4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2961: Chasing

It seems that for a long time... it has lived a life of being chased.

The first batch of amber creatures, known as the investigation team, attacked it immediately after they discovered the king of eternal pain... they did not say any reason.

Just want to... kill it.

Fortunately, the king of eternal pain is carrying weapons in his travels in order to deal with the same kind of attack that he may attack at any time.

For the investigation team that suddenly attacked themselves, the King of Yongtong launched a counterattack and successfully solved them all.

Lin found that the king of eternal pain is quite strong...not only because of its equipment, but also because of its physical ability, which seems to be much stronger than the average amber creature.

However, this is not the first attack.

The King of Everlasting did not kill the members of the investigation team, it left one and asked why they attacked it.

And this member told the king of eternal pain... because the king of eternal pain came into contact with the evil of taboos, and then it committed suicide.

Next, the attack continued in succession.

Successive killer forces, landed from the sky to the surface, and looked for the king of eternal pain to try to kill it.

The King of Everlasting has always been avoiding and countering them.

It has solved a lot of teams all the time, and slowly learned some reasons in the process.

It learned about the painful bus from these killings.

The king of eternal pain knows that the same kind of people in the void have paid the friend of the pain bus.

Painful buses provide them with painful energy, so they are no longer lacking in energy...but the painful bus tells them that the creatures on the surface and on the surface may be contaminated by evil.

Including the king of eternal pain and all the creatures on the surface, the pain bus told them not to have any contact with them.

Especially the king of eternal pain, the pain bus thinks it has been linked to evil, and it may try to do something dangerous.

For example... use calm energy to pollute all floating islands in the void.

Therefore, the amber creature living in the void is going to kill the king of eternal pain.

After learning the whole thing slowly, the King of Yongtong tried to contact the same kind of the void and told them that they did not have any evil contact.

But...the other party did not give it any response, but sent more killers.

On several occasions, even the area where the warship was bombed was almost always a killing attitude.

It has survived again and again, not only because of its strong relationship, but also because it does have contact with evil.

Since the deepest part of the big hole where the population occurred, its thoughts often appear from time to time.

The voice told it the arrival of each attack and told it where it should be safe to avoid bombing.

Because of this, it is a hundred battles.

Finally, the king of eternal pain also recognized the fact that these same kind have completely regarded it as evil.

They have no intention of letting the king of eternal pain survive.

At this time, the voice appeared again.

In fact, for the king of eternal pain, this is not a sound... It does not feel who is communicating with it.

This content appears directly in its memory, so for the king of eternal pain, this seems to be the feeling that it suddenly wakes up.

In the sense, it thinks that those who live in the void... are already the pain of the bus.

It doesn't make sense to them. They are a group of creatures controlled by buses.

... Therefore, the responsibility for reviving the entire civilization falls on the king of eternal pain.

The King of Everlasting once again went to the former underground cave, but it found that the creatures it had encountered before claiming to be the world's shapers were gone.

However, the King of Everlasting found some information left by it.

This information is stored in a device that is very old in the technology of amber.

The king of eternal pain found its message here, the creature that claims to be the world's shaper... The calm energy burst is its impact.

It is mentioned here that the calm energy outbreak is a last resort.

That is because... At that time, there was a huge amount of painful energy coming out in the depths of the world. In order to suppress the pain, the shaper made the world full of calm energy, and the calm energy burst occurred.

If the painful energy erupts, it will kill all the creatures on the ground, but there will be no such thing as a calming energy explosion, just let them become... a wanderer with no desire.

It’s been a long time now, and the painful energy in the ground has stabilized... There is a mention in the literature that the king of eternal pain can go to some places to find painful energy.

The king of eternal pain came up with the idea that it decided to use these painful energy to recover the civilization on the ground.

So it has been working hard all the time.

Then it tried to catch amber that wandered around and made the amber its substitute.

When the next killing force came, it used this substitute to kill them, and the chasing troops mistakenly thought they succeeded... killed the king of eternal pain.

This plan was indeed successful, and no more chasing troops arrived.

Then the king of eternal pain began to implement his own plan.

Because there are quite a lot of unintentional amber creatures on the ground, you can reorganize civilization by just waking them up.

According to the information, the King of Yongtong did find some places where he could find the painful energy, so he used this energy to recover many of his kind.

Then it brings these similarities together and tells them a lot of things.

These ambers therefore fully trust the king of eternal pain, and believe that the same kind of living in the void has become the bus of the bus.

They include the king of eternal pain and don't know what the bus creature is. They just think it is a very powerful creature, and they will subconsciously feel that... the bus is an untrustworthy creature.

Then, the King of Yongtong continued to use painful energy to recover more of the same kind.

In order to avoid being discovered, they mainly live underground, but they have been developing various weapons.

They have been waiting for the opportunity to fight with the same kind in the void.

The king of eternal pain has been trying to find the same kind of intelligence in the void.

But now it is very difficult to get the information in the void... When it is troubled by it, it suddenly has a strange place.

This place is located in the newly excavated underground space.

Here, it finds ways to connect directly to the floating land of the void.

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