4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2901: Empty hole

"What do you want to find?"

"There is only pain and pain here."

This place is a hollow in the nerve structure.

Lynn came here to dig the nerve structure of the pain bus hardening.

But what I have to say... It’s not like a normal cave, it’s like a room.

The walls and floors are all flat and smooth, and the length and width of the room are thirty meters high.

In this room... Lynn can see a creature.

The shape of this creature is similar to the brain worm, which itself is a white, fat, 10-meter-long bee larvae.

In addition to it, Lynn found that there are still many microorganisms here.

These microbes are all about half a millimeter. They are similar in shape to mites. The main function seems to be to maintain the smoothness and smoothness of this room.

When Lin discovered that Lin’s miniature arms had just entered, there were a lot of microbes around to repair the holes that Lin had drilled.

At the same time, they will also attack Lin, but they will all escape after being eaten by Lin's mini-arms.

It seems to be because... the creature in the middle noticed Lynn.

"Do you want to come here to seek pain?" The creature that looks like a larva uses the language of the bus to say the location of the Lin mini-arms: "I can't escape the pain, why should you drill inside? You should leave here, though I don't think there is any way to leave, but at least... it's a little bit outside, it's right, there will be less pain outside."

“Escape from the pain?” Lynn asked the mini-arms to signal to it.

"Why did you question me, can you say..." The larva seems to have stunned and said: "This is impossible, this kind of thing..."

After Lin asked about it in detail, it told Lin.

It turned out to be Lin as... ‘the fragments of conscious creatures’.

There is a lot of biological consciousness trapped here... These consciousnesses are suffering, but occasionally special circumstances can occur.

These consciousness occasionally have a little 'peeling off' and are attached to a microbe.

The microbe then drills around in the hardened bus nerve structure.

It was originally a relatively 'normal' thinking, and it did not feel pain because it was separated from the original consciousness.

But in the process of drilling, it will feel that the surrounding nerve structure and other things are full of pain...

The analogy of using Ershimin is like walking in a maze filled with screams of the same kind.

Over time, this microbe will slowly lose its normal thinking and be completely lost in the painful maze.

This kind of microorganism is called an conscious fragment.

This larva-like creature is so called.

The dense, ape-like microbes that Lynn found in this room are all ‘conscious fragments’.

The larva says it has been collecting them all the time. It can control the fragments of consciousness that have lost normal thinking and do some work for themselves.

It also tells Lin that these apes are the 'native species' on this bus.

They have appeared on the surface of the bus very early.

After the surface organisms have experienced rounds of painful reincarnation, their populations are still alive.

Only the living area has changed from the surface to the bottom of the earth... This group of mites mainly live near the hardened nerves.

Lin did not find such creatures when he was drilling. The larva said that they are not many in number.

But they are very few creatures that don't need to feel pain and have emotions.

When these microbes live in this place, they are occasionally affected by the conscious energy imprisoned in the bus nerves.

...so it became a 'consciousness fragment'.

In fact, it is not the conscious energy that controls the microbes... but the mites are stimuli of energy.

Sometimes the conscious energy in the hardened nerve structure attaches to the microbe, which causes the microbe's nerves to develop rapidly.

At the same time, it will generate some memories by itself. These memories are memories in the energy of consciousness.

At this time, the ape microbes will feel that they are this creature, so they want to escape from here.

Of course, they don't know where to escape, so they can only drill in this place.

They feel more and more painful when they feel the pain in the surrounding nerve structure... despair, and finally completely lost.

There are many small gaps in the bus hardening nerve structure that allow them to drill and drill.

Although Lin had not found these microbes all the way through.

That being the case... What exactly is this larva?

It tells Lynn that it is also a fragment of consciousness.

... the painful bus of the bus.

The larvae will tell Lin these things, mainly because Lynn sent some Ershi's signal to it.

Each bus has its own special signal, which is similar to Ershimin's 'accent'.

You can express your identity when you send out this special signal.

It seems that these bus creatures will be very 'comfortable' when they learn that it is Ershi.

So Lynn feels that she can continue to ask a lot of things from it.

But Lynn also found that many of the things it knew were all guessed by Lynn.

That is the painful bus is completely crazy.

The larva indicates that it is a small part of the pain bus that was separated before it completely lost its normal consciousness.

Its mission is to repair the abnormality of the painful bus.

But it can't actually do anything... it can only be trapped here until now.

The larva indicates that it has no special ability, for example, it cannot be transmitted, and there is no way to affect the surrounding nerves.

Although it can control these microorganisms, the role of microorganisms is not much... it is mainly unable to leave here.

Because this hole is a 'safety point'.

If you leave here, it is likely to be caught and painful, so it has been living here.

It also tells Lin... It’s not far from the room that is the nerve structure of the pain bus.

"I suggest you not to touch it." The larva says: "It may treat everything madly."

Although the larva said so, Lin decided to dig in and see.

The larva also did not stop Lin... It said it was going to continue living here.

What it wants to do now is to maintain the comfortable life here.

After talking to it, Lin let the mini-arms continue to drill down.

Soon, Lynn saw Lin's goal... This bus has not yet hardened, the remaining nerve structure.

Where it is... Lin feels quite like ‘hell’.

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