4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2983: Ice ecology

They live a very interesting life in this place.

Lynn observed this huge piece of ice for a while.

Because the bus wakes up very slowly, Lin is still paying attention here.

The creatures in this place... Lin has almost fully understood.

There are a lot of 'cell creatures' living here, all of them being the same creature.

These creatures have thick ‘skins’, and there are places on their skin that can be split and merged to express their own language.

Although they usually don't use language communication very much.

Although they are many in number... Lin thinks there may be thousands of them, they are distributed in this ice layer, but most of them are in a state of sleep, only a few...that is, several are waking up.

These waking individuals, who will quickly 'work', use thinking to form those... flies and needles.

The needles will fly quickly and look for objects that can be towed back in the vast painful space.

It includes food and some interesting things. After being dragged back, the object is observed and dismantled with ‘flies’.

There is also the need to maintain the surrounding homogeneous and ice environment.

In this place, there are still some substances that can be used as cell biological food.

It seems that because they have never encountered danger, they have no weapons or anything, although the flies can still be used as temporary weapons.

This will continue for a few days of pompoms.

During this time, these awakened individuals will become more and more painful because of their thinking, and their desire to commit suicide is getting bigger and bigger, so they go to sleep.

To be precise, their brain cells will die one after another during this time.

When the brain cells die completely, they will also fall.

But before they can't move, they will inject a special ... virus into a sleeping class.

This virus quickly infects cells in the same body and lets them...generate new brain cells.

Newly awake individuals... Their brains can be counted as new ones, but they are born with intelligence.

They know what they are going to do and how they are.

But it doesn't know anything about it, but knows that when it's going to fall... inject the virus into any of the surrounding people.

As for the various things that use the needle when they wake up, they are recorded in a room in the ice.

If it is a very special thing, they will even write the information of this thing into the virus.

This will let the next infected virus grow up with the same kind of waking up and immediately know about this thing.

Lynn thinks that their lifestyle is very interesting...

This group of creatures has lived here in this mode for a long time.

Let the brain die before it is too painful, and let the next kind of new brain grow to continue to work.

Moreover, the ice layer they live in is not a simple layer of ice. Lin found that there are some special substances mixed in it, which can slightly alleviate the painful 'infestation'.

After doing these studies on them, Lynn also discovered that this group of creatures is actually a ... creator.

Each of them is composed of a small group of cells of the creator.

It should not be the 'amber creator', and Lynn thinks it should be the state of the cub growing up here.

It is not coming here in adulthood, but growing up here in the state of a baby...

Lynn speculated that it was initially protected at a low level of pain, but protection slowly disappeared.

Therefore, in order to fight the increasingly fierce pain, it has evolved into this mode of life.

Of course, it is not clear how it changes.

Lynn feels that it is called the ‘winter creator’.

The creator who has been living in a cold and painful environment, constantly dying and reborn, referred to as the winter creator.

The name is also because... there is a relationship of 'fused creators', and Lynn feels that they are all related to the amber creator.

But the reason for confirming it is the creator is because... When testing its brain cells, Lynn found that its brain is complex and understands the language of many creators, including the ‘nuclear information’ language.

As for why it is a mystery in this place, it may have something to do with the amber creator.

Now, a miniature unit of Lynn came to the 'storage room' inside the ice.

There is a lot of ... information stored here.

This place is a room more than ten meters in diameter, and there are stones around a centimeter.

These stones are all covered with various traces.

These traces are actually records of the various things that the Winter Writer has lived here for so long.

It has hardly stopped exploring the outside, it constantly collects back various objects... and then studies these objects.

What is recorded here is the case of those objects... It can be seen that what it collects, most of which is something formed by amber matter.

The amber substance here forms various shapes according to biological thinking, so it is mainly looking for these substances.

As long as you find something strange, it means that there are creatures coming in here.

It has always searched for these clues to find creatures that enter the land of pain.

But it usually finds only the body.

And these bodies are generally ... suicidal.

Almost all creatures entering here are hard to resist the great pains of death.

The stones here are well documented for the various organisms it discovers.

Occasionally there are some suitable resources in these creatures, and winter creators also live by collecting these resources.

Lin found that there are still a lot of creatures that have come in all the time, but I don’t know what the reason is.

They usually have a large body size, that is, about a hundred meters. When they come in, they always cause various phenomena, resulting in a large amount of amber matter changes.

In these records, some organisms are also killed by the changed amber substance.

However, Lynn quickly noticed a special record.

It is mentioned here... The winter founder found some amber substances.

These substances are constantly appearing, but they never find the creatures that cause them to form.

Therefore, it believes that this may be a living organism in a painful environment, and that it always means to be alive.

Winter creators have a way to distinguish which substances are produced by which creatures.

Usually it will find the creature soon after it is found.

But only this kind of creature, it has never been found, Lin noticed... It refers to the pillars that Lin saw before reading various kinds of information.

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