4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2985: Final consciousness

"Must... kill it."

In a dark space, six creatures are slowly advancing.

In this space, it is a very difficult thing to move forward.

However, these six creatures are advancing at a rapid rate.

Almost three kilometers per second, this speed makes their nerves continue to suffer from the pain of energy.

The pain is full of their bodies, desperate to fill their minds, and every second they will countless suicides.

But there is another idea that supports them... they must move forward.

Must go... to end the dream of that creature!

"It is there."

The six creatures stopped, their bodies bloom like lotuses at the same time, and the intense light gathered in the center of their bodies and spurred out.

The target of their attack is a dark object that is dozens of times larger than them.

The beams of light from each creature hit the target, but the target was unmoved. It allowed the light to blast on itself, leaving countless holes and cracks in itself.

"Continue to attack!" They didn't stop, the six creatures spun at high speed, and along with their movements, there were a lot of flying objects around them.

These flying objects look like tiny lotus flowers, only a few meters in diameter.

Whenever a small lotus flower appears, it begins to emit dazzling light.

When hundreds of small lotuses bloom with six creatures, the violent light rain covers their targets, the dark objects.

‘Booming! ’

In the light rain, the shape of the dark object quickly disintegrated, dissipated... turned into a day of debris and drifted away.

"Knot... is it over?"

Looking at the shattered target being hit in front, the six creatures could not believe it.

They have been pursuing this goal for a long time... They are also aware of the power of this goal, it is not an opponent that is so easily killed.

This goal has the title of 'the end of civilization', which is said to have shaped and destroyed many civilizations.

Of course, the most important thing is... It wants to launch the war again, and once again put all the buses in the void into crisis.

Once again let... transfer energy into crisis.

"Try again, this time the bus won't win."

There was a 'sound' in the void.

In the perception of the six creatures, countless debris around them began to converge rapidly, forming... and finally forming a look that was awkward.

At least for these six creatures, this shape is awkward.

"There are countless changes, only for one goal, we will gather the essence of the stars... and build the path in the void."

"You must perish."

After talking about these wonderful words, the surrounding structures rushed to six creatures.

"Kill them all!"

Next, it was a fierce battle.

Numerous structures have been killed by them over and over again. They have not been damaged by the structure, but they don't know when they can end.

These things are almost endless... With the extension of the battle, their consciousness is slowly swallowed up by the pain.

After fighting for three days and nights, the six creatures finally died.

At the moment they died, all the structures collapsed.

"It turns out... so."

In fact, they did not all die.

There is another creature... its consciousness has been kept a little bit, and it has only come to light when it sees this situation.

These emerging structures are actually formed according to their own thinking.

Perhaps the original batch was made by the enemy, but what has been coming out... is what they themselves caused.

So this is an endless war unless they realize it.

But it is too late.

"We... didn't finish the task, can it know all about it? It knows... Did it come here?"


This seems... very interesting.

Lin is carefully studying the situation of the six ‘bus hunters’.

Lin found the last bus hunter, whose nerve structure was occupied by a lot of amber matter, and now Lin found that... this is actually it.

Because it was not completely dead in the last battle, its kind fell down one by one due to the erosion of painful energy, but it had a little consciousness to stay.

This awareness of it quickly understood the composition of the surrounding amber matter because of their relationship to thinking...and even learned the control method.

Then it uses the last point of consciousness to gather some amber matter, which allows these substances to get into it and occupy the nerve structure.

It is why this consciousness has this ability to control, because it has been learning...

In fact, shortly after coming in, the bus hunter 'segmented' a small part of his nerve structure.

It was originally intended to be the main nerve pain of its own death, and its small part of the nerve can also control the body to escape.

So it separates this part of the nerve and puts this part of the nerve in a state of sleeping and inactivity.

But in fact, not long after it came in, the nerves of this segmentation woke up on their own.

Even if it is asleep, it will be eroded by painful energy, but it does not suffer much from the main nerve.

So it will survive after the main nerve has died.

And because it has been doing nothing, it is observing the situation of the battle, so in the end it analyzed the amber material characteristics and tried to control it.

It actually took a long time to experiment and learned to use the mind to piece together the amber material into the desired shape.

Finally, it puts these amber substances into the body and makes them form a specific shape in the body.

After the amber substance has a specific shape...that is, after replacing the previous main nerve, it fixes them with a special...muddy thing.

In this case, even if it dies, these amber substances will not collapse and will remain in a fixed shape.

Next... it's really dead.

But the amber substance it left behind can tell what happened to the bus creatures here.

Just use the bus's neural structure to analyze the shape of the amber material and you'll know what it describes.

It seems that there has been a very intense battle here.

And the object they originally chased, Lin felt that it should be the amber creator.

Lin feels that the pain bus is also related to this. It is better to say that they should be the order of the pain bus.

It was only the last success.

The amber creator should be a very old creator. It does not grow somewhere, but the activity is in the void.

And it... want to start a war again?

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