a bunch of creatures that only had pain and no other feelings, but got a lot of normal creatures, and then forced these normal creatures to feel pain and not feel happy.

Maybe you need to do this to create ‘painful energy’?

At the end of the day, it is the pain of 'receiving' these creatures.

The painful emotions of the creatures will be placed in a special place underground... At present, Lin has not found this place.

These painful emotions cannot directly become 'painful energy', and it is said that a carrier is also needed.

Carriers are all kinds of 'powerful' creatures.

To be precise, it is an energy thinking creature.

Similar to bus creatures, or dream creatures... thinking is a creature that has something to do with dream energy.

The pain bus has been attracting this creature to its surface.

The attraction uses a wonderful way, and the melt chain is not very clear about what it is.

In short, the creatures that are close to it will be somewhat abnormal.

It was like the creature that Lin had learned before... It came to the surface of the bus and it produced sympathy for the creatures on the surface.

Although it has some sympathy in itself, it is not so strong, and does not say that you want to stay here to help the creatures.

But its sympathy at that time was particularly strong, so it has been here to help the creatures until it finally failed to escape.

The same is true for the melting chain.

When the chain saw the bus, it felt that its emotions were 'amplified'.

It was very excited at the time, without any reason, so it didn't want to escape until the bus floated in front of it.

Until it crashed on the surface.

Obviously the creature and the chain are treated as buses of ‘pain,’ and the bus is ready to make them painful.

However, it seems that it has not been successful.

In addition to them, the bus has captured a lot of creatures, but the bus has never succeeded in creating painful energy.

At least when the melt chain was injected into pain, it felt like some of the bus's thinking messages.

The bus has been trying to make it, but it has not been successful.

Another point is that this bus will recognize the same kind.

It will not catch the same kind of creatures to infuse the pain, that is, the creatures such as the dream hunter. When the bus is found, the bus will be terrible and want to flee quickly.

But this also represents a problem.

That is why this bus is indeed not normal.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible to choose what creature to grab and what creatures to let go. There is no need to let the dream hunter feel at first... fear and then escape.

Lynn feels that this bus may now be completely 'automated'... or into an irrational state,

It will automatically disseminate information, and similar bus creatures will feel that this information will stay away from it... instead of the same kind, they will be unconsciously close, and then dragged into the ground to inject painful emotions.

This is a completely automated process, meaning that buses cannot judge and decide on their own.

So when Lin came to get some 'small actions' it didn't respond.

Because the ‘automation’ of the bus cannot be dealt with like Lin.

In this case... Lynn feels that he can continue to investigate.

If the bus still maintains rational thinking, it is possible to stop Lynn.

But everything in its body is automated, or if it is irrational, Lynn can investigate all of its intelligence in a variety of ways.

It’s like it is now.

Thinking, Lin felt that she would continue to get the awareness of the chain.

With some new ways, Lin feels that she can pull it out.

Then it is to detect its nervous system.

This bus also has some of the last nerve structures that are not hardened. Although not rational, it should contain the last... and the most comprehensive information.

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