4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 140: Riverbank life

“Construct, shape, and shuttle the ocean.”

On the Gemini Island in the distant ocean, the brain worm is on the beach with Xiaofeilong. It plans to build a boat that can be moved at sea with wood. Because of the battle with the Inca, the brainworm is aware of the water. The importance of mobility, it is also intended to produce aquatic units, but for the brain worm population, it is not so easy to make a new unit, it takes a long time.

Therefore, it is better to build a ship.

Shipbuilding requires a very deep technology. Brain worms think so, but what they don't know is that in the distant continent, a group of dwarf creatures have mastered this technology...


Here is a river that runs across the wasteland. This is the only stable source of water in the wasteland. It is also called the 'Dragon River'. This is the name of the dragons, because this river often has a giant dinosaur. So named, and recently, a number of new residents were on the river near the salt fields.

After the transition from the jungle gnome to the river gnome, the life of the gnomes has changed a lot. The gnomes don't like to live alone, so they use the various bones on the road to create a cave-like 'house'. They are also filled with bones around their sites. They especially like to put some skulls together around the house, which seems to have a scary effect on some other creatures.

This can probably be called a 'horror totem'.

Gnomes adapt very well to the new environment. Their original dark skin quickly adapts to the sun, but the original dwarfs mainly feed on the small pterosaurs of the cliffs and their eggs. Their blow arrows are also very suitable for dealing with these light and thin little pterosaurs. But on the wasteland here. There are huge dinosaurs and all sorts of dangers everywhere, and the gnomes have adopted a special way to cope with this danger.

"Wow! Oh! Hey!" On the bank of the hot sun, the new leader of the gnome waved the thigh bone in his hand, which was directing the dried vines and hollow bones that the gnomes used to find nearby. Tied together and made into the shape of a leaf.

The bone and the vine are three meters long and one and a half meters wide. The gnomes are quite skilled. It seems that they have been made before.

Lin's pompoms have recently focused on the lives of these gnomes. If they don't adapt, they may be extinct. Now the pompons have changed color and watched them in the sky.

The leader commanded the gnomes to make ten ships. Each of them had five gnomes on it. They used arrows and other weapons. After they got on the boat, a large number of gnomes pushed them into the river. .

The leader himself was also sitting on one of the ships. The ship also used a bone to build a high platform so that it stood on it when they all entered the water. The leader shouted at the thigh bones; "Wow!"

This may be the meaning of moving forward.

The pompons also followed them to the river, and before that, Lin had never confirmed where the river was heading. Now it's time to confirm where the river leads.

Over the years, in addition to observing the life of various creatures and building bases, Lin has been mainly making a special issue. In general, it has been completed, but it needs to wait for a special moment to start...

Continue to observe their lives before that, and the things that make the world of dreams... In the dream world, in addition to creating a different and interesting world, there are many other uses, such as Lin can There, the experiment put together some arms and then put them out.

This can save a lot of nutrients. It is very troublesome to put together more nutrient transformations, and it is very fast.

However, let's take a look at the outside now...

There are no propulsion methods for the gnome's ships. They let the boat drift slowly along the slow river. If you want to change direction, they will use some longer leg bones, but the boat made purely by bones and vines has no point. Into the water, this is a very good structure.

Obviously, they should have made something similar before, although they were not seen on the cliff.

Lin followed the gnomes and flew to the center of the river. They stopped after floating more than 100 meters on the water. The water flow here was quite slow. It seemed to be a good place to stop the boat. Under the command of the leader, the gnomes jumped into it. In the water, the leader has been staying on the ship, and some gnomes are responsible for holding the ship by the side of the ship and not allowing the ship to change position.

After a while, the gnomes in the water swam up. They basically bite fish or other aquatic creatures in each mouth. After they threw the fish on the boat, they dive and continued to capture.

Gnomes are very good at swimming, and the boat is for food rather than mobile.

So, they don't go hunting the dinosaurs and trap plants that are difficult to deal with in the wasteland. Are you catching these fish here? If this is the case, then you should live your life. Lin should also leave. The pompoms will continue to drift upstream, and maybe something special can be found in the upper reaches.

Something special...?

Just as Lin thought so, the pompom suddenly saw a white object appearing on the river, and it slowly drifted down the water.

This is... Bai Haolong? Sure enough, they are also distributed elsewhere, and they have to go upstream to see it.

“Wow?” The gnome leader saw the white dragon that floated down the water. The white dragon floated right beside its boat, and the leader tentatively stretched out the thigh bone to poke the white dragon.

"Hey!" Bai Haolong suddenly reached out and grabbed the thigh bone in the hand of the leader. It violently dragged the gnome leader into the water...

"Wow, ah!" The gnome leader suddenly yelled after falling into the water. The gnomes who had been fishing in the water immediately gathered. They directly bit the whole body of the white dragon with fangs. These gnomes almost in the water. The fish is as flexible as the white dragon, and there is no chance to fight back. The blood that flows out is red with the surrounding river.

"Wow!" After confirming that the other party was killed, the gnome leader shouted, and all the gnomes immediately pushed the boat back to swim, even the body of the white dragon was not needed...

Lin feels that these gnomes should live in the river, otherwise they can't understand so much. Now the blood from the white dragon spreads in the water, and its **** smell makes the upstream float down again... a creature. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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