4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2945: Common pain

"Starry sky...why..."

The 'brains' of these frit battleships are quite interesting.

They have maintained a fairly high temperature, but Lynn can still detect their thoughts through the way of dream energy.

These warships are all in extreme pain, and they have no way to do anything.

But these warships seem to have a special effect.

That is the pain bus is not moving at this time.

When the more warships approached the bus, the bus itself stopped moving. It seems that the group of warships used the method to drag the bus.

At the moment the bus stopped working, Lin found that the creator's ‘star’ moved.

It is slowly drifting towards the bus.

It seems like Lin thinks... It is trying to solve the bus by impact.

Now the stars are accelerating, and the observers and debris that float around them all fall toward the stars... and finally disappear into the 'fire sea' on the surface of the stars.

The speed of the stars is getting faster and faster, and the pain bus is still completely inactive.

Soon, this incomparable giant has approached the 20,000-kilometer range, and the fragile warships that it had released before have also fallen to the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, the shape of the bus is very small in the face of the huge stellar, and it also falls with the battleships towards the sea of ​​fire.

The painful bus seems to have fallen into the embarrassing state of the past, and it did nothing at all.

So it will definitely be swallowed up by the star's fire, so Lynn did some special moves.

The small explosion of ‘Boom’ exploded in the mind structure of the pain bus. At this moment, the bus was as if it had awakened, and its entire figure disappeared on the surface of the star.

The bus was delivered at the moment when it was more than ten kilometers away from the star.

It seems that it is feasible to wake up the bus in this simple way... the little explosions in the nervous structure are made by Lin.

In fact, the shackles of this bus are somewhat different from those caused by the painful energy.

The pain bus was caught in the same ‘pain’ as the frit.

The fragile warships have felt pains as they approached the bus... and their painful content is that they feel that they have been abandoned by the 'starry sky', that is, their beliefs.

There is no ‘painfulness’ in the frit, and there are very few things in life that make them uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable thing is that they find themselves unable to achieve their own beliefs...that is, they cannot sublimate...cannot be part of the stars.

Although the 'brains' in the battleship should be composed of frits that have been sublimated, they still believe that they have not sublimated.

When they approach the bus, they feel that they can never sublimate, as if they were abandoned by the stars.

What is more amazing is that Lin found that the bus has a similar idea.

Although the bus has now transformed its own neural structure completely unlike the bus, Lin can still detect some of his current ideas through the painful energy of his nerves.

Before it couldn't move, it also thought like the frit... It was abandoned by the starry sky.

This is a bit of a surprise, because the painful bus seems to have exactly the same ideas and the same beliefs.

Of course, it was originally a normal bus without this belief, but now there is a starry belief... This seems to be due to the relationship between pain and energy.

This feeling is still a little possibility.

...because, ‘star beliefs’ are not created by the creators.

Although the creators used this belief to make the frit continue to sublimate, this belief actually came from other places.

The creator learned this belief by chance and felt that it was very useful, so let it spread in the frit civilization.

And the painful bus is now in this state...indicating that perhaps the painful energy had previously been exposed to this belief.

But the most special place is... It seems that the pain bus also believes in this kind of thing, otherwise it will not feel pain with the frit and will not move.

It is not yet known where this belief came from, perhaps the belief in certain individual creatures.

Or from what strange place.

But there must be something special, the pain bus will believe.

And now Lin knows that if there is a creature similar to its 'painful concept' near the pain bus, it seems to feel the pain of those creatures.

This is quite interesting.

Now the bus is transported to a location that is close to the original location...that is, a distance of one million kilometers from the star.

The creator's star is now gone, maybe it feels that this distance is not easy to attack the bus.

However, the pain bus did not intend to escape.

Lin found that it was flying fast toward the stars of the creator.

Its speed... is much faster than what Lynn has seen before.

Lynn thinks it might have been added to full speed... and the star has also accelerated to crash into the painful bus.

Lynn felt some 'accident' emotions.

The creator was still thinking about how to attack the painful bus, but did not expect the pain bus to crash directly.

This makes it... very unexpected.

Because Lin has been trying to send dream energy to the stars since the beginning, this can slightly detect the idea of ​​the fusion maker.

Now both sides are rushing to each other quickly... and Lin feels that this time there is no need to stop it.

Because the bus knows what it is doing.

Soon, this small bus once again approached its huge opponent.

It did not stop at all, and rushed directly into the hot sea of ​​fire in front.

At the moment of contact with the surface of the star, the shape of the pain bus also sank.

In this case, Lin remembered the scene when she used Midgart to enter the interior of the star.

Surrounded by violent surges, the miniature arms on the painful bus surface can be seen very clearly.

The bus seems to be purely separated by ‘gravitational protection’,

But...the bus didn't last as long as Midgart.

After a few seconds, the surrounding fire suddenly slammed into the pain bus, and the entire bus's surface instantly collapsed.

But this is not a real star, its temperature and other aspects are much weaker than real stars.

Even so, the surface of the bus is melting quickly, and the creatures on the ground are instantly ash.

But... Lin noticed a special thing.

That is what Lynn felt... in the center of this ‘star’, the room made by the creator.

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