4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2967: Assault

"Since we captured it... then we have to destroy it. The novel."

"But how do you destroy it? Use that to blow it up?"

This group of amber is surrounding the creator and discusses many things.

For example, **** the king of eternal pain.

They agree to completely evaporate it with the most powerful explosives available today.

Lin has always been communicating with them about things, mainly to further understand their society.

Because they are also very interested in Lin, Lin also told them about the pompon.

This group of amber organisms has shown great interest in the world of cell biology.

Lin knows that the life of these ambers and Lin heard from the King of Yongtong is not very different. They built their own homes on those virtual platforms.

At the same time, they did throw a lot of low-level residents on the surface during the period of painful energy shortage. They didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this, but they thought it was a very good decision.

When Lin and them communicated, the king of eternal pain was brought back to the battleship by them.

They said that they must first bring the king of eternal pain to the void and shut it somewhere, and then destroy it.

Lin feels that it is very likely to escape... because the painful substance inside it can be drilled alone.

Although the king of eternal pain does not seem to realize this, he simply said that Lin felt that when the painful material was drilled, it did not remember.

Or another consciousness is controlling the painful material that is drilled out.

Then the painful substance can be parasitic on it when it comes into contact with an amber. After the parasitization, it will create its own... a set of memories for the king of eternal pain.

This is why the king of eternal pain feels that his memory has not been 'interrupted'. It always feels that he has been living with a body.

And maybe this painful substance has done something else, so that it doesn't notice that it has changed its body.

Because it is very interesting, Lin does not intend to let amber kill it, but now they have taken the king of eternal pain and did not stop it.

Anyway, it won't be too late to wait until you get there.

Now, Lin is mainly paying attention to the changes here.

There has been no change since the creators were pushed forward here, and now they are all... moving.

On the ground, the gears on the wall began to rotate slowly, and they separated from the ground and the walls one by one...and flew into the air.

Then they started attacking all the creatures here...

"Ah!" The initial scream was an amber.

Its screaming method is to release some more violent material from the body to indicate that it is now... very painful.

Because, its entire body is rapidly cracking.

It's not what it wants to crack, but the tiny gears that spin like a saw at high speed, slamming into the amber shell and quickly sawing everything out to the inside.

When an amber was besieged by a large number of gears, its body was instantly broken into pieces, and the painful material in the body was spilled on the ground.

This was the most violent scream for the surrounding amber, and they immediately fled in horror.

But one after another... all the amber here was besieged by a large number of rings and the whole body was broken. The whole place instantly became amber purgatory.

Of course, it was not just them who were besieged. Lin noticed that there were a lot of gears flying over the pompoms.

The gears of these attacks are actually very small, up to a millimeter.

And when they besieged the pompoms, Lin also opened a lot of small holes in the surface of the pompon.

The 'fleece' of this pom-pom is very thick, because it is made of the surface material here... so Lynn can install a lot of weapons inside.

Numerous tiny bullets and high-temperature rays flew out of these holes, hitting all the flying gears.

As they were successively shot down by Lin, there were also more gears that continued to gather.

So, Lin stretched out a lot of tiny tentacles at the bottom of the pompoms, and they quickly blasted out to grab the broken gears and drag them back into the pompoms.

These gear scraps were quickly smashed together to make new bullets that were sent to the machine guns in the piles... and then continued to shoot the surrounding pinions.

By supplementing the ammunition in this way, Lynn persisted for a long time.

Those large gears over a millimeter have not been attacked.

When an amber was besieged by a large number of gears, its body was instantly broken into pieces, and the painful material in the body was spilled on the ground.

This was the most violent scream for the surrounding amber, and they immediately fled in horror.

But one after another... all the amber here was besieged by a large number of rings and the whole body was broken. The whole place instantly became amber purgatory.

Of course, it was not just them who were besieged. Lin noticed that there were a lot of gears flying over the pompoms.

The gears of these attacks are actually very small, up to a millimeter.

And when they besieged the pompoms, Lin also opened a lot of small holes in the surface of the pompon.

The 'fleece' of this pom-pom is very thick, because it is made of the surface material here... so Lynn can install a lot of weapons inside.

Numerous tiny bullets and high-temperature rays flew out of these holes, hitting all the flying gears.

As they were successively shot down by Lin, there were also more gears that continued to gather.

So, Lin stretched out a lot of tiny tentacles at the bottom of the pompoms, and they quickly blasted out to grab the broken gears and drag them back into the pompoms.

These gear scraps were quickly smashed together to make new bullets that were sent to the machine guns in the piles... and then continued to shoot the surrounding pinions.

By supplementing the ammunition in this way, Lynn persisted for a long time.

Those large gears over a millimeter have not been attacked.

When an amber was besieged by a large number of gears, its body was instantly broken into pieces, and the painful material in the body was spilled on the ground.

This was the most violent scream for the surrounding amber, and they immediately fled in horror.

But one after another... all the amber here was besieged by a large number of rings and the whole body was broken. The whole place instantly became amber purgatory.

Of course, it was not just them who were besieged. Lin noticed that there were a lot of gears flying over the pompoms.

The gears of these attacks are actually very small, up to a millimeter.

And when they besieged the pompoms, Lin also opened a lot of small holes in the surface of the pompon.

As they were successively shot down by Lin, there were also more gears that continued to gather.

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