'boom--! ’

The plate... exploded.

Lynn seems to be seeing it for the first time, and the bus uses this type of attack.

Although this type of attack has been seen before, it is to erect a 'volcano' on the surface and use it to bombard the targets in the void.

It has just destroyed a piece of the sky, but it is not destroyed with explosives, but with painful energy.

It fired a 'explosive bomb' of painful energy.

The moment the plate was hit, it did not suffer any damage on the surface, but after a while it automatically disintegrated.

The pain bus is now...has fully recovered consciousness.

It was immediately transferred to this place at the moment of recovery, as if it was clear what was happening here.

It seems that it is going to ruin this place.

'boom--! The ‘volcano’ on the bus’s surface was erupted in succession, exploding a painful bomb like a black sphere toward the void.

Once the **** hit the plate, the plates will start to tremble, and the entire plate will disintegrate in the void, just as every structure that makes up the plate tries to escape.

After several consecutive smashes of the plates, the pain bus set its target to... the needle-shaped warships that are being merged.

The warship has just merged more than a dozen plates, but its size has not increased much.

And it seems that there is no fusion, now look at its shell surface is like a water surface is constantly 'shocking'.

After the fusion, the entire warship seems to be trying to change into a new shape, so the metal particles on the surface of the outer shell are constantly moving.

The pain bus doesn't want to wait for it to change.

At a distance of less than 100,000 kilometers between the two sides, the volcanoes on the bus surface once again fired a 'painful bomb' that flew in the direction of the battleship.

At the moment when the bombs were getting closer, Lin found that the battleship had made an urgent evasive action.

It instantly... split into two.

The self-fractured warship escaped the bomb attack, but it can be seen that it has also suffered a lot.

At the section, many large and small parts and structures can be seen, and even bitter nails float out from there.

Although many structures of warships can be reorganized and decomposed, not all structures are like this.

If it breaks forcibly, there will be a lot of... the parts are scattered from the break.

But this is much better than the entire disintegration.

The location of the break also affected the rooms of the bitter nails, and the bitter nails did not know what was going on and they floated into the void.

The warships split into two halves seem to be afraid of more things leaking out, and they are quickly put together.

The cross section of the battleship was glued as quickly as the paste, but at this point... the bus was getting closer and closer.


The warship that had just been integrated swayed abruptly, and it broke again.

Moreover, both sides of the break crashed in the direction of the pain bus in the direction of the pain bus.

However, in the process of falling, they suddenly stabilized their figure and tried to resist the gravity of the bus and flew to the void.

Although the two warships themselves were slowly getting rid of the bus gravity, the broken parts dropped out countless pieces of debris, which were like rain falling on the surface of the bus.

The two warships are still moving upwards, which leads to more and more internal structures falling.

But they are not going to stop.

It seems that they intend to fight the gravitational pull of the bus.

However, this also led to them... being disintegrated.

Soon, Lin found that they were not only the internal parts, but the larger structures inside and even the battleship shells quickly fell off.

The two warships... quickly collapsed in the struggle.

Their outer shells and interiors are rapidly breaking into debris that spills into the bus... and even in this case, they are constantly struggling to fly to the void.

But this has not lasted for a long time.

Perhaps the cracking affected the internal engine, and finally the two warships stopped moving and crashed into the pain bus... quickly.

'boom--! ! ! ’

This was followed by the most violent explosion.

At least the biggest explosion observed on the surface of the ground after Lin knew the pain bus.

After all, even if it splits into two halves and cracks a lot, the two warships are still very big.

They crashed into the ground of the bus and frowned themselves into powder when they blasted the ground into a huge pit.

However, this does not mean that the bitter people are extinct because the warships are falling... Lin saved some.

These species are themselves 'set' well, so there are many interesting places for research.

"Do not--!!!"

At the same time, when the battleship was destroyed, Lin received a message from the large pompom in the void.

The message contains a lot of anger and... desperate emotions.

It was also sent out in the language of the bitter people. Then, Lin saw the plates near the painful bus... collectively attacked the bus.

The attack patterns of these plates are quite interesting, and they have emitted huge amounts of metal particles to the cave bus.

These metal particles are very small, they spilled a lot on the surface of the bus... and nothing special happened.

The bus turned to use the volcano to bombard these plates, and each piece hit was disintegrated in a short time.

After they turned into debris, the bus continued to attack other plates.

Lin then noticed that the particles spilling on the painful bus surface began to move.

They are assembled into a variety of shapes, although they are different, but they are all good at excavating shapes.

For example, the shape of a drill bit or a bug.

Then these things began to dig up on the bus's surface.

Lin thinks... It takes a long time for them to dig deep into the place, even if the bus doesn't obstruct... When they dig into the underground bus, the bus has destroyed the plates.

But Lynn thinks it should be a special tactic to use.

Now... the bus is continuing to attack other sectors.

These plates also counterattack, they combine a variety of weapons on the surface to bombard the bus.

However, these weapons are not very powerful.

Generally speaking, the bus is much stronger than the ordinary tumbling person. In addition, it will use gravity to protect it. The more common weapon can't hurt the bus... they can only be destroyed by the bus.

And at this time, Lynn felt a strong ... fear.

This fear appeared on the surface of the bus.

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