4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2975: Through

"Now, it's the final moment... everyone is ready! Follow our new world and rush into the abyss of eternal pain!"

It seems that they are ready. Fiction.

The fragile battleship in the void is planning to make the next round of attacks.

However, the pain bus is not going to wait for them.

All the floating islands have landed on the surface of the pain bus and are tightly glued to the surface of the pain bus.

In fact, they landed a lot of sticky materials and grabbed them.

Then, the pain bus headed towards its target amber ball.

There was a lot of amber warships in the ah’s emptiness... Lin didn’t know how much they were.

This time, there were tens of thousands of boats and large warships mixed together, and they bombed the bus with fierce firepower.

Most of the attacks exploded before approaching the bus, and the rest were intercepted by the 'floating islands' on the bus's surface.

In the flash of the explosion, the painful bus continued to move forward... and soon approached the amber ball.

The surface of both sides began to tremble, as if a simultaneous earthquake had occurred.

However, the amber ball is more violent.

A large number of cracks quickly spread across the surface of the entire ball, where the gears were located... the rocks that were blocked were also cracked by vibration.

Countless gears rush from the inside, they are quickly assembled and seem to want to make up a huge object.

'boom! After an instant, a large number of gears were scattered.

Not only that, but even their gushing position collapsed a huge gap of several kilometers wide.

The depth of the crack feels... I can see the core position of the amber ball, there is no high temperature material... there is only an environment similar to the surface, a lot of orange-red objects, and a lot of gears.

These gears are buried in the depths of the ground, and Lin feels that they may occupy the core of the underground.

At this time, if you look at the sky on the surface of the cracked amber ball, you can clearly see the surface of the bus coming to this oppression.

Although the surface of the bus was shaking, it did not appear to be cracked very stably.

The surface of the amber ball is constantly shattering in the frenzied tremors. Many of the pieces that have fallen from the surface are not falling deep, but rising to the sky. Like the raindrops, pieces of amber **** are spilled on the pain bus. The surface.

The distance between the two sides is only one hundred kilometers, and the rift of the ground has expanded to tens of kilometers wide, and its length is almost across the world.

The amber ball has a lot of creatures, some of which have been sent away by Lin, and some of them... including the residents of the King of Yongtong, are now watching the end of the world.

‘咔’ is only 30 kilometers away, and the amber ball is already in the process of collapse... cracked.

The rift that appears on the surface of the earth has been spreading downward until it sees the starry sky at the other end.

At the same time, Lin also saw a lot of gears, they are completely squeezed in the core position of the amber ball, forming a small ball composed of gears.

I don't know what they want to do.

The pain bus continues to move forward, ten kilometers... five kilometers... one kilometer.

At the moment when the two worlds were put together, an unbeatable explosion... bloomed.

The two worlds, as well as the nearby frit battleships, were all swallowed up by the violent light, and then... disappeared.

In fact, only the pain bus disappeared.

When the light dissipated, there was only a large number of orange-red pieces in this void.

This is a proof of the amber ball, except for them, the frit battleship.

Most of these frit warships are incomplete, some are broken, and some are missing more than half.

It seems that I have suffered a fierce attack, but in fact, the explosion just now... Lin feels that they still have a part of their stay and it is very strong.

As for the painful bus... it completely disappeared into this void.

It seems to be successful.

Successfully arrived at the place called the abyss of eternal pain.

There is no light in this place, just as dark as a solidified void. Unlike the solidified void, it is full of intense ... pain.

It is as ubiquitous as the solidification of the solidified void, and Lin is the first to feel this intense pain.

It can directly touch the depths of thoughts, affecting not only Lin's arms, but also Lin's consciousness.

Lin felt that any sadness and pain in the past could not be compared with this pain, although Lin felt that the pain was not too much.

But Lynn knows the painful feelings of many kinds of creatures.

Lin believes that all the creatures that Lynn has encountered all the time, all the pain they feel in life can not be compared with this pain here.

This place does seem to concentrate all the painful emotions of the whole void, and the ‘negative emotions’ of any creature can be felt here.

This reminds Lin of the small nucleus. This painful emotion can directly occupy the ‘the highest position’ of biological thinking and can hardly be eliminated.

The pain here made Lin feel the feeling that she didn't want to stay here, but Lin's curiosity would not be offset by it.

Therefore, Lin will continue to stay here and observe... research.

It’s not just Lin who doesn’t want to stay here.

Lynn found that almost all of the amber who came along with the bus on the floating island committed suicide.

Amber is not a creature that can damage the mind when it changes dramatically, so they all commit suicide.

They obviously... looked down, or didn't even think that there was such pain.

Outside they are often exposed to painful energy, so before they come in, they just feel that they may feel like they have been in contact with painful energy, and with the protection of the bus, they should have nothing to do.

But after coming in, the bus didn't or didn't protect them, and the pain here was not the same as the feeling of contact with the painful energy outside. The gap was too big.

They immediately use the quickest way to find death... Some are smashing themselves, some are exploding their own bombs, and amber is usually carrying weapons.

Or use any sharp object to cut your nerves directly.

Every amber made this decision in an instant, and all the amber on the floating island was also extinct at this moment.

And the painful bus itself... can it withstand this pain?

It has no reaction right now.

Lin has a branch that continues to observe it alongside its nerve structure, and its nerve structure stops working when it comes in.

Lin recently made a communication with a successful and painful bus using the ‘amber language, so she knew about the frit and the ‘aways’.

Now Lin is communicating with it again, and it has not responded.

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