4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2903: The pursuit of goals

"This is the ultimate pain, it has been pursuing this extreme."

"It has been pursuing... until... suddenly stop pursuing."

In the red, wide underground cave...

Lin is testing the nerve structure of the pain bus.

When Lin tested, Lin found the previous larvae who claimed to be painful bus consciousness fragments appeared in this red ‘hell’.

It is now moving the seemingly obese body, pushing the broken creatures on the road slowly.

While advancing, it also said something... things.

...it told Lin that there were some things in the past.

It is said that the pain bus has been pursuing the method of creating painful energy, but it has always been unable to create such a 'biological'.

Constant testing, constant trials... For a long time, the pain bus never gave up, but it never succeeded.

Its emotions have become more and more obsessive. It is very eager to create painful energy.

In the end, its strong desire has also become ... pain.

It finds itself in pain, and as long as its hunger is not satisfied, it will feel painful and uncomfortable.

Plus it seems to be difficult to satisfy because it has never been able to create painful energy.

Then its emotions are stronger.

But at some point, it suddenly received some special feelings.

It seems that its thinking... is connected somewhere in the distant sky, and it feels that there is intense pain in that place.

The bus was shocked when it first felt it, and it thought that place was its quest.

It found that the 'biological' of painful energy originally existed at the beginning and did not need to be manufactured.

At least it thinks so. It thinks that the place is a creature of painful energy.

As a result, the pain bus changed its approach, trying to create painful energy from the beginning, and changed to connect there.

It is good to call it the land of pain first.

Initially, the bus was very vague about it, not knowing how far it was and not knowing where it was.

It just barely feels that there is a powerful...dream creature.

This kind of dream creature is the painful energy that it has always wanted to create. It contains intense pain.

Any creature with the concept of ‘pain’ will definitely feel unparalleled pain when it comes into contact with it.

The bus decided to find the place... it was temporarily called the 'land of pain'.

The bus found a way to make it feel clearer about the painful land.

That is to carry out ‘pain synchronization’.

The pain felt from the land of pain is a very complicated pain, which contains many different kinds of void creatures... painful emotions.

The various difficult dilemmas encountered by the Nether creatures seem to contain the painful emotions of the various uncomfortable things encountered.

What the bus has to do is to simulate this painful mood.

Simulate with your own creatures.

The pain bus found... its own creatures experienced some painful words, and it would have a clearer feeling of the land of pain.

The premise is that it needs to pick up this creature's own neural structure.

Although I don't know how the pain bus found this, in short, it quickly began to do so.

The result is like what Lynn sees now.

A lot of creatures... in this place.

Every creature is dreaming, and in dreams they experience different pains.

These painful experiences are constantly being introduced into the nerves of the bus, which will make the bus feel more clear about the painful land.

It is also how far it feels from there, and some details about that.

The pain bus was actually completed very early.

After it has immersed enough creatures in a painful dream and connected them to themselves, it has discovered the location of the land of pain.

Then the bus started a journey to the other side.

After a journey of a period of time, the pain bus felt that he was getting closer and closer to the target.

The bus is not always on the road waiting for nothing to do, and it has been studying the biggest problem during this time.

That is how it controls the painful energy of the target.

Although it is very confident, it can control the painful energy it creates... if it is made.

But now the painful energy is 'wild', and it is obviously impossible to let it obey if it is directly contacted.

So, the bus has been studying... how to control each other.

Because the bus can clearly feel the situation in the painful land, it has been carefully researching this point.

When the bus approached the land of pain, it was also completed, and it already had a way to control the painful energy.

At least it feels like it has its own way.

But when approaching the target, the pain bus found an abnormal situation.

Because it always perceives the location of the pain to confirm the position of the target, when approaching the target... It suddenly feels a lot of pain from there...

This intense painful emotion was directly introduced into the bus's thinking, making it feel great pain.

Then... there is no more.

After this the bus stopped to continue to fly to the land of pain.

It is just drifting in the void.

No one knows what happened to it, no one knows what it thinks...

However, the bus is still maintaining 'pain'.

That is to say, it still creates painful creatures on the surface of the earth, and still maintains a large number of creatures trapped in painful dreams.

The larva believes that the bus may have been 'pollution' by those painful energy.

It was after that that it became completely abnormal.

To be precise, the larva does not feel the thinking of the bus.

At the same time the larva said that it was actually inactive when the bus made it.

But it can feel the awareness of the bus.

After the bus... became abnormal, it could not feel the sense of the bus, but it was free to move.

And it just discovered that... this place doesn't seem to be so horrible.

The larva said that it had no way to get close to it before, but it is now close.

In this case... it is possible to repair the nerves of the bus.

Lynn wants to know how its body shape came here... but Lynn didn't ask this.

Then take a look at how it will fix this bus nerve.

Lin can only feel a huge amount of painful emotions from inside, and can also feel that it is connected to somewhere.

But the main pain is the bus itself.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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