4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2939: Dreams in stars

When the world was destroyed... it was quite spectacular.

This dream world.

Lin is now observing the dream world in this small star.

Although Lin feels that it is interesting to explore in a dream as usual, Lin wants to test this...

The function of ‘dream energy extraction’.

Lin feels that the dream energy in the star can be extracted, which requires the establishment of a relatively large extraction device.

The dream energy in the star is not as big as the entire star, and Lin thinks it should occupy a few kilometers.

Lynn needs to make an object of close size to extract it.

And there are just a lot of... materials here.

The pain bus has been ruining the observatories, and now most of the plates are destroyed by it and float in the void.

The pain bus didn't plan to do this, and Lin found it flying to other places.

Because it also noticed that the parasite's consciousness has disappeared.

Before the pain bus was not as clear as Lin’s investigation, it did not know where the parasite consciousness was, so it destroyed the plates.

After the parasite was retracted to the star by Lin, the pain bus did not perceive it, so it was going to leave.

Lin uses a piece of debris left after the disintegration of these plates to make a large enough extraction device.

This extraction device looks a lot like a long...pipe.

It is actually more than a kilometer long, but it is only ten meters thick.

Lin plans to take the test first, and if it doesn't, increase the size.

This thing does not need to directly touch the star, just touch the ‘dream energy bridge’ built before Lin... and you can extract the ‘dream world’ from the star.

Lin is doing this now.

While drawing out the world of dreams, Lynn is also observing the ‘like look’ that it was drawn.

In the dream world, this seemingly endless world of wasteland is now...coming down.

The ground here... and everything is cracking, and it turns into countless debris that converges toward the sky.

The sky is like a giant mouth that draws everything, and draws everything from the ground to it.

The ones that have been sucked up together include a lot of dream creatures. These dream creatures are constantly struggling... but nothing can resist this suction.

Except for one.

'boom! ’

Lin suddenly found that the giant mouth that sucked everything in the sky exploded, and the dreams that were broken into pieces were also slowed down, falling in the air.

This is quite interesting, because there is something that prevents the dream energy from being absorbed. It breaks the bridge of dreams that Lynn built.

If it is a powerful creature that is resistant to it, there is such a creature here.

Is this the parasitic consciousness?

When Lin thought about it, this thing appeared.

On the fragmented land, a giant object slowly squeezes out the dust and debris and slowly floats out.

It looks like a huge virtual head.

It seems to be it... In fact, the dream world is the same as the normal void. The scenery seen here will vary depending on the ability of the creature to recognize the world.

To put it simply, what Lin sees in her dreams will be interpreted by Lin's thinking into objects close to normal voids.

This looks like a virtual head, it is the consciousness of the parasite.

Because Lin's form here is a pom-pom of about one meter, so this thing is 100 meters in size.

Although the ‘dream bridge’ was broken, it was not completely broken, and there was still a little bit of maintenance.

This point is too small, there is no way to continue to extract the dream energy in the star, but the thought connection that allows Lin to maintain the pompon is here to observe.

Lin found that behind the parasite consciousness there was a chain-like thing that was connected to the ground.

This is quite wonderful.

Because of the parasitic consciousness of this imaginary head shape, it is itself a polymer of fearful energy.

However, the chain that follows it is not fear energy.

At the moment, Lin saw the ground tremble again, and saw another huge object floating from it.

This object looks like the body of the sea urchin is a thorn shape, it is almost as big as the parasitic body, but there is a chain behind it.


In the next second, another object appeared.

This time it looks like a plant fruit called mango, which is also connected by a chain.

Lynn thinks this is very interesting.

These giant objects, in fact, each are a mass of dream energy, can be said to be a huge ‘consciousness’, but there is another greater consciousness that uses the chain to 'trap' them.

The consciousness of the parasite is just one of the ones that are being led.

Lynn felt that to see the greater consciousness that led them, in addition to waiting for it to come out, it was necessary to take it again.

And Lynn decided... Wait a minute.

Next, the ground continued to bang, and more giant objects floated out of it.

Each of these objects has a diameter of one hundred meters and a variety of shapes.

Finally, a total of nine objects floated out of the ground, and when Lin suspected that there was more, the ground of the entire dream world trembled.

Then, a huge incomparable...at least the object that is larger than all the objects that came out before is slowly rising from the festering land.

It looks like a... snowy mountain.

Simply put, it is a pyramidal object surrounded by countless white ethereal debris.

The chains of all objects are all connected to this 'snow mountain'.

"not enough."

At the moment it appeared, Lynn found that it sent this signal.

The meaning of ‘not enough’ seems to mean... is it still an object?

Because Lynn found that there were ten chains on it, only nine were connected, and one was... empty.

Maybe it wants to connect with what it looks like.

So, Lynn sent some communication signals to it, but it did not respond to Lynn's signal.

It just repeats the signal of 'not enough'.

Seeing it like this, Nalin decided to continue to absorb it.

Lin can take it to Lin's ... arms and then slowly study.

Now, Lin is ready to continue to build a more solid ‘dream bridge.’

But when Lynn was going to build it, it reacted again... it sent some signals to Lynn.

It looked like it was willing to communicate with Lin, but it seemed to be a ‘self-talking’.


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