It is dead.

Here is the depth of the ‘amber ball’.

Lynn made an orange pompom floating in the air here.

At the same time, Lin also used this orange pompon... to communicate with the ‘King of the Last Pain.’

It is willing to communicate with Lin, mainly because Lin will use its ‘language’.

The language used by these ambers living on the earth's surface is different from those in the void. The void is mainly exchanged with particles of painful energy.

Although the king of eternal pain also has that language, it does mainly use another language for these ambers living underground.

Their language is to show the cracks of different shapes on the body to communicate.

It may seem simple, but the language seems to be universal to the creator.

Because Lynn found that both the creator cub and the dream creator understood the language, it seems that this is a kind of creator.

Although creators generally transmit information using the nucleus of a living being as a carrier of information, in reality there are many languages.

Lynn found that creators have a lot of common languages... the general meaning is that they are natural to understand.

Even if I have never studied it, I have never touched it, but when I see these traces, they can immediately understand what it means.

The king of eternal pain uses one of the creators of the creator.

They are said to have slowly started using the language when they started living underground. As for the past, they still communicated with painful energy.

It didn't make it clear how it was changed to the creator's language, and when Lynn asked and asked Lin to take the position of the device, the king of eternal pain... died.

Its death is very sudden, it is completely inactive and then falls to the ground.

Then the body structure slowly disintegrates and then becomes a pile of debris.

However, it does not seem to be really dead.

Because a few seconds after it turned into debris, Lynn found a black thing crawling out of the 'corpse'.

This group of things is actually the painful energy carrier in it, and every normal amber has, but Lynn has never heard of this group of things will climb out after they die.

So, Lin let the pompoms follow it.

This group of painful carriers is itself a group of things like small bugs, each of which controls these substances.

And this is to climb out after death, it means that it has its own consciousness, not controlled by the body of amber.

Lynn observed it crawling in the cave for a while, then it climbed toward the exit of the cave.

Lin found that it quickly approached a non-desirable amber wandering in the hole, and Lin found it jumped directly to the amber when it approached.

Then the black group was rotated like a whirlpool, and a hole was drilled in the amber.

The amber continued to wriggle and struggled, but it was of no use, and soon it fell... on the ground.

Then, Lin found that the black moved to the center of the amber body, and then the amber slowly again... floated up.

At this time, the surface of the body of the amber showed a crack. It means: "Where did we just say?"

It turned out to be... it is like this.

"So... go to that place."

The amber ball made by Lynn can also communicate with the creator's crack language on the body surface.

Lin first discovered that after using this language, she thought of making such a pompom and communicating with it.

Then, the pompon left the cave with it, to the location of the device that could smash the world and use the creator to make the key.

Lin wants to see what the device is, and Lynn carefully understands what she just did.

Lynn found that it was completely unaware of what happened to him.

It doesn't think that it has been 'dead'. In fact, in its memory, it feels that it has been chatting with pompoms.

So Lynn thinks it should be the case.

When it was discussed with Lin, Lin felt that it was a lot longer than the usual amber.

It tells Lynn about its birth until now... In fact, it has been alive for thousands of years.

But in general, amber can't live for a long time, and their life expectancy is only tens of years.

Their bodies will constantly 'wear' when they are alive, and they will not be repaired, and they will die sooner or later.

And this king of eternal pain... lived far more than other amber.

It considers itself to be 'physical special', but it has also gone through many kills.

Although it tells Lin that it survived in various ways, Lin felt...

It may have been killed many times... but it has not been completely destroyed.

Every time the black matter in its body was not destroyed, so it drilled into other amber to ‘resurrection’.

This is quite interesting.

Moreover, the amber that constantly sends troops to hunt it in the void knows this, knowing that it will be 'resurrected' as long as it does not destroy the black matter in it.

Finally, the king of eternal pain tried to make a ‘replacement’, and when the hunting squad killed the avatar and found that the black object did not run out, he thought it was completely killed, and then stopped hunting.

Lynn thinks this should be the case... So Lynn feels that this king of eternal pain is not a normal amber creature.

It is a kind of other creature that feels like an amber creature.

In short... I will follow it to see the device.

The pompons fluttered on the surface of the amber ball for a while, and Lin found that there were many other creatures on the surface except for the amber.

These creatures are all in a state of no desire, they are all wandering around.

After drifting for almost ten kilometers, Lin and the King of Everlasting came to the entrance to the 'device'.

This entrance is very inconspicuous, a small hole with a diameter of two meters on the ground.

After drifting in, Lin found that it was a place with intense pain.

The cave wall here contains intense painful energy, and Lin found that there are painful and crystalline ingredients everywhere.

As the environment deepened into the surrounding area became wider, the last King and the King of Yongtong came to a vast underground cave.

It looks's not like a cave, it's like a huge mechanical interior.

The ground is golden, and it is made up of countless large and small... gears.

And there are a lot of gears floating in the air here.

They are the largest one meter, the smallest is only the size of a cell.

Lin found that they were floating slowly as if they were alive here. When Lin and the King of Everlasting came, they quickly spread to the side.

"These are the 'devices.'" The King of Yongtong said: "Every one is."


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