4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2927: shoot down

"This is impossible……"

Unbelievable emotions echo in its mind.

It seems to be wrong.

In fact... Lin found it before.

Although the parasites control all the creations of the bitter people, it is the body of this group of people who have nothing to control.

To be precise, it used to control the random death of the bitter people...

But after the bitter people began to protect themselves with painful energy, it turned to attack the thinking of the bitter people.

After suffering from the painful energy of the people to protect their brains, it actually did not directly control the bitter nails.

Later, after the bitter people found the parasites, although the parasites directly attacked a few bitters with nerve attacks... However, after that, it did not have any direct control over the bitters.

Lin believes that the painful energy of the bitter people has an influence on the parasites. Although it can still attack the nerves of the bitter people, there is no way to attack the nerves of a large number of bitter people.

There is also no way to attack for a long time.

In fact, after that, the parasites completely gave up the direct control of the body of the bitter people.

However, because it has always supported the bitterness of the people to study the painful energy, the bitter nails did not find this is the weakness of the parasite.

The main reason is that they do not use the painful energy on other creations, but simply use it as an autoimmune system, and use a small piece of pain to approach as a mental protection.

So when parasites can directly control all their creations.

But there is no way to control them themselves...

This has created the situation now.

Under continuous bombardment, the screen kept flashing... and then drifted away.

It didn't move like it before, and now it seems to be able to move.

Although it is not clear whether this screen is the body of the parasite, it should be a more important part... and it is now in this situation, and Lin feels that it should be a relationship that deliberately passes through the painful land.

At the moment when the needle-type warship crossed the painful land, a huge amount of painful energy was poured into the entire battleship.

The parasite seems to be ignorant of this result... or does it feel indifferent? Anyway, this behavior is a serious mistake.

This painful energy caused the entire needle-type warship to be paralyzed, and a small amount of energy has been poured into the depths of the battleship, which has had some impact on the group of bitter people.

Perhaps because of the long-term use of painful energy to protect the relationship between thoughts, they are highly resistant to painful energy. A small amount of these energies not only make them harmless, but become a lot more spiritual.

This is why they suddenly become positive from the lost state.

Then... they perceive the location of this 'screen' and then hit it all the way.

Each wall looks so vulnerable, mainly because the protection of the material itself has not improved after reorganization, but also because... the control of the parasites is now incomplete.

The screen has now moved to the front of a wall, and as it touches the wall, the wall turns into countless particles and opens a large hole for it to pass.

At the moment the screen passes, all the particles rejoin and change back to a wall, but in the next second... this wall is blown open by the bitter people.

The bitter nails will fly, but this will consume the core energy in their 'energy stove', so it won't fly too far.

Originally they did not need to consume much in the air.

But flying in this place... they consume a lot of energy.

So they didn't stop attacking for a moment.

After the wall was blasted, a large number of bullets flew toward the screen.

This time they blasted on the screen continuously, and the screen fell to the ground after a continuous flash.

This place is also an open room that is exactly the same as before. When the screen falls to the ground... The ground reacts again, a large amount of metal particles float and the screen is surrounded.

Lin feels that the current control of parasites is very limited, and it can only control a small number of these 'particles'.

The walls and most of the things here are made up of such particles, which can be broken down at any time and reorganized at any time.

The parasite could have controlled the entire battleship, but now it can only control a small number of particles, allowing them to form a ball to wrap themselves.

As for the bitter nails, of course, they did not give up this good opportunity. They launched another successive attack. The roaring blasted on the ball composed of particles and quickly blasted it back into granules.

The screen was once again bombed at this moment.

Lynn thinks it's amazing... this screen doesn't seem to be hit anyway, it doesn't have a crack.

Although the scenery on the screen is constantly flashing, it is very complete, it feels like it is not an actual object, but a ... stereoscopic image and the like.

The crazy bombing blew the surface, and the screen itself was still not damaged.

Those bitter nails did not use all the ammunition, they stopped shooting now, and they all fell around the screen.

"Why... can't you beat it?"

There is a bitter nail that sends out the same doubts as Lin.

"But it should have been badly hurt... I feel the pain."

"Me too... it should... be killed by us."

"Maybe not dead, but..."

The group of bitter people began to discuss around the screen, but none of them touched the screen.

So... Lynn went to touch.

Several mini-arms flew out of the body of the bitter people and landed on the ‘screen’.

After Lin examined it, Lin found this screen... it was a physical substance, not an image.

It is very strong in its own right and is not made up of the materials surrounding the walls.

At the same time, Lynn also found that it has a fast self-healing function.

It cracked when it was bombarded in succession, but the cracks were small and quickly repaired, so they looked as if it had not suffered any damage.

But obviously the repair function has a ceiling.

If the screen continues to suffer from successive attacks, it may be destroyed.

Now that the people have stopped the attack, it is a good opportunity for Lynn to detect it.

Lin continued to let the micro-arms penetrate into the depths of the screen, and Lin found that there were many subtle complex structures inside.

Through a preliminary investigation of these structures, Lin believes that...

It is indeed a very important structure.

Should belong to the 'brain' and the like.

Just don't know... The symbiosis will have many brains.

'boom--! ’

When Lin thought so, there was an explosion in the distance... feeling.

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