4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2931: Another nearby

"Where does it fly to?"

Lin has been observing.

Observe this needle-shaped warship controlled by 'alternative thinking'.

It continued to fly at high speed in the void, and Lynn's pompoms continued to track it at high speed.

The bitter people in the battleship are looking for the location of 'alternative thinking' everywhere.

How much they perceive the backup thinking is controlling the battleship, but do not know the specific location.

In fact... there is no specific location.

Because Lynn recently discovered that 'alternative thinking' can be said to exist anywhere in the entire battleship.

There are many tiny particles in the structure of the entire warship.

These particles are much smaller than those of the metal particles that can be decomposed and combined, and each particle is considered a 'brain cell'.

They constantly signal and pass on to other particles around them.

The signals transmitted by all the particles on the entire battleship constitute the entire 'standby consciousness'.

If the parasite screen is not unexpected, the standby consciousness will not start.

But now, after it's started, it's also a painful... madman.

It’s just that this madman seems to have no intention of committing suicide, but intends to sail towards the boundless void.

Lynn is very interesting to see where it flies.

At the same time, Lin is continuing to investigate this parasite screen.

It should be said to continue... torment it.

Because it doesn't say anything from the beginning, it can only detect its thinking through painful crystallization.

Lynn thinks it has something to do with the creators because they have something similar...the way the information is sent.

The parasitics of civilization...they are usually called this.

They are generally targeted at some of the more special civilizations.

Like the 'designed' civilization of bitter nails, there are some similar... For example, some civilizations have not been hindered by many developments, the development is very smooth, and various technological inventions are constantly Gushing out, the entire civilization has developed very powerfully in a short period of time...

This kind of civilization will also be stared at by the parasites. It is not necessarily the civilization that has been confirmed by the bitterness of the people. There are also some civilizations that are designed but not confirmed, and they will also be parasitic.

Of course, this is not necessarily the civilization of individual creatures, there are various forms of civilization, and even creatures like plague fungi may be parasitized by them.

In her memory, Lynn found a lot of information about its ‘likeness’.

Lynn found that they liked the very smooth creatures that developed for some... and then controlled the entire population.

They send biological information that they control to some places in a way.

And this information uses a method similar to the creator, which is to use the nuclear information of cell biology.

Deep in the mind of the parasite, a lot of cellular bionuclear information data is stored.

As long as something happens to the civilization of the people, it will ‘write’ a new piece of nuclear information.

The information in their memory is exactly the same as the nuclear information in the cell organism...but they don't make a real nuclear message, just store it in a memory database.

Then, after a while, they will send the written information.

Lynn feels that even if they don't belong to the creator, they communicate with the creator.

Of course, it just sends the information out and doesn't receive any information, so Lynn can't be 100% sure that they are communicating with the creator.

……this place……

Now, Lynn noticed that the needle-shaped warship controlled by the alternate thinking flew to a more special place.

This place is another place where the parasitic civilization is located.

That is, the one that Lin has detected from the parasite thinking is the parasite that obtained the fear energy.

The two of them were originally said to try to mix the fear energy and the painful energy... And now this accident has occurred, and I don’t know if they can be successfully mixed.

Lin feels that it is still possible to mix, after all, it has come here.

The position of this civilization is actually very close to the position of the civilization of the bitter people, and the distance between them is less than 10 billion kilometers.

But these two civilizations have never been in contact.

This is of course the parasite's credit, and the parasites intentionally control them from contacting each other.

And this civilization... Let Lin think of the phoenix.

Not far from the front, a lonely star floats in the void.

This star is relatively small, its diameter is about 100,000 kilometers, and the whole body exudes a dark red glow.

But if you want to say it, it is not alone. There are so many floating objects around the star.

Most of them are plate-like structures with thicknesses of several tens of meters and lengths and widths of several hundred meters.

Most of them floated quietly, and occasionally they saw a plate that turned over and then continued to float.

This civilization is generally similar to plants, and each board can be regarded as a leaf.

They continue to receive energy from the stars... and then maintain their lives.

Of course there is no stem connection between them.

But they still pass ‘nutrition’ to each other, relying on some... ‘hoppers’.

On some plates, Lynn can see a figure that is tens of meters in shape and looks like a locust.

To be precise, their 'legs' are like mites.

The body of this kind of thing is spherical, with legs similar to mites larger than the body.

They will jump to the nearest plate, and when they successfully jump to nearby plates, their bodies will quickly collapse... and become liquid-like into the board.

As for the legs, they will slowly sink into the board, but will not melt.

Then over time, the surface of the board will open, and then an identical 'locust' will be drilled from inside and jumped to the other board.

This is how they pass nutrients.

It's just making something like a locust and jumping to another board.

From the memory of the parasites, Lin knows a lot about the civilization here. In simple terms, it is completely like a plant... It is here that the energy of the stars is absorbed as a nutrient to grow continuously.

It seems that they are all very small at first, but slowly getting 'evolved' is getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, it will become like this.

They are not individual creatures, not creatures with ‘thinking’, or a group of stars attached to creatures.

But why are they afraid? And why do parasites parasitize such a 'civilization'?

Lynn feels that this is the only way to find the parasites here.

Lin has now locked its position... this can be easily found.

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