4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2909: collapse


Along with the roar of the simulation, the painful bus crossed the sky.

Those light and shadows rushed toward the earth like a rock.

And with a series of explosions, a huge pothole was blasted on the surface.

Lin has some arms just in the vicinity of the potholes they knocked out, and they have already floated here for observation.

The hunters who crashed down had a total of three...

In fact, there are more than a dozen flying, but they have retreated a lot in the process of approaching.

It seems that the pain bus has emanate the relationship of painful information.

As the hunters approached, the bus sent a special pain message to the surrounding void.

This kind of information does not directly make the creature feel pain, but it will make the creature feel that ... if you touch the surface, you will suffer severe pain.

This gave the group of hunters the idea of ​​not wanting to approach, and they fled to the distance.

The painful bus smashed the three hunters who were closest to them when they fled, pulling them to the ground.

Now, Lynn sees these hunters... obviously not like the previous ‘headquarters’ that hit the ground and broke.

They are still intact and slowly float out of the pit...

The shape of these hunters is quite interesting, and they generally look like a creature wearing a large cloak.

This 'cloak' completely obscures the shape of its interior, and Lin has not seen it in what it actually looks like.

However, from the appearance of the shape, their shape is very close to the Ershi people.

After the hunters floated out of the pit, they seemed to be observing the surrounding environment, but did not immediately escape.

They floated around their potholes, and the cloak covering the whole body was constantly shaking.

This is not because of the wind blowing... After all, there is no wind here.

The sway of this cloak is to detect the surrounding environment, investigate surrounding creatures, and so on.

They seem to be not afraid of touching the ground and feel painful... perhaps because they have not been exposed to the ground and feel no pain.

So they become more... Relax and start watching here.

The hunters who fled in the imaginary air have now stopped. They should have received the same kind of signals that fell to the ground, but they just continued to wait and see, and did not continue to fly here.

The three on the surface are flying faster and faster.

They seem to have found something... so fly quickly over there.

After flying a distance, the three hunters stopped.

Lynn found that they stopped just above the painful bus nerve.

Then, a number of ellipsoidal objects fell from beneath their three cloaks.

These objects begin to emit a lot of black smoke when they fall to the ground. These 'smoke' will not rise to the ground but spread to the surroundings.

The surface material begins to dissolve quickly when it comes into contact with ‘smoke’... and it is very fast.

The ground was quickly dissolved into a large pit by these objects, and the pit was constantly deepening.

The 'smoke' that these ellipsoid objects continue to release makes them dissolve deeper and deeper holes in the bus's surface.

It seems that no matter what substance is dissolved in the ground, it can't stop the progress of dissolution.

Can you say... they can always dissolve in the position of the bus nerve?

... does not seem to be so deep.

When Lin saw that these things dissolved through some parts of the surface, they all shattered.

This is a collision with the bus... Gravity protection.

They are not just broken, but become crumbs and disappear completely. Of course, the smoke they emit is also true.

However, the hunters saw their actions quickly, flying to a height of one kilometer, and dropping a large number of ellipsoids in the sky like a bomb.

These objects have the same effect as before, and they begin to quickly disintegrate the surface of the bus.

Whether on the surface or on the ground, those creatures quickly became a pool of paste under the influence of their smog.

It seems that...Lin feels that these hunters are trying to dissolve a big enough hole to let them go on their own.

Before that, it should be just a test.

They are now going to take it seriously.

But do they have a way to pass gravitational protection?

Or... the bus only has gravity protection to deal with them, and there is no other way?

The answer does not seem to be the case.

'boom--! At this time, Lynn saw a violent explosion around a hunter in the sky.

It seems that a concentrated air blasts around it, and a strong shock wave directly blows the hunter out... and hits a companion on its side.

This is an attack by a painful bus. It seems to be sending a 'gas bomb' to their side to explode.

However, since they are all falling from the void, it is obviously impossible to affect them.

But the pain bus attack is not just a simple shock.

The hunter who was hit by the bomb, it was greatly affected by it. It struggled in the air and looked like a dehydrated fish.

The other two of them did not help it, but quickly flew away from the distance, seemingly afraid that this symptom would be contagious.

But in the vicinity of the two fleeing hunters, similar air bombs began to appear.

They blasted continuously around the hunters, while the hunters ran away from their bombing range at a faster rate.

Because every air bomb that appears is waiting for a while to start frying... instead of exploding immediately.

The hunters are fast enough to escape the attack, while they continue to cast large amounts of dissolved ellipses.

These ellipsoids draw a huge mark on the bus's surface as they fly, looking like a river full of...black liquid.

Lynn is quite interested in these weapons, so I plan to study it.

And these hunters seem to be planning to use this weapon to damage the bus without any other attack.

Lin asked the consciousness, it told Lin... It is not clear what the hunters have.

In fact, each hunter is different because they act alone.

It can only be generally known that the strength of each hunter should be similar, but the ability to detail is not clear.

Consciousness feels that the hunters who are now appearing are special because they appear to be group actions.

This is something that has never happened.

However, consciousness has previously known that if a hunter-and-gun combines this kind of thing, it means that there must be a strong civilization.

Therefore, it will lead to the joint phenomenon.

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