4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2949: Lost low temperature

"Pain... is spreading."

In this place, all creatures are changing color quickly.

It seems that something that is not a creature is also changing color.

Flying ‘snowflakes, crawling bugs on the ground, and... porous rocky ground and walls.

They slowly dyed a layer of black, and when the things that were originally active were black, they slowly moved.

This is actually a change in their 'mood'.

The emotional changes in these creatures are reflected in the color of their bodies and also affect their own temperature.

When they are depressed, the temperature will be lower and lower.

In fact, the same is true for frits, and all the creatures here seem to affect their own temperature because of their emotions.

And when they are 'desperate', they will completely lose their temperature... into a state of death.

It’s like what Lynn sees now.

Somewhere in the pain bus there is something that can spread the painful energy, and then it begins to spread energy at the base of this fusion.

All creatures are suffering at this moment... But what makes Lin feel interesting is that the walls on the walls seem to change color because of the painful energy.

They are not creatures. At least Lin doesn't think that the ground and the walls are creatures, but Lin found that there are some substances in it that will respond to the painful energy.

The spread of energy also helped Lin complete the conveyor stabilizer, and when the surrounding creatures fell to the ground due to pain... Lin made the can-shaped stabilizer continue to build quickly.

Soon, Lynn sent more micro-arms to come in.

These miniature arms quickly flew to a variety of objects around them, and then drilled into these items to begin the process of decomposition.

Lynn wants to transform everything in the warehouse of this item, and they can make them into a larger unit.

At the same time, Lynn is also paying attention to the situation of the creator.

In the room of the creator, Lin also put some micro-arms. This place seems to have been affected by pain. It can be seen that the flying 'snowflakes' are rapidly blackening and falling.

The same is true of the creators themselves.

Originally its body shimmered like a real snow mountain with dazzling white, and now... it slowly darkens.

Does it mean that the emotions of the creator itself will affect its temperature?

And... is it also affected by pain?

According to what Lin sees now... It seems that this is true. Everything here is dying quickly. After the blackened snowflakes, they all slammed into the wall and waited for a variety of conveniences.

The creator also lost its original luster because of the spread of darkness... Finally... it was completely infected.

This is quite wonderful.

Lin looked at the creator who was completely blackened in front of her eyes. It looked... it seemed to be over.

It feels the same when it feels touched. The creator itself is also very hot, but when Lynn touches it, it has no temperature.

To be precise, it becomes a temperature that is 'normal' to cellular organisms.

But this does not seem to mean... the end.

Because Lin found that the internal structure of the fusion is still changing.

...under its dark exterior, the tissue inside is strenuous, like when it is hot.

Although Lin said that it did not directly touch it when it was hot.

But it does move very intensely...

This is precisely because it is full of painful energy.

The painful energy transmitted by the pain bus in some way infects all the creatures here, and the other invaded creatures can be said to have almost completely died.

But the creator... but ‘created’ another kind of vitality.

Lynn can perceive some of its thoughts from the painful energy in it... it turns out.

From here you can know some things that Lynn didn't know before, which is actually related to the frit.

When the frit itself dies, it will become the raw material used to create various things...

Or directly become an item with various functions ‘the benefits of the stars’... or directly to the highest temperature stellar-like small fireball ‘sublimation’.

In fact, all these changes are related to the frit's own thinking.

Most of the frits are constantly praying for their sublimation to the stars in their lives. It seems to be a group of very simple ideas, but it is actually quite complicated.

Each frit will make a variety of imaginations based on the changes in the stars.

For example, if a certain frit sees which star flashes a little, it will feel that it has been stared by the stars, or feel that the prayers have been effective all the time, it will become more confident, and its own temperature will also increase. .

Each frit is lifted in different ways, some seeing the stars twinkling, some seeing which stars are lined up, while others seeing meteors and the like.

In the thinking of the frit itself, there is a set of 'standards of starry and lingering phenomena'.

As long as the starry sky shows a certain phenomenon at a certain time and responds to their expectations, they will feel that they have sublimated... hope, and thus sublimate.

Conversely, if the stars do not show a specific phenomenon at a specific time, they will lose confidence and become cold.

The accumulation of self-confidence has led them to eventually become 'stars', and the multiple losses have caused them to cool and become 'cold stones'.

Generally speaking, the various phenomena of the starry sky, such as when the stars are arranged, are fixed time.

But this is not the case for frits. They are not based on 'visual', although they are also based on the rays of the stars to know where the stars are.

But because their high temperature bodies change at all times, the starry sky they see will be a little different every time.

For example, if you look at three stars now, you may turn into six or more after a while.

The state of the distant stars is 'random' for them, and of course the close things are stable for them, but the farther they are, the more unstable they are.

They can create a device for stable observation of the starry sky...but they never do it.

So for a frit, whether they are sublimated or lost... is completely random.

Of course, the lost frit is much more than the sublimation, at least until the welder controls them.

Simply put, they are based on their own emotions to decide whether to sublimate or cool.

So it's easy to make them sublimate, just let them continue to feel confident and improve their mood.

The creator will control the sublimation of the frit or cool it very early, but... it is difficult to control.

That is... how to make a frit into a 'best of the stars'.

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