4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2917: The land of pain?

"I don't know! It's like this! It tells me that... that place is so ruined!"

Here is a... building.

Whether the ground or the walls are sparkling silver, it is very empty and there is no furniture.

There is only one ball of fluff and a creature.

This creature itself... is also silver.

It has six limbs and a crescent-shaped body, like a metal beetle.

It has a size of more than one meter, and this creature and Lin had some exchanges not long ago.

But this exchange is not voluntary, but it communicates with Lin under fear.

These creatures can be said to be a group of creatures who worship the pour ball. They are themselves a kind of creature made up of a solid metal shell... plus a liquid body part.

This group of creatures was afraid to come out of the building because they were scared by the horror of the painful bus.

Even if they pour the ball away from the painful bus, they still do not dare to come out.

So Lynn did some research on them... and then Lin found that they seemed to know how many things looked.

It's like having something about dumping balls... they know very well.

Through this creature, Lin learned the history of the dangerous containers that had been dumped on the bus before.

However, when Lin opened the container, she found that there was a lot of pain in the storage.

To be precise, the small spots stored in the container are something that can release a lot of pain signals.

Because I felt very strange, Lin asked this creature.

"No, I don't know! I only know so much!"

And this creature has been saying this all the time.

In fact, it tells Lynn that it is because Lynn threatens it.

They are hiding here because they feel the pain of the pain bus when they go out.

Lin can let the pompoms simulate this painful information, and it can directly make it feel extremely painful.

Under the fear of pain, it is willing to reveal a lot to Lin.

Their race has been living on the pour ball for a long time...and they also have a deep understanding of the pour ball.

They also studied every world that the pour ball touched, and from them they can learn a lot about the pour ball... But Lin is now most concerned about things about those containers.

This creature seems to threaten it no matter how it is. It just says that it doesn't know.

In this case, it is necessary to directly test its thinking structure.

At the same time, Lynn found some other wonderful things on the other side.


This place seems to be...where?

Lin's pompom, about a hundred meters in diameter, is now floating in the void.

In front of this pom-pom is a piece of ... object.

The length and width of this piece are about three hundred kilometers, and its thickness is one hundred kilometers.

It looks like a platform floating in the void.

Generally speaking, it is not surprising to see such things in the void, but Lin’s current position is... the land of pain.

Before Ershi felt that there was a strong ‘painful reaction’ here, of course, Lynn also detected it.

So Lynn came here to investigate.

The pompom slowly floated closer to the thing.

When approaching, Lynn could see that the ‘platform’ looked like...the place that Lynn had heard before.

After falling to the surface, Lin can see that the ground here is everywhere... crystallized.

These crystal-like transparent objects are scattered on the ground like sharp needles.

And between these crystal needles, there are still many creatures wandering.

The shapes of these creatures are similar to jellyfish, they crawl slowly on the ground, completely ignoring the arrival of Lin.

So Lin directly sprinkled a large number of micro-arms on the ground and began to investigate everything in this place.

It was originally these... creatures like jellyfish, then all the structures here.

After checking it for a while, Lin found something very interesting.

This place... can be said to be a 'place of painful energy'.

Every object of the crystal needle here is actually a substance that can store the energy of dreams.

And each of them is full of energy, which is ... painful energy.

Pain energy is also a kind of dream energy, and Lin finds that they seem to be inexhaustible here.

Because Lin tried to extract the painful energy inside these needles, she found that it was automatically filled with energy.

It seems that no matter how you smoke it.

And the creatures around the jellyfish are doing this kind of thing.

They are themselves creatures that can store the energy of dreams.

The wonderful thing is that Lynn noticed that they survived by painful energy.

These jellyfish-like organisms are home to many microorganisms.

Lin found that these microorganisms have established a ... society in the jellyfish.

They communicate with each other, trade, and even have money structures, laws, and so on... these systems are more common in individual creatures.

Only Lin found that they did not notice that they lived in a jellyfish creature. They acted in some tiny pipes and sacs in the jellyfish, and thought that the whole world was so big.

The jellyfish will be active outside, and the jellyfish will often inhale some debris on the surface, but the jellyfish itself does not eat the debris, which is the food of this group of microorganisms.

When the microbe is in sufficient quantity in the jellyfish, the jellyfish will absorb the painful energy from the surrounding crystals.

The painful energy will quickly kill all the microbes in pain.

After their tragic death, the jellyfish will absorb the bodies of all microorganisms as nutrients.

The jellyfish itself is also suffering in this process, but Lynn finds it can live with it.

And these microbes will not be completely destroyed, because their pups have not yet developed a brain structure, no pain.

After the adult microbes are completely destroyed, the pups left by them will grow slowly and then form a 'social'.

Then the jellyfish waited for them to grow and then gave them to...eat.

This wonderful cycle continues in the jellyfish, and Lynn feels very interesting.

Because there are creatures that use painful energy.

So where is this place...

After Lin studied it, Lin thought it should be the place where the creature living on the pour ball said.

It may have been that... There are many worlds where ‘explosives’ are coming out.

As for why it is like this, we need to continue to investigate.

Lynn feels it is easy to investigate.

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